I love this

I love this.

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somehow you managed to be triggered by this, impressive


Wouldn't that be more of a taunting gesture?
>ha ha you're crippled IRL now you can be crippled in Animal Crossing too!

>literally everything is weak bait
Seek help stupid fucking zoomer

Nah, it let's the person feel like they are in the game as they are in real life. Being in a wheelchair is not something most people who have to use it feel awful about, it is just a part of their daily life. Immersion that it really is (you) in the game is a big part of games like AC for some people.

I got a wheelchair and left it abandoned on the beach like John Locke.

>sometimes due to my illness
How much you wanna bet she is just too fat to walk.

Why are humans fucking drones? Do they not realize they sound like absolute losers?

unironically cute

People who use wheelchairs daily don't see it as a problem. It's no different to putting on shoes.


do americans really?

cute and wholesome

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Just die you crippled ugly dyke, lol

I don't think you do. I think you just want to provoke people.
And these stupid fuckers are going to fall for it.

>directly next to scooter

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that's actually wholesome


yes, and often

I will never understand this. If you're stuck with a handicap in real life would you not want to escape from it instead of being stuck with it in games too? I have crippling social anxiety IRL, am I supposed to want to be stuck inside all day and never see anybody in games too for "representation"? Should devs program in huge restrictions to my gameplay to mimic my life?
I don't get it.

AC threads are literally the only threads these days that aren’t nonstop baiting and trolling. Chill out.

Not everyone who uses a wheelchair is crippled. I have an aunt with MS who uses one, she can walk just fine but her balance is poor and her muscles are weak.

Came here to post this.

Imagine having to be represented to be able yo enjoy something

>there are no americans in mario so i cant enjoy it

I mean, I feel bad for this person, sure. But god do I fucking HATE the words “included” or “inclusive”. There’s something about it that just sets me the fuck off. It’s so obnoxious and entitled sounding. Like “ugh I just CANNOT play this game unless my oddly specific combination of race/sex/gender/fetish/disability/political identity is included.”

Why do you feel the need to be “included”? Are you so utterly desperate for acceptance that you need to feel every game is directly handing you an invite? How about you just play the game and enjoy the fucking game for what it is? Why do you need to project your obnoxious “identity” into every facet of your life?

>OP is literally just a fat retard who isn't loved by anybody and reeeeeeeeees at the sight of any post on the internet showing compassion for a fellow human being
You could try and be more subtle about it, man.

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The HRA wouldn't have a choice but to rate your room the highest.

>can't walk in real life
>now can't walk in my escapist videogames either!

What a weird selfdebilitating mindset.

Her identity and self-worth is tied to her disability/wheelchair, so when shes playing a game with a normal character shes just like everyone else, but if she can be her crippled self in a game, then everyone pities her and treats her extra nice.

There's a difference between a mobility aid for a physical illness and giving children puberty blockers and mutilating their genitals because of a mental illness.

Literally never stated by the post. Take your meds or learn how to read

>you will never have a cute crippled girlfriend

Why do you feel bad for this retard?
It said it SOMETIMES has to use a wheelchair. 99% chance it's some landwhale fatfuck, part-bus, 5 chin having fatass bitch.

No. You have the same mentality of the people that were getting offended over Speedy Gonzalez.

Most people like having aspects of their conditions/culture recognized in media as long as it's done well. I'm asthmatic and always get a weird jolt of joy whenever someone whips out an inhaler.

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Aww this is cute :)

Because you know the supposed desire is dishonest and manipulative, really just another one of those words meant to control people and shut down disagreement.

So if every game ever made up to this point had a female protagonist and next month the first game with a male protag was coming out you wouldn’t be hype to play it?

>I feel so included now!
0% chance the person posting this was ever in a wheelchair for an illness. At best he's obese and on a scooter.

>managed to get mad over user calling out OP's pathetic baiting

Even more impressive.

As a deaf person I feel so represented by this game

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>not stated therefore not implied
Nice internet logic

what an argument you got there, trannyboy.

When I Am Bread released it was the first time you ever played as Bread. Was I hype? No.

So no

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Why are you angry about this, OP?

but why would you want to be yourself in the game? why not do things you cannot do irl? those are the same retards that choose male character as their avatar. mental illness

What does feeling included feel like?

Can you actually move around in this.

>I'm asthmatic and always get a weird jolt of joy whenever someone whips out an inhaler.
You too eh? I've never really discussed asthma with anyone, but I kind of just assumed I was a little bit weird for reacting like that.

hello, based department

That's the current state of Yas Forums yes

>be deaf
>even your own mom cucks you with a black bull

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>Use sometimes
She is just a fat piece of shit, she should have no right to writing something like that.
Is just insensitive to the people who are actually stuck for life in a fucking wheelchair

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What was that? I can't hear you

You're genuinely fucked, user.

This. It makes no sense to me.

Feels like people are trying to benefit themselves by showing how much they care about including you before moving on and ignoring you once the opportunity for good boy points has passed, so ultimately the people bending over backwards to please and include you are actually exploiting you more than those that would just insult you

is making fun of the physically disabled really the hill you want to die on user

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>10 years ago, people send get well soon wishes and maybe images of healthy people running while smiling
>today people send images of wheelchair bound sick people and this is a good thing!

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And this is how kotaku decided to make shot with a wheelchair.

Attached: wheelchair.jpg (768x432, 98.46K)

You know this already but you guys are pathetic and jaded as fuck if this bothers you.

Why would they do that? If I had to use a wheelchair or glasses in real life, I'd want to escape from all that. I wouldn't put anything that reminded me of such things in my house or on my island.

>t. haven't been to any sekiro threads

This is her (princessp0tat0)

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I always just thought of it as a feeling of relatability. It's like whenever a game has someone from your home country in it.

most people can only self-insert. They don't have empathy and can barely relate to different looking humans (vulcan, twi'lek, etc) but if they don't look human forget about it

>I feel so included now
It's a video game, you're not supposed to use it to validate your life. What the fuck is wrong with these people.

Fucked or not, he's right. People's identity cannot be related to country, race, creed or language/culture anymore because that's discriminatory, so they have to pick illnesses or handicaps/ weird sexualities or other fucked up shit.
So glad globalism is imploding thanks to this virus right now.

So can you chat with people online in this game?