Git Gud

>Git Gud

No, I'll just go play a game that respects my time. A fun game. If you play games for "challenge" and a sense of "acheivement" you're fucking pathetic, go learn the piano or carpentry if you're gonna throw years of your life into something. Being super good at video games is a worthless skill.

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>respects my time
This phrase is the ultimate sign of a fucking retard. Learning things takes time. Things worth doing take time. If you don't want your time "wasting" then you're admitting to everyone that you're lazy. That's all there is to it.
What you'll do with your precious unwasted time is do the same things over and over again, never learning, never changing, never improving. Pathetic behavior and an absolute brainlet cope.

I'm a literal god at everything I do that's the problem. Dark Souls was the only game to truly test my limits and capabilities as a gamer.

>Learning things takes time.
There's a limit.

If a game like Nioh expects you to spend 1+ hour learning every boss then that's bad design. I don't care if you did it on your 4th try, most people don't and games should cater to most people not you and your handful of no lifer friends whose only skill in life is having nothing to do all day but bash your head against video games.

Eh, you don't have to practice 8 hours a day and be glitchless speedrunner-good at Sekiro to finish it.

I play games like 1-2 days a week and I'm still making progress at it. By contrast I have to practice guitar every day to keep getting good.



BASED, video games are completely worthless and only played by beta males.

>I'm a spatial awarelet who is unable to reach a high ceiling
don't worry we can tell

good succinct post that would only be improved by removing the mindless buzzwords

>This phrase is the ultimate sign of a fucking retard. Learning things takes time

So does learning to shoot eggs out of your anus into a basketball hoop from center court. Just because something is challenging doesn't mean it's worth doing.

>Things worth doing take time.
But there's literally no such thing as a video game "worth doing" user. It's not a life skill or something that will help you grow in a meaningful way as a person. It's literally base entertainment and children's toys.

But this post is idiotic? There are even harder games that are even more enjoyable. So what the fuck are you talking about?

>Yas Forums once again confirms fun things are not fun

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>he's never played a video game where they expect you to repeat the same action for literally 30 hours to "git gud"

Oh to be young and ignorant again.

If you enjoy it then it's worth doing

Tardlet brigade upvoting

>brigade upvoting
I can't even comprehend what the fuck are you trying to say with this abhorrent post, please cease to post on this board.


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>hard good
>easy bad
Oh fuck off, tryhard. What kind of idiot do you have to be to think hard is good?
>wow!! You only work 40 hours a week? Try working 100 casual, get on my level faggot, ahahahaa git gud
>LMAO! you get your water from a tap? Fucking scrub, walk to the stream and collect it in a bucket and walk back with the bucket balanced on your head like a third-worlder, fucking pleb, git gud
>seriously, you cut your lawn with a lawnmower?? Fucking retarded zoomer kiddie, get down on your hands and knees and cut each blade of grass with a pair of scissors. You casuals disgust me!!!

Literally every advancement made by humans has been made to make things easier, because we all intuitively know that easier = better.
>light bulbs instead of candles and lanterns
>cars instead of horses and wagons
>toilets instead of squatting in the streets like indians

Wanting things to be hard is a sign of lack of culture and refinement. Things in life should be easy. Unless your hard work in games is making things easier for others, there is nothing to be celebrated in playing hard.

>No, I'll just go play a game that respects my time.
Yes please. Unironically wish more people would do this instead of whining about the difficulty and ruining future games in the series.

>If a game like Nioh expects you to spend 1+ hour learning every boss then that's bad design.
For a faggot like you yes.

>I can't even comprehend what the fuck are you trying to say

Its aggressively obvious what it means. What you're doing is projecting.

>abhorrent post, please cease to post on this board.

You're saying this to yourself because you're so goddamn stupid and volatile that you feel you shouldn't bother people with your retardation anymore. Projection is a hell of a drug.

u mad bro?


Git Gud is the rallying cry of under achievers all over the world,

Explain why it's good to have 1-3 hours of your life wasted on a boss?

wtf what do you mean i have to spend 200 hours practicing piano?????????????? i want easy thing

>Git Gud
>But there are other games I like better that are significantly harder
>Git gud

Then go play some walking simulator with the theme of "muh lesbian sister run away because daddy and mommy said that it was just a phase" or "muh stonk black woman with afro hair number 763 is a maid for some rich latino man during the 70's". You want easy games? Alright, good for you, go play then. Just stop guilt trip developers (that are know for making dificult games) to apease to your tastes

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Chad did it in 20 minutes

Piano is worthwhile usage of time. Japan's take on medieval magic is not.

