It's about damn time

It's about damn time.

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That's nice, companies will just replace them though.

The cucks will still settle for crunch.

Go ahead. Won't end well though.

So either games will cost 80+ dollars, or they get replaced by some Indian guys.

Inb4 all UK game development companies are shifted to India.

Yes because third world games are so good.

mount and blade is a great videogame

Why does Yas Forums hate workers?

>hire women because diversity and not because they're qualified
>they don't know how to do anything
>have to train them like they're fresh out of high school
>lose days, or potentially weeks of dev time to train a new employee when you could have just hired someone who actually knew what they were doing
I don't understand what's wrong with just hiring qualified applicants, and saying fuck you to unqualified ones.

Are they going to complain about how there needs to be a 50/50 split for men and women in the workplace, even though more men are into video games then women?

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This is going to bite them in the ass.

I'd be fine with games costing 80 dollars if it meant the end of DLC, microtransactions, lootboxes, subscriptions, and all that crap.

because the word "workers" has nothing to do with workers anymore
liberals hate actual workers and pretend their video game/movie review jobs are hard work while sipping onions lattes in a comfortable office

>Sunday 16 December
The last time 16 December fell on a Sunday was in 2018. Yet people will still comment like this is current news.

I am never going to work in this industry ever fuck videogames.

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>Sexism in the games industry
It's supply in demand, ffs. It's not men's fault most women only play mobile games and work in different fields. How is this so hard to understand? Most women have Z E R O ( 0 ) interest in making sports games for EA, or lack the knowledge to do so.

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Yeah you put in the amount of work as a lawyer then you get paid dick then assholes on the internet shit on you.

How are they not workers?

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I don't hate workers. I hate the members of the middle class who don't appreciate that they actually have it quite good and incessantly whine that they need more and more benefits, more and more paid time off, more and more coffee breaks in the day, etc., etc.

So you do hate workers...

ignore him
he's one of the retards that thinks that if you're not carrying boxes around and destroying your back, you're not an actual worker

Shouldn't the goal of societal development be to continuously improve conditions for the average person? I understand disliking an attitude of entitlement, but wanting to see a strong economy reflected in better conditions isn't particularly unreasonable.

Huzzah! Death to crunch time, long live human life

No user, it's 80 for the same games being made by the same devs under the same suits.

I don't hate workers. It doesn't take a genius to realize this will inflate video game prices. It would be fine if all the predatory monetization went away when prices went up but it won't. This could crash the industry

Finally. The industry is brutal and any gains made in gaming can transfer over to other jobs.

ignore him
he's one of the retards that thinks that if you're not carrying boxes around and destroying your back, you're not an actual worker

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There are people on Yas Forums RIGHT NOW defending capitalism while eight million people are expected to literally die because it’ll be good for the economy

The communists (China), absolute monarchs (Saudi Arabia) and theocracies (Iran) are handling it worse though. Especially Iran.

At least under a capitalist democracy you're allowed to talk about the virus' existance without being thrown into the back of a van and taken to a gulag.

Let's be honest. God wants those millions to die. It's like burning all the old trees to make way for new ones. It's the circle of life.

The west is so cucked. Japan is still the only nation making good games and they make them by enslaving workers into cubicles. Normally I don't approve of slavery, but it's the only proven method.

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You don't strengthen the economy by placing more and more burdens on the private sector to fund extravagant and unnecessary lifestyles for an irresponsible public. Especially when it's something the government should be responsible for and they've just shifted the burden. Some things I can agree to, e.g. workers compensation for on the job injury, fixed work schedules, etc., but other shit, e.g. yearly paid time off, maternity leave, etc., is either the government's problem or just selfish bullshit. You want to take a couple of weeks off a year to go on holiday? Fine. But you shouldn't be paid for that. Fucking save for it.

there's no end of starry-eyed college grads hoping to get in the industry

They will just let the people who join the union go and hire all the new college grads who were already struggling to break into the video games industry. The new grads will be happy to take their place because they've got passion and loans to pay.

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Can't wait for the entire industry to move to China and/or India. It will be the end of woke culture for video games. Thanks, journos.

Is it really how it works in America? In the first world, greedy cunts are a minotrty.

