>For All The Pla...
For All The Pla
I dont understand who plays dreams. Its like going to itch.io but with way more submissions for children
Nintendo was sending cease and desist letters.
They had every right and you would do the same
Nintendo are fags
Nintendo sent a C and D so Sony pulled them all off.
Notice how all the sonic shit is still everywhere.
Because the one guy was selling access to his Mario model through his discord, and hella people were using it.
>They had every right and you would do the same
Oh yeah I bet those shitty meme things people were making are a real threat to Nintendo's IPs and profits.
Is ok when nintendo it
are you a fag mate?
who else has done it?
>>Notice how all the sonic shit is still everywhere.
Sega does what Nintendon't:
not be faggots.
Sega did it. Square Enix did it.
did what? take down Dreams creations?
Square Enix issued C&Ds to multiple Chrono Trigger-related projects. Sega shut down the old Streets of Rage fan remake and once flagged the shit out of every YouTube video containing footage of their games. Nintendo is hardly alone in this kind of practice.
No I wouldn't. Stop sucking corporate dick
hell even sony did it with the LBP fangame
I just find it hilarious
>snoy gets tool to make ANY GAME
>can't stop making mario ripoffs
it's poetic
It's a basic easy as fuck game. Of course people are going to walk before they run. Aka make mario before making something worth playing.
>They had every right
>you would do the same
I actually would like people giving my games free advertisement. In fact, because I’m not Asian, my ego isn’t as frail as how small my dick would be.
You have no idea with how utterly obsessed Sony fans are with getting Mario on PS4.
lmao sure keep saying that
see you in 3 years
>Aka make mario before making something worth playing.
Don't you mean worth watching?
I'm a pc god. Mario is a fairly bottom of the barrel platformer and peaked on the SNES which was also the peak of nintendo.
Square are little shits, but at least Sega redeemed themselves with Sonic Mania and allowing Sonic Roboblast 2/Roboblast 2 Kart
The frequency Nintendo does this is far higher than other publishers.
>that barely visible "On on Playstation" on the boxart
My fucking sides
>shitkaku complex
nintendo has become what chad warden merely pretended was the truth.
Sony should sue Nintendo for letting players share Sony themed Stages in SMM2 and Smash.
And then when a situation comes up where you WOULD like to stop competitors from profiting off your IP, the courts toss the case out because you've made zero attempt to keep your IP in the past.
Gaylo is the only game there worth a damn after the age of 3 (when I mastered my first mario).
The PC didn't have a platformer as good as SM64 until years if not decades later.
actually, it's against the rights of freedom of expression
>Sony themed Stages in SMM2 and Smash
Post some example
>you would do the same
lmao you fucking retard
the only company that shits on fan works harder than Nintendo is fucking Disney
actually, you are retarded
>Every renowned PC platformer is slated as being derived/inspired from a Mario game
Get killed.
>Getting your news from sankaku
Nice 15 year old examples. Nintendo does this shit weekly.
Should Nintendo allow Sony to be making millions off Nintendo's properties?
Yes unironically
The Sega shit all happened in the last five years.
>dont protect your IP
>lose it
Thats how it works
Based Sony and Nintendo
Platformers are a basic entry level genre that you're supposed to outgrow.
Nintendo should have allowed it in exchange for a Sony funded Switch port of Dreams.
Prove it
>utterly obsessed
One image is literally nothing.
Its the first time im hearing of that.
>nintendo threatens to sue them
A. That’s not how copyright works. How many times do we have to tell you this, retard? Copyright material doesn’t mysteriously go into the spooky “open domain” simply because other people used it (especially non-profit ones)
B. As long as they aren’t just copying my games 1:1, it absolutely doesn’t matter to me. And even then, after like 5 years, a product should go into the open domain anyways, and 15 years for an entire franchise.
Just because you and Nintendo are greedy and have tiny dicks, it doesn’t mean everyone else doesn’t. And you know what? Society would be much better without you people monopolizing the entertainment industry.
No thats FPS games
because nintendo cracked down lol
qq thread about nothing
Nintendo oтпpaвилo пиcьмo o eё пoддepжaнии
>SNOYs always talking shit about Nintendo games
>this happens
100% deserved it, after all you people were too good for bing bing wahoo, right? lmao
Lol, my first game was mario, and it took me all of a week to see castlevania was infinitely better. Platforming is a secondary mechanic, not a primary one.
Mega man >>>>>>>>>> mario
Is this the new Kingdom Hearts everyone was excited for
You need to play better platformers kid
Literally nothing wrong with that. I just hope it doesn't lead to a domino effect where anyone who remixed the Mario doll into their own platform character doesn't get taken down by proxy of being related to the Mario doll.
yeah the same way people sell access to private instagram accounts and shit
are you daft or just willfully ignorant
is almost like, there are nintendo fans that also have a ps4 and likes mario. Makes you think
>They had every right
uuuuuuuuuh no they don't, nintendo can't sue you for drawing mario the same way they can't sue you for recreating one of their games
>Sony: “No way fag”
They'll never be able to stack up to more interesting games with more going on.
nintendo is a fucking shit company and has been so for decades.
price gouging, radically against FREE fan content, kills of the inventor of the gameboy, treated 3rd party devs like garbage for more than a decade, notorious for "killing" their own lesser selling franchises
and worst of al they get away with EVERYTHING
Sony lives rent free in nintenkiddies heads
Even Sonic is too much for these people.
>>SNOYs always talking shit about Nintendo games
Is more the opposite
90's california called and wants its cringe back
Look at the bright side, they only deleted the shitty Mario games from Dreams. Now we can have more time playing the good ones that doesn’t involve bing bing wahoo
Sankaku is pretty good if you want to read an article about a topic that is already a week old and sounds like it was written by a yellow press intern.
Are you having a stroke user?
And nothing of value was lost. Are there that many people really upset they can't play another shitty remake of just outside Peach's castle?
How new
You guys are pretty upset you can't get things for free
Probably the same people that shitpost about Alyx
I really hate poorfags and psudolawyers