ITT: DLC characters literally nobody asked for

ITT: DLC characters literally nobody asked for

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>DLC characters
>down loadable characters characters

Ok buddy retard

I didn't ask but I sure do enjoy the benefits of it

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based bait poster

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>ppl asking for DLCs
excuse me, mr nigger.

it's "downloadable content"
smashfags are brain-dead I swear

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Literally everyone asked for Kefla, numbnuts.

Kefla is zoomer cringe

Cuckhan fags never stops malding

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imagine shafting all the iconic characters for some random out of nowhere power creep hoe.
imagine then slapping that shitty blue hair on all the old designs and not even allowing players to change it.
what a mess.

Ah yes, one armed Gohan would clearly be the better choice than some original new character

>jobbing to the god of jobbing

>manga Pedro's

People did ask for Kelfa though

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Gohan players are consistently the biggest fuck ups in any DBZ game too, it's unbelievable. Is there a reason for it

youre braingdead for falling for his bait LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO

I mean he is the one cool Gohan. Shame in almost all his appearances he gets shafted out of having one arm thanks to Japanese ratings.


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rent free nigger

wrong pic?

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People wanted Kid Goku so they got Kid Goku. What's the problem?

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>iconic characters
Who else is left besides Roshi?
Please don't tell me you'd actually rather have some lame losers like Turles, Raditz or General faggot instead of Kefla

>nobody asked for
C to the O to the P to the E

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>>>>Majin Vegeta

Shut up faggot
Chaditz is based.

>imperfect Cell NOWHERE to be seen

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>Goku + someone else
>Girl goku
>Alien goku
>Rival goku

I don't recall Kefla fighting Vegeta

Except for all the people who specifically asked for that character.

>Has no interesting move
>as weak as a saibaman
>The main character's brother yet nobody gives a single shit about him

He has too many spots already.

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>>Alien goku


>Has no Interesting move
Double Sunday and Saturday Crush, Plus flicking the bullet
>As Weak as a Saibaman
Using the "weakness" argument is shit because it relies on using the power levels of today and later points where Raditz had no chance to power up.
>Goku and Piccolo both got shit on by him and Goku had to literally kill himself to get the win.
>Nobody gives a shit about him
Blame Toriyama for that, he deserved better.

Wanting Mr. Satan in FighterZ is like wanting Bobo The Clown in Street Fighter.

peak autism. nobody wants this faggot in the game

GT goku isnt kid goku. Kid goku would have more inspiration from early dragon ball. GT goku is just a more boring Z goku with a tiny body that somehow manages to let my combos drop

>Double Sunday and Saturday Crush
Just regular fucking energy beams

>1,011 "WHO???" votes
daaaaamn that's rough. Isn't he like the first Dragon Ball character to originate from a video game?

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I'd been asking for her since the game got announced

He is, but almost nobody has seen either version of his movie, and even fewer people played that game.

Imagine not knowing who Bacterian is.

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Majin Ozotto predates him i believe

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Hatchiyack is about a year older

The other Gokus.

No one cares what Mexico thinks

Do you only do things that people ask of you?

Best girl Kefla is my main

It was impossible to enter any FighterZ thread from Season 2 onwards without anons aking for Kefla.
And she's fun as fuck. You could've gone with GT Kid Goku as a genuine example, since Kid Goku fags wanted Dragon Ball Kid Goku and GT Goku fags wanted SS4.

Kelfa has the coolest energy-based attacks is this franchise. Prove me wrong

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>People want Majin Vegeta and Raditz but not Whis
wow, the shit taste is strong here

There's continents other than the americas you usanian idiot

None of them have opinions on DB as awful as Mexico, except maybe Japan.

Yurop wanted Kefla too.

all i saw as to candy cane mints spinning at high speed

Where’s my boy yajirobe

'was two candy cane mints'
man lack a sleep is a hell of a drug

Right? it looks cool. Candy canes are beautiful

She also did spinning lazer orbs and claw beams. That scene was pretty cool

i watched a grand total of 3 episodes, and none of the galactic tournaments. So I'll your word as truth