RIP UK sales

The problem in the West is not offending anyone takes priority over making a fucking good game.

It will 100% not be about getting rights for vidya workers and will be a small group of champagne socialists complaining about progressive talking points instead of doing anything to help those they speak for. The moment they actually try to wring money out of their company they'll get fired and replaced by the weekend.

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If that's cheaper why haven't they already done it?

I don't think taking time off is an irresponsible extravagance. You can argue about the extent to which the government or companies should be responsible for it, but we don't live to work. We work to live.

The benefits shouldn't be at an unreasonable level compared with what the economy can actually handle, otherwise you end up with situations like the British automotive industry committing suicide by worker strikes, but the economy isn't the end goal here. The economy should serve the people, and if we have to prioritize the economy over actually having lives worth living, that's not a good thing.

And maternity leave not only isn't an extravagance, it should be vastly expanded in a time when birthrates are low. It is fucking infuriating that people have such a total lack of respect for parenthood, yet then proceed to complain that people aren't having enough kids.

Yes this is how things work in America, problem boomer?

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>western games are already half-assed, derivative, blatantly unfinished or sparse on content because development times arent allowed to exceed a year
>programmers (and people who actually matter in game development) will get absolutely no place in any union because unions are effectively mafias; code monkey spergs wont take the reins
>the only people who will seek teamster-esque protections so they can do nothing and get paid for it are the people ruining video games: PR, advertising, human resources, fat women and estro-gents and quixotic SJWs
>games now focus more on monetization schemes because if you think EA or Activision will tolerate a dent in profits without trying to strangle money out of you you're a retard
>writer's league style protections mean that the people who are ruining video games (see above) can not only peer pressure indie devs into following their champagne socialist party line, they can do it legally as well

Unions for video game employees are a universally bad idea. It's really the worst thing possible, if you defend it you don't understand shit about the real world.

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>The communists (China) are handling it worse

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Cuba’s already developed an antiviral treatment and is sending doctors around the world to aid, but OK.

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You know what this means, right?



>If that's cheaper why haven't they already done it?
It will if there ever is a union with any real power. The one in OP's link is just a sham.

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Cuba was at one point such an undesirable place to live that Florida was being flooded by them.

Games are dog shit now. Anything would be positive change. Unless you know you like AAA dogshit.

Not anymore

>birthrates are low
Why is this a problem? Earth is too crowded already, if we keep a stable population 99% of Earth's current problems will even out in the future. Overpopulation is putting strain on shrinking resources (especilally in the developing world)

>tfw companies will just lay everyone off, and move the production studio to a different country with less labour laws

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shitters who join this union because they're a literal wagie for activision wont make good games for you to enjoy

>Just let the people Gamergate exposed have a legal mafia, it cant get any worse

Come on user

not all unions are created and run equally

Tax cuts. Which is why devs are so underpaid and overworked. It is still cheap enough for the big publishers. That will change, though.

Personally, I don't want chinks and poos to make my games. They'll just be chink and poo games. Not that there aren't chinks and poos working in the US/EU games industry, but they are US/EU chinks and poos, not native chinks and poos. You know what happens when you give poos the authority to make your game? This. Apparently, Bioware had subsidized a poo company to work on the animations, as there wasn't enough time for the Montreal studio to work on them. So here's your future of gaming.

Attached: Bioware Quality Animation 10.webm (680x382, 840.78K)

Put a bullet in your stupid fucking head, you dumb cunt.

The Chinese Communist Party are responsible for the virus existing in the first place. When SARS happened they implemented restrictions on wet markets for like a year, but then just went back to doing shit like usual even though they knew that it would inevitably lead to the exact same thing happening again.

And then when it did happen again they spent weeks pretending nothing was wrong, and threatening anyone that said otherwise. Then they forced the WHO to completely ignore Taiwans success in slowing down the spread of the virus, purposefully misinforming the entire world about how they should deal with it just so people won't realize the Taiwanese government is more competent than they are.

Western AAA game devs can't possible get any worse. I don't know what you're worried about. The only games I'm looking forward to are Japanese and Turkish.
>gaymer gate

How about you tavel to Cuba and find out what a lovely paradise it is?

You dumb fucking idiot.

