Tifa's face and outfit is run-of-the-mill Asian chick and her tits are just ok

>Tifa's face and outfit is run-of-the-mill Asian chick and her tits are just ok
>Aerith's face and hair is pretty but now's she's flat as hell with grandma dress
>Cloud has the same Gackt inspired face from AC
This remake is a complete failure.

Attached: 1585177630456.jpg (1500x2264, 566.83K)

ya seethe, lil weeb?

Attached: 1584313827900.png (1912x736, 1.39M)

It's a remake aimed towards us ResetChads, not you pathetic weeb coomers.

this is so surreal

Aeris has the face and the body of a tranny. We could have this instead. Fuck the remake.

Attached: dissdia Aerith LOOK AT THOSE HIPS.png (553x514, 125.59K)

Looks pretty trashy

He's the most attractive video game character ever now.

That feel I got when I first got kh1 and was blown away by the feels I get with this remake.

This. ResetEra always wins, bay bay.

Attached: 1578218905139.png (394x512, 136.93K)

Attached: Final-Fantasy-VII-7-Store-Display-Cloud-Standee-Playstation-Square-Soft-Pepsi.jpg (1024x1523, 115.69K)

So do people actually think gameplay even matters anymore or is it all about how hard the characters make you now?

what a very ethical thing of you to say

He actually looks like a white guy here

resetera continues to prove that they just hate everything.

>run of the mill
Tifa is an 10/10 for an asian. That’s not saying much though

Sounds like Yas Forums honestly

I wish he would feed me with his butterfinger

Lady thats some impressive detail on the leather

>every complaint on Yas Forums about ff7r is some autistic thing about boob size or facial bone structure
you guys ever get tired of saying the same things everyday?

Attached: 1581360606524.jpg (399x384, 11.21K)

Whatever you say, Barry

Seething xtranny

I'm glad people are being at leat partially honest with their shitposting because it morphed from "her tits are completely neutered!" To "her tits are only okay...."

Holy shit I just realized how itchy Cloud must be all the time. Can you imagine all the sweat from fighting and running around wearing that sweater and that turtleneck. And the friction against it, Cloud must have a huge red rash on his torso.

based resetchads

Tifa is probably cuteness incarnated combined with a super hot body. Literally perfection.

Attached: 1584714256870.png (2512x1004, 3.05M)

Friendly reminder to the non-shills and non-drones browsing this thread:

A few days ago, I posted this official image that was released this month. These were the tranny responses:

>>post big tits
>>says there are no tits

They unironically think these are big

>Prime pussy, anyone who complains about this is addicted to BBC anyway.

BBC shitposters

>If you genuinely think those aren't a nice pair of tits and somehow evidence of ResetEra influence or whatever then you seriously need to get off the internet for a while because it's fucked up your perception.

They literally, literally, LITERALLY think these are big

And they're gonna prove me right, too. They'll reply with "Woah, those are massive". That's how delusional NuTifa cucks are.

Attached: file.png (544x707, 550.76K)

how does the Butterfinger promo work


there are three autists lurking the threads.
First is the TifaAutist original, the one that did all the autism back in e3 days. He does the "im gonna post this everyday" with a pic of OG tifa artwork edited to """look"""" like remake tifa, and the "tifa then, tifa now" posts. A lot of emphasis on the ethics department thread.
Theres also some aerithfag derailing stuff too.
Theres the "resetera baybay" autist that likes to post e3 tifa with the word "yuge" and "my b cup tifa is so cute".
And finaly theres one autist that calls everyone who disagrees with him "remakefags", and cries constantly about them in every thread. I dont know if hes one of the above.

At least Cloud’s tits remain untouched

White people look like gay manlets that diddle kids. So you are correct.

Attached: MySpace_Pedos.jpg (540x532, 50.63K)

They aren't huge but you're a dumb cuck for birching about tits in a video game When SFM will just make her tits huge agian. Stop acting like you care about censorship you just wanna fap.

Attached: 1585019744460.png (709x765, 46.09K)

not him but they look pretty huge to me

>you just wanna fap

Attached: file.png (201x201, 32.96K)

this is just normal if you're not a boomer

>Aeris is a tarnny and Tifa is nerfed
DEmake confirmed.

You dont really understand liking something in it's original form. You're probably also fine with race swapped characters, gender swapped characters, its all whatever to you. You just go with the times and that makes you feel like you're progressive.
You know nothing of loyalty.
You're 100% right, I've seen an user say "her tits are still enormous".
Honestly, i think this is what people deserve though, a remake shouldn't have happened, especially not one that is only 1/3 of 1/3rd of a game. FF7 shouldve ended at the original game. It didnt need a sequel movie, didnt need a prequel game. It was totally fine as is.

