What do you miss most about "pre-matchmaking era" TF2?

What do you miss most about "pre-matchmaking era" TF2?

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Intuitive, user-friendly UI

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Consistent developer support

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TF2 team was working on Alyx right? Are we finally gonna get some love again now that it's out and done with?

>Its not fair bros why isn't my 15 year old free game getting constant updates!

That isn't how Valve works

I wouldn't mind if they left the game in a playable state.

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Is this an image for minisentries

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Tryhard chad reporting

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and then there's me, using shit sidegrades and topscoring

... Delfy has a fun RTD server though... Does that make me a griefer?

The thing that RUINS Mr. Pauling for me is that she is voice acted by this dyke.

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cute. would despoil her pooper

whos the qt in the striped swimsuit. would sniffe her butt

Do you play with viewmodels on or off?

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Everything literally they killed the game by themselves, all thanks to the stupid developers and dane for trying to make the game competitive even though it's not designed for it at all

Quickplay was for N

TF2 also didn't have fags like this before they added the quickplay/matchmaking 1-click-join-button bullshit. Dumb low IQs can't think to use a server browser don't even belong on PC.

Things got from bad to worse for Tobuscus then?

>implying I've changed any settings besides muting all voice chat forever

Didn't he say something similar about last summer?

Comic Miss Pauling doesn't have a voice and I love her.

this triggers the incel

having fun

Downloading a million custom files to play a game, shitty map rotation, getting banned by the 13 year old server owner for doing too well... Truly, match-making "killed" TF2.

My aim. I had 3000 hours logged back in the day, and was what you would call a "pub star/stomper" I guess. I just tried playing again yesterday after not playing for years and missed nearly every shot.

You can get your aim back but we can't get the good ol tf2 back

He says something every time. He can't live on just confirmed information, but just "Speculation" Also because Volvo likes to troll him with info

I bet it wouldn't take much to get the VA to do a reading of the comics

I miss pre F2P tf2

>bawwwwwww tf2 is bad now
Literally the same game faggots stop doing this every goddamn thread. You want the people you played with back not the game, you want the atmosphere that time has taken away from you. Stop shitting up tf2 threads for it.

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tf2 is a boring lame game always has been always will faggot just have nostalgia and cant stand that other people can enjoy other games and they cant

Sense of community

>tf2 not bad

gore, nudemods, violence, blood, cheesyness, quality, swearwords, good servers, all hardcore gamers communities

unironically have sex

for what purpose


Dunno why people dislike matchmaking so much.

Everything. While i still play it since the gameplay is still the same. I really miss the good ol community servers and i miss how in pubs the maps where completely randomized instead of retards voting for the same map or the next overrated garbage every time instead of having to tick them out myself. Im tired of this shit putting me in the same 3-4 maps every time while the game has a map pool 10 times as much. Mannpower and Pass Time where a fucking mistake and now every single community server that isnt just idling and farming has those shitty grappling hooks and its aids.

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Like a real chad I play with viewmodels on and the first person camera.

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you'll recognize her as Tiny Tina in Borderlands 2, as well.

she wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't a direct relative of Anthony Burch, imo

Matchmaking not existing, I could deal with absolutely everything else

Motherfucker what don't I miss about it

I met people off servers that I still talk to a decade later. This shit just does not happen with any matchmaking game. You could actually do retarded shit and people would sometimes play along because you were playing a game, not having some pretend competitive multiplayer experience.

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Arena mode had players.

fuck, i actually like her though

>play with some cool dudes and have amazing fun
>some stick around for more games
>some even add you
>nobody uses in-game vc anymore just for shitty callouts and autistic screeching
>you forget about everyone the moment you finish the match
>never see them again

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what a slut

That's just part of the problem, issue is everyone is lumped together in the same lobbies, instead of people self-selecting servers and communities. Are you a competitive progamer? There's a server that caters to that. A kid who just wants to shoot mans? 32 player 2fort. Meme loving fuck? Get on the partyvan or something. No matter your vice you'd find people you'd mesh with and avoid people you don't care for without even trying. Shit's gone forever.

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>play competitive mode
>complain when people get pissed off
I have found friends through matchmaking. You can be likeable without clowning around.
Honestly I think people don't see what was bad about server lists when wanting to play somewhat seriously.
>Noob server is a dude who wants to shit on new players
>get kicked because host doesn't like one of your stats
>dab on popular player on server, get banned/kicked

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>I hate the lesbian character because she's voiced by a real life lesbian

Laid back servers were everyone kinda knew each other and you could get famous for being a Tryhard.

To be precise a spy tryhard.

I don't even play TF2 anymore, user, it's more about games in general these days. I agree that finding a server was hard, but the results were much better than what you get now via algorithm.

>>nobody uses in-game vc anymore just for shitty callouts
I don't want to talk to you about your day, I'm tryna play. Granted it'd be easier to simply chat with people in servers if I had PTT disabled, but nobody wants to hear clicking and clacking and background noise.

>implying i play this literal garbage
competitive tf2 was a fucking mistake its just nowadays people would rather kick someone that is less tryharding and just fucking around instead of ignoring him or play along. i've seen few cool people in matchmaking tf2 here and there. its just that sometimes nobody says anything in the chat or voice chat its a been a long while since i heard people in a game casually chatting and having fun that arent commons in a community server.

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dilate, freak

playing with 23 complete strangers every new game isn't fun

people still play this game? what are you complaining about, have you not got all of the mileage out of it already? Dude i've played every game mode possible for countless hours spread over the years since launch.

Do you guys not buy new videogames? Sometimes I wonder what your guys priorities are

actually tf2 enters in that weird zone where a game actually changes whit age compared to its relsease state
-Op classes
-Vanilla style
-constant feedback by devs
>hats/economy still rising
>updates arent as constant as previous years but they are big and adds alot of fixes and balances making for fun weapon play
>community servers golden years
>constant influx of players thanks to becoming f20
>updates are slow going from +5 big updates a year to 1 or 2 at all if we are lucky
>guns balance went full safe mode and most of them arent fun to use anymore or are useless
>matchmakingn is a mess
>only youtubers and tryhards play comp
>devs are radio silent
>maps whit great potential and hinting to one big updated related to the space race were on bete but then got yeeted out of existence silently
>we broke the mark of most time waiting for an update since jungle inferno and still counting
but yeah i do miss some lads i used to play with

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I miss promotional items
I know its retarded, but I thought it was cool to see new items promoted on the steam homepage

I don't understand that mentality. Do you just stop enjoying things after a while? Aren't there movies you enjoy watching from time to time? Maybe books? Games don't have an expiration date.

I miss the good ones. Unfortunately Valve isn't good at actually keeping the quality up.