Reminder that the best turn based JRPG is free to play and features ton of high quality sex scenes as well

Reminder that the best turn based JRPG is free to play and features ton of high quality sex scenes as well
Grab it while you can

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Kamidori is free to play? Since when?

>He doesn't know

Melodiana route when?

You're right, I don't.
And don't give me that yar har pirate nonsense either, I pirated it and beat it years ago but i'm curious if its actually free now.

can you give me a link than?

>while you can

Yeah I was talking about pirating
Sent ;)

Can you bone dudes?

>features ton of high quality sex scenes as well
post them u coward


Best girl with best route by far.


As far as I know Eushully hates gaijins anyway

Best route but not best girl

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They can hate all they want, so long as they understand that Japanese games being pirated is reparation for Nanking and Pearl Harbor.

Americans apparently already forgot that they bombed 100k Japanese civilians as "reperation" for attacking a military base.

Compared to the over 10 million Chinks Unit 731 killed with biochemical weapons over the years and Americans even giving immunity to it and doing Japs a big favor by saving them the shame of the Japanese Nuremberg Trials being aired globally? You won't win this math game at the end of it you know?

Hey man, you know how it goes.

2 nukes weren't enough anyway, look at the state we're in today.


I wish the MC friend was the MC

Emelita is actually the most underappreciated girl because you see so little of her real personality before the route choice. And she only really comes into her own on her route.
Also she actually has good H-scenes unlike the banshee Yuela, she's assertive a good amount of the time and will tease you with footjobs and stuff.

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her outfits with long hair are the best

I can't read moonrunes

Emelita has the best route but her sex scenes are shit, basically all the sex scenes in the game are shit except for the titty elf and golem.

Lol because of piracy I got that one, so funny xd

Can you play as a girl?

How's Rhapsody of God?

It's translated

Strange, I don't recall Final Fantasy VIII having any such scenes.

>10 hours in and still not a single boob
Game itself is worse than Kamidori Alchemy Meister in terms of gameplay. Straight up less things you can do. Leveling system while unique does not change anything. But as I said I'm only 10 hours in.

>Autistic sword saint
No thanks

Nanking never happened.

fuck off Abe

her autism is cute

Eushully is a really shitty company anyway. Over a decade and they didn't manage to improve their artwork and game mechanics. It's literally the same shit every fucking year. The latest game translated from them was a downgrade in all forms. The gameplay is shitty and you have zero control over stats while the CG looks like the same shit as always and the MC is the worst piece of whiny hanfling i ever heard of.
Minus points for the gameplay being disconnected from the story. Everybody shits on the MC for being "weak" even though you woop their asses in gameplay.

Post seks scenes

since when? what about the other games

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At least 6 years dude, did you live under a rock?

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>mediocre art
No thanks

sell me on the gameplay
srpgs are my favorite genre when every battlefield adds a unique flavor to your strategy, but there's also plenty of srpgs that feel like a mindless slog.

Just download the game and try it, it's not like you are doing anything else right now.

I thought it was a trpg

Kamidori is the latter, you grind the same maps over and over and very few have any particular strategy to them before the post-game bonus dungeons which are an absolute pain to get through. Also it takes well over 100 hours to 100% if you don't use the cheat dungeon.

imagine getting filtered by fucking kamidori

I don't think you understand what filtered means.

Imagine not being a deadbeat

Imagine being a deadbeat

Honestly I didn't like it. Plot is nonexistent and gameplay is sort of like FF9 minigame, as in not even close to hearthstone as a card game (let alone any decent one).

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>you grind the same maps over and over
Fucking why? I just did each deadbeat dungeon once and my level was fine.

I wonder why they added that for. It doesn’t do anything and you can easily remove by beating the huge slime boss on the last dead beat dungeon.

Mommy Kohakuren is honestly the best part of the entire fucking game

I'll never forgive Eushully for not letting you dick the mascots.

>Girl girl has worst route
>Worst girl has best route
>Yuela falls inbetween

Also fuck yes Kohakuren. It's a shame the only other scenes with her are jerking Wil off and torturing the angel.

>He's so scared of the Deadbeat GOD he doesn't dare to go to the Deadbeat Dungeon

>[X] Filtered

Because that's what you have to do if you don't do the deadbeat dungeon.
I wish I'd known that you remove the deadbeat markers if you complete the entire dungeon and beat the boss at the bottom, would've saved me dozens of hours of grinding normally.

>high quality sex scenes

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