I got this fat fucking bitch in my town
Animal Crossing thread
Can you milk her?
at least you didnt get the bear or the fucking mouse
>make indian shithole island full of cow villagers
any southern hemisphere islands?
At least you can milk her, so she has SOME use.
trans rights cow haha
She's cute. Can we please trade..?
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, you degenerate
Wrong huehuehue
Cows are cool.
Motherfucker are you talking shit about the fursona of Terry Hintz?
boring and lame
when tf can i start kicking niggas out
Do you still get sick if you're out in the rain without an umbrella for too long?
I got the game today but I can't decide on my island's name, can you name it (something) Island or do they add island by default?
thanks for the (you), retard
>did all the dailies in an hour
>nothing to do until the resident services building finishes
should i..... time travel?
Я пoйдy дoить eё
I didn't know that was ever a thing in AC.
swap meet
come get rid of furniture/clothes/items you don't want and leave with something new
have one of every fruit out as well if you still need any
you get ten characters and they dont add island
Thanks for the stuff tradebro, I hope your bathroom is a little less sparse now.
they call it island
They do not add "Island".
Still looking for pears.
Got apples to give.
10 for 10
Mмм, пapнoe мoлoчкo. Яб бaхнyл ceйчac тбх
>Do you still get sick if you're out in the rain without an umbrella
I was out farming fish and clams for hours in the rain and didn't encounter such a thing
>he didn't buy tickets up front
Please someone murder this ugly frog bitch
>If you eat fruit and want to get rid of it you can just take a shit on the toliet
How long are you open for?
The fuck do you even need it for except tickets and why didn't you just stock up yesterday if you can't find anything else to do?
god why are there so many BLACKS in this game
i play video games to escape you people yet you show up on every island like the plague you are
bananas arent in fuck off
I got Sylvia a purple fucking kangaroo and I have yet to care about them. I mean Rudy is pretty close to the bottom too, but he is at least not a glowing marsupial what the shit man
for a good bit longer, not really doing anything atm
Is this shit real?
>bananas arent in
NO retard
some days in real life theres not much to do
some days in animal crossing theres not much to do
go play something else
the fuck is with these min-maxing grinders all the sudden
chill the fuck out and come back later
We gotta make this fast but I got bears and want apples. CHB5G
Nintendo forgot to sell DLC that just maxes your island out for $40
>check out animalcrossing community
>its trash
>90% bad memes
>people write the most stupid shit I've read in ages
>many usernames have "lady", "princess", "chick" or other female pointers
well that explains it
>nuke island to try to make a spider island
>spend 40 minutes digging up mole crickets with only 1 tarantula spawning
i just wanna be rich
>that feel when no music player headset that lets you listen to music you own as you walk around
on my way
>check normalfag community and be shocked at normalfags
Some galaxy brain shit right here.
>tfw got a pet food bowl from a floating present
The fuck am I supposed to do with this shit, let the neighbors eat out of it?
>not liking roos
bad taste
series by and for women.
>wheelchair and a teddy bear in Nook's Cranny
>immediately do this
Only if it let's you listen to old game tunes/new songs in style of old games
How much wood do you really need, outside of making the occasional tool? I find chopping and collecting wood to be the most tedious thing in the game and I want to know if I can just stop doing it until I find a piece of furniture that needs it.
Put it in front of Cherry's house to send a message.
Anybody else got a really slow update today?
Made by a guy. A woman is just the current director
Pretty much all furniture needs it, sometimes upwards of 20 pieces. Default wood especially is valuable as fuck. You will need a ton to build furniture for new houses.
Now that you mention it, he does kinda look like him.
Nevermind, I forgot to close the game first. Duh.
Post villagers so far
what did the update change other than removing duping?
women suck and need to stay away from anything proper or else they ruin it
People you invite over can shake your trees and steal your 2 daily furniture drops if they want.
Just remove duping, that's it.
Goddamn it.
I mean, I usually collect 30 of random wood and just put them in storage. That way if I see something I want to make right away, I can just pull some out.
>get starter villager that you hate
>don't invest a whole 5 minutes to restart for something better
Why, though?
I know I did this earlier to my friend lmao, took his wrestler bobble head toy
Got Maple too.
