They patched it out. What the FUCK am I gonna do for money now?
They patched it out. What the FUCK am I gonna do for money now?
Lmao eat shit nincel
>he didn't hoard AC ed switches in his house when he could dupe items
You deserve it, fag.
Uhh play the game?
I thought I had at least until the weekend :(
The same thing as everyone else.
Grind half a mil in a day or two, spend it all on turnips no matter the price. Then you beg for 300+ or 500+ turnip prices on Yas Forums for the next few days.
Waaah I can't cheat at my children's dollhouse game anymore
Patched what?
why do people try so hard to miss the point of animal crossing
>reminider that nintendo copystriked Spiff's video showing off the exploit.
Now all they have to do is patch out time traveling and it will be the best game in the series.
Fucking hell i hate Nintendo
>duped crowns and put 100mil in my bank
>no punishment whatsoever and interest means I'll get a free 10mil at the beginning of every month
Go to Spider Island.
I don't see what you'd need that much money for, though.
stop cheating and work hard
get fucked man child
hand some over please ):
they could fix it so easily too
>game when you launch make sure to check if the clock is synced
>if not it tells you to sync it
That's literally all it would take
Perhaps if retards hadn't shared it and then more retards made videos trying to monopolize it, you morons would still be able to cheat.
I'm burning my tickets for that myth
hey I'm just commenting on the situation. Don't assume I play the game and get all pissy mate.
why are ndrones so defensive of their tyrant company?
Some people aren't in it for the tedium but the dollhouse aspect. I'm not getting a switch for this now since it seems pointless, I don't wanna play this tedious shit for a year so I can earn a staircase.
The dumb time travellers are going to fuck themselves over when it comes to events, as they will put themselves past the dates where they’re active. Expecting some salt come Bunny Day.
The smart ones put their clock back before starting the game, have now caught up in real time and won’t time travel again.
but reddit tells me its a feature that everybody uses.
make your own spider island. not hard. just remove everything from it, including rocks so only 3 types of bugs can spawn, including spiders
>turns on airplane mode
nothing personnel kid
dopamine addicts
nintendo fans are unironically the most toxic playerbase out there.
It's full of authoritarian sex crazed lunatics who demand you play single player games as they see fit.
Why do you think AC attracts all these trans rights characters like flies to shit? This island is probably their peak social experience.
or just people who don't want to be drip fed content they paid for.
People only use airplane mode to change their ip after a ban.
then the game would be online only and fuck that
>nintendo fans are unironically the most toxic playerbase out there.
They’re pretty cringe but snoys still have them beat.
snoys make smash threads? They're pretty benign compared to mario manchildren desu.
Kill yourself really
You paid for drip fed content though.
So why pay for it in the first place
It isn't as though the AC formula has changed at all since the first fucking game
You could just not update and still do it.
Play the game as it supposed to be played. I really don't understand why people get this kind of game to cheat it out and get "everything" in a few days, it's like this kind of people need instant gratification or some shit
play the game like its supposed to be played retard
>smash threads
>compared to consolewarring
this have to be bait
Got on spider island with my first ticket. I've never seen it after that anymore.
Nah nobody wants online only game.
It's a hard problem to fix without having the game being online only. You really can't have the game check if you're skipping days since how could it know if you didn't play on a given day? Doing it on system level and making it so you cannot change the date on your Switch is going too far just for one game.
But I want to unlock the combo system early so I can juggle my villagers in the air...
nah, it only checks once, then lets you play offline all you want
it'd only make you do the online check if you manually adjusted the clock, which you'd only be doing time traveling anyway
Good you scamming fuck
Then you cheat after it checks once you retard.
You retard
>Game checks to see if your switch clock setting is manual or synced
>if it isn't synced it doesn't let you play
It doesn't need to do an online check every single time, it just needs to verify that it's synced ONCE, then it'll let you play all you want offline until you switch the clock to manual, where it'll make you do an online check again
There's literally 0 reason to switch your clock off manual aside from time traveling, so literally any player not trying to cheat would have this online check happen ONCE and that'd be it
What’s the best money scheme now?
Time travel?
tarantula island
I don't think trees grow if you time travel, otherwise just spamming bell tress would probably be the fastest
Are you certain games even have the api to access whether the system's clock is synced or manual? Otherwise your idea doesn't work at all.
Do you make an tarantula island like someone suggested before, or buy tickets to get one?
Either turnips or tarantula island
make your tarantula island, just make sure it's an island where you can run around
it takes like half an hour to make and two hours to fill your inventory, but after that you're getting 200k so it's nice
abusing the stalk market online is just as game breaking and lame as duplicating items. stalk market is for you and your close friends towns.
>until you switch the clock to manual
Game can not know if you switched clock manually or time just passed.
use your brain dude. even if it needs to check ONCE you still need online to play the game, you couldn't turn on your switch and play it in an offline environment. that means its online only.
i'm surprised nintendo doesn't copystrike every video on youtube showing their games honestly.
We don't know that and considering this is a first-party title, Nintendo could easily add it
you're fucking retarded dude, I don't know how to simplify it anymore
>if you're switch clock isn't set to sync you can't play
Well there is one thing you can do.
*unzips cock*
What's in the cock? Is it a pencil case or something else?
- Make four island accounts
- time skip to make 100k in three minutes
- ALL accounts get 100k in three minutes
400k in three minutes spread across 4 accounts. Pretty darn good.
Not when I duped :)