>Tifa's face and outfit is run-of-the-mill Asian chick and her tits are just ok
There is nothing "run-of-the-mill" about her but whatever faglord
>Cloud has the same Gackt inspired face from AC
I get the feeling you've never actually seen Gackt once in your life, because Cloud doesn't and has never resembled Gackt in any way, shape or form

In what universe are those not considered big tits

Told ya. These NuTifa cucks literally prove my point for me.

Keep telling yourselves that, losers.

in the "mentally ill 2d lover no girlfriend" universe

Proven right so quickly, too.

Attached: 1482010665417.jpg (413x395, 17.28K)

>those hips
holy fuck

>When we force multi-million dollar companies across the globe to cater to our agenda while diehard fans impotently seethe about it
I don't think so, sweetie :^)

The only thing being proven is that your exposure to women comes exclusively from porn

Yep, Dissidia art is in literally every way superior to what we got from the remake. She was absolute perfect back then. Now we are stucked with manface no ass Aeris

Attached: 1584674902702.png (1920x1080, 1.54M)

Attached: 1585102270593.jpg (1292x767, 58.11K)

Attached: 1585101651301.jpg (540x1023, 141.66K)

nuAeris face is so fucking off

dissidia art is one of the most soulless art out there
its literally 3d generic anime style

They pander to you because you're the useful idiots. That will stop the moment they don't need you anymore. That's how it's always worked, stupid.

"You see, the useful idiots, the leftists who are idealistically believing in the beauty of Soviet socialist or Communist or whatever leftist system, when they get disillusioned, they become the worst enemies. That's why my KGB instructors specifically made a point, never bother with leftists. Forget about these political prostitutes.
Your leftists in the United States - all these professors and all these beautiful civil rights defenders - they are instrumental in the process of subversion, only to destabilize a nation.
When their job is completed, they are not needed anymore.
They know too much. Some of them... when they see that Marxist Leninism has come to power, obviously they get offended. They think that they will come to power.
That will never happen of course.
They will be lined up against the wall and shot."
- Yuri Bezmenov, Former Russian KGB Propagandist

The only thing it needed was some polishment. It's probably one of the prettiest vidya art styles. The remake could have been so much more.


>The only thing it needed was some polishment
Nah, it lacks soul. The remake actually does a way better job, specially when they were given 2d artworks.

resetera only do these things to win.. and they ALWAYS win...

>one looks like man in a wig now
>the other went from G cups to D
Censored shit.

Imagine being that delusional.
Btw, you will never be a woman, no matter how hard you try.

Literally how big do you want Tifa's tits to be

They really had to pick the worst theme for us.
Really any other combination of character and song would have been better.
The Turks, Barret/Avalanche, a theme based on the Slums, Hojo and Shinra, really anything but a character who isn't that interesting and the worst song they could have picked out of an amazing soundtrack.

Attached: Tifa Theme.png (1699x899, 2.72M)

This is the future you fuckers chose after you insulted us when we said FF7R should've had an anime art style.

Attached: Final Fantasy VII - all cutscenes 18-31 screenshot.png (1280x720, 699.11K)

anime style is so trash

Attached: titfa.jpg (1348x864, 162.04K)

404 Tits Not Found

Attached: 1585102448930.png (1090x754, 409.53K)

Attached: 1585107262100.jpg (880x1698, 1.23M)

Attached: 1584854008643.png (1316x838, 1.76M)

Reinstall your eyeball drivers, they appear to be malfunctioning

>This is the actual image a NuTifa cuck posted to try to prove that she HAS tits
You can't make this shit up

Attached: file.png (600x600, 260.22K)

Good shit

Attached: 1585212404411.jpg (400x400, 17.33K)

In this day and age, like 30% of 16 year old girls have tits bigger than these lol
I thought this was supposed to be a Fantasy

Attached: 1585149785187.jpg (640x1009, 21.71K)

Attached: 1585008937142.jpg (584x893, 106.22K)

How does tifa not have chroic back pain?

>Those pectoral muscles

Attached: 1585151791472.jpg (336x537, 13.07K)

>those hips

Attached: 1576200523605.jpg (726x1024, 83.08K)

>Another thread of faggots complaining about FF7R

Attached: ok buddy.jpg (738x740, 102.8K)

Attached: 1584656136547.png (897x932, 793.17K)

Tifa literally got Aeris hips

Attached: 1570590059570.gif (320x240, 147K)