Or I'll just play an even more difficult game than yours that is more fun?

>go learn the piano
I already do. What now?

cringe as fuck
OP sucking dicks as usual

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>Piano is worthwhile usage of time.
whatever you consider "worthwhile" in that schizophrenic mind of yours is irrelevant. both things are skills which you can develop to a certain extent and whether or not you enjoy spending time refining that skill is up to you

>Thinking learning an instrument is more worthwhile than getting talented at one video game

Lmao wut

Both the extent to which the skill can be developed and your enjoyment of the process are genetically determined. It is absolutely not "up to you".

>Noooo you can't want challenge you need to be casual like me!
Anyone who genuinely tries to force their thoughts on other players is cringe as fuck like OP.

if it takes you years to learn to play a game then maybe you're just really unskilled and talentless in general

>If you play games for "challenge" and a sense of "acheivement" you're fucking pathetic
this is the weirdest bait I've ever seen

What filtered you today Dean Takahasi?


ITT retards saying that vidya is waste of time to master while wasting their time shitposting on a mongolian basket weaving site

what i consider worthwhile might not be worthwhile to someone else, that's why learning an instrument isn't inherently more worthwhile than playing videogames

yeah i sort of agree but that has nothing to do with my point. you either enjoy it or you it's why people crying
>b-but videogames are not worthwhile therefore they should be easy!1
is beynod fucking stupid

>.t basically poured their entire life into video games and has never reached a competitive level

I unironically value internet arguments significantly more than video games

one post in and OP already destroyed

When did Yas Forums start doing upvotes like this? Reddit go away

people here really don't see games as journey or even as something fun.

t. closeted redditor

The vast majority of Nioh's bosses were perfectly beatable on the first go if you were actively trying to pick up their audiovisual cues. I only spent upwards of an hour on a couple DLC bosses.

OP eternally a faggot and BTFO

Thread should've ended here.

I used to be okay at vidya as a kid. Now as a 23 year old I fucking suck at them, I always get shit on in multiplayers, and on the rare cases when I do well I still get called 'garbage' either that or they say 'of course you beat me with this scrub character/weapon'. I can only enjoy single player gamees nowadays, I can't git gud no matter how hard I try.

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You're correct, OP. The only way it's worth it is if you are being paid, and if you're being paid it becomes work and is no longer a joy. And you become a cancer on the very community that feeds you, tryharding and raging when you are defeated by some casual who is simply more talented or better than you anyways.

i killed most bosses in nioh 2 on my first or second try
just learn the basic mechanics

if you think games are such a waste of time then dont play them

I know a few people who at absolutely everything so they just keep playing one fucking game. You guys are a joke. How can you be so pathetic that you cannot do anything unless you put thousands of hours into it?



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>Being super good at video games is a worthless skill
There's some people that's made millions by being good at video games.
And something being "worthless" is entirely subjective, if you're not talking about financial gain.

Contentless upvoting should be an instant ban.

>implying piano or fucking carpentry isnt a useless skill

Should we ban /thread too?
shut up low IQ monkey

>seething so hard you make a thread about it

Please don't call me names.
Thank you.

Yes, actually. This isn't Facebook. Thumbs up your ass.

carpentry isn't useless though, playing piano is as useless as gaming

I am honestly curious how you can live with that kind of thinking. Easier = better? Challenge = bad? Everything is improved, if all challenge and difficulty is stripped away?

What a milquetoast perspective. Do you not enjoy overcoming things you're challenged by? Where is your aspiration? Where is your enjoyment of conquering something outside your skillset? Games are just fantasies; one of the best and most rewarding feelings is that of overcoming something difficult, reaching that next plateau. Some games allow you to feed that feeling, to challenge your reflexes or reactions, and to improve them marginally or outwit the game's mechanics.

You should revel in placing challenges before yourself and overcoming them; not languidly sit back on a throne of self-adulation and excuse-making, pretending that stripping away all forms of difficulty is superior or meaningful.

Christ almighty i cannot envision what your life must be like, that worldview is dystopian and tragic.

Fpbp, OP is always a faggot.