I'm happy with Sprocket and Lucky. A robot turkey(?) and a mummy are great.
>tfw want pig villagers but haven't met any yet
Is this game still be fun if you're an autistic fuck who never plays online?
>Default wood especially is valuable as fuck
Yeah, I always have a massive shortage of regular wood.
>got Gala
I love her...
Bud, Charlise, Celia, Ketchup, Anchovy
Sure. I'm an autistic fuck who never plays online and I like it.
Don't say that! I asked Norma to join my village, she is a very nice addition!
I restarted after I got that abomination frog Diva.
probably more fun even if you dont stress out over getting the best deals.
just do your daily things and be happy about the shit happening in game
Cool idea.
Depends entirely if you enjoy customizing your outfit/rooms/island.
Multiplayer isn't required at all
>got Al
I'm sorry
Incredibly based roster
Has fishing always been this shitty? The fish won't bite unless it's basically dropped on their face and the annoying fucks constantly change direction. I can't tell you how many times the fish turn around midcast, which drives me fucking crazy.
I want Erik so bad, he’s adorable.
The online shit is just a bonus really, it's an offline game, plus the online shit barely works. That being said I enjoy anons coming to my island to post memes on the billboard.
Absolutely haram
>not just building a retard pen to keep your island safe
Post cute villagers
just found out you can’t drop fish on other people’s islands
I was hoping to help my bro out with his museum
Im a filthy duper and time traveller
If anyone needs bells let me know
Yes, it actually works
I envy you and your oinker
You can't even donate anymore for some reason. There's no way to help people with fish or bugs except to invite people in the opposite hemisphere so they can catch stuff on your island.
>just got Chops
Kill me
Worst comes to worst it seems I can just ignore him for a few days until he requests to leave.
>king harkinian on the ground
How do you make it?
I want to get that twink cat soon
Did anyone else get Reneigh? I guess she's one of the new ones and she's one of my favorites. Honestly, the only person I don't like is Broccolo, and that's mainly because all mice are shitty.
Alright, guess I'll give it a try. Thanks anons.
holy shit the resemblance is uncanny
So bell vouchers are a fucking scam, right?
I love him, reminds me of these
Please save me from the house payments
Mice are the coolest.
16 patterns and a lot of time
I want Mitzi ;_;
When making an orchard, should I stagger the plants? I was going to plant them all in rows, but then realized they'd probably block the view and I could miss fruit, which is annoying.
Do tree saplings still visually wilt if they die? I planted a whole bunch yesterday and only a few have started to grow but the babies aren’t visually dead so?
I have
I am fairly happy having all of them. I just wish I had one of my favourites like Margie, Coco, Francine or even Chrissy or Bunni.
I tried that but I feel like the bug spawns are absolutely fucked in multiplayer. Is it just me or do stuff like scorpions, walking leaves, and mosquitoes just not spawn? Fish are all fine though. Though I'm having trouble with a Dorado and Saddled Bichir.
mah boi
hook me up i need money to austically move every building on my island
Doesn't really seem any different from before to me.
How do you make these screenshots?
Hazel and goose need to go immediately
>finally getting hourly music
Dammit, I was hoping to just play for a short while today, but I might end up playing way longer just to hear everything.
Are they spaced properly? It's hard to tell.
Probably from the phone app.
I can't find any furniture in trees, is it a specific one that I need to shake or is is just RNG?
From the mobile app, under passport
Nintendo Switch Online App.
wont spawn in fruit or coconut trees
Zelda cdi is peak vidya kino
It's definitely different. I'm not sure about the details.
I read that XOXOX spacing was okay and the back row have all grown so clearly the spacing isn’t the issue, just seems weird that the ones in the middle didn’t sprout at all
I refuse to ever use twitter so I cannot post screenshots
any tt anons on sunday? i need to buff my turnip numbers
you can use Facebook or port your SD cart
or just make a throwaway Twitter account you fuckin slacktivist
how do you upgrade to town hall?
All that comes up is my own passport.
Get 5 villagers
Any one got a hounds tooth shirt design?
ya bro, come to my island
only 1 moved in out of the 3
You need the app on your irl phone