Because economycucks keep saying we need more workers in the workforce, and if we aren't giving birth to them, they steal workers from other countries, giving us social tensions and depriving those countries of their ability to improve their economies.

You privileged fuck face, you could be locked in your apartment by the government like in China. There are videos online of people opening these apartments and finding entire families dead from starvation.

When was the last time you gave a shit about a AAA western release?

>companies offshore and/or layoff non-union workers all the time for years
>"N-No don't unionize they'll offshore you!"

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I already did, unlike you, and the people there are happy and life comfortable lives, and all of them are convinced that their way is the way to go

And yet they are still handling it better than europe or america
Can't wait to see you open for easter :^)

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I can't help but notice you cropped off the year, OP. This wouldn't be an outdated article for a garbage thread, would it?

Excuses. Long before that was a concern, the west proved their inability to make a good game. Gameplay is an artform that we've yet to grasp, and it is met with confusion and fear.

wrong video, I meant to send this montage of government officials welding people's doors shut while they are inside.

Much, much worse.

Propaganda. Treatment? Laying in bed is a form of treatment. Nothing will work until we have a vaccine in 2 or 10 years.

Europe has a lot of nations, each handling it differently.

America....well it's to be expected when the president is a con-man

Yeah well I talked to Fidel Castro and he said it sucks.

>I don't think taking time off is an irresponsible extravagance.
Not time off, PAID time off. Why the fuck should someone pay you when you aren't doing anything?
>And maternity leave not only isn't an extravagance
My argument was not that maternity leave should not exist, it's that it shouldn't be the problem of the private sector. Welfare and subsidy is the government's department. I really don't like the way government shifts their problems onto the private sector like this. For example, I don't know how it works in other nations but in my nation companies are legally compelled to create, maintain and contribute to their employees pensions at their own expense. This is only a thing for two reasons: employees not saving their money for retirement like they should be and the government wanting to reduce their own welfare burden because the population doesn't save. It's not fair that the private sector is forced to take on this burden. It's neither their fault or their problem.

They also kill you and your family if you speak out against the government, but ok.

>if you like it so much why don't you just go live there?

Why do absolutely brain rotten fucking clowns like you keep using this as if it's somehow an argument of any kind.

Yeah, right. You go in the coffee shops the there is no coffee, the lines outside the stores that gets a new item are long as fuck because they barely get new items, there are one of every product. What a paradise. Kys you dumb commie.

Doom Eternal

you lose

These people just sit around and make games.
They should work a real job and they wouldn't be complaining no more.

Yes yes, go back to work comrade, the virus is defeated, all the cases are coming from other countries now, didn't you read glorious Chinese newspaper? The virus was American from the start. Don't worry about the coughing, just keep propping up our failing government while we monitor everything you do. For your safety, of course.

They would get fired regardless because they are replaceable and have been engaged in contract work for so long without union benefits. What is a union without a workplace to operate in?

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Gameplay can come in many forms. For example, Planescape: Torment's gameplay was the dialogue system. And it had great dialogue to back it up. No other game has ever accomplished that since.

>crash the industry
And that's a good thing.

If they fire everyone how will they make the game on time?

Because since the 1960's we have seen ideological yahoos like you praise shit like Soviet communism or Africa from the comfort of the United States, or other places with first-world amenities like freedom of speech and food, and yet you would never dare live in those places yourself. This is always the case, including right now evidently. Cuba is a shithole, fuck off.

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>Much, much worse.
Last week wasn't this whole thing a democrat hoax?

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I can't say i have ever seen a more replacable workforce argue so well and with such fervor for its own obsolescence.

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I don't think either of you went there

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It's almost like Taiwan is a legitimate state while the mainland is a hellish nightmareland whose only asset is their population

>Believing anything China says, after they destroyed evidence of the virus spreading as early back as Nov 2019 and claimed America made the virus
I'll fall for the bait, and I have no regrets about it.

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Your attempts to strawman an anonymous poster is pretty pathetic and off the mark. Stick to the topic.

How are game developers the most replaceable workforce?
>various niche skills (game programming, art asset creation, etc)
>tight deadlines

Oh nice. Might get my CV together and put "non-union" on it. Puts me ahead of any of these bellends

You know it won't