Which one of you was this
Which one of you was this
It was you. Your false-flag bullshit couldn't be any more obvious.
Anti-SJWs: Not even once.
Niggers tongue my anus!
no the left is bad
simple as
Doom guy is probably gay. Likely a bug chaser, dishing out an taking hot pozed loads.
How much of an incel.do.you have to be to write this? Right wingers are fucking cringe.
as a poc, I avoid games with obvious pandering
I think that it's a joke my shizoposting friend.
Not everything is CIA backed Mossad Gamergate falseflag.
It's obviously satire.
the only thing worse are fag niggers
Some salt filled and obsessed tranny, i sincerely hope they don't come here but they probably do.
pretty funny ngl
This looks like an unironic post from someone straight out of /vpol/
>Leftist says stupid shit
>Hurr fucking poltards
The dishonesty hurts.
Not really.
Well....are there?
>if it's an Asian female near legal age that's fine
Clearly a joke.
Ok poltard
>Self soothing
the demons are homosexuals
i cant believe we are being falseflagged like this....
gamers rise up right now
No the demons are mexicans actually.
Svensk negerjävel
No, the demons are mortaly challenged, remember? All the Game journos were screeching about how offensive it was to autists.
Lol remember when they were on this train?
>No i'm not upset its just boring haha you're not even funny
Didn't last long.
Epic gamer post
Weak false flag OP
Twitter is a national treasure trove of our society collapsing.
Literally this. The moment some retard on the internet even mentions "liberals", you know their mind is gone.
I know who you are.
>being an sjw
>being an anti-sjw
disgusting, just be cool to other people who are cool to you, don't be a fag unless you want a dick up your bum
it's simple.
I hope they make Doomguy a bottom like Netflix did with Alucard just to btfo Christcucks
Doom is about a nigger being sent to Hell and still managing to commit over 50% of crimes there. So the original poster is incorrect regarding what values Doom represents.javascript:;
At least it made you seethe so he won
>when SJWs try to larp as their enemies but don't know how they think well enough to do it right
I always get endless entertainment out of their strawman version of us. It's always so cartoonish.
>shitposting that hard with his actual account
I guess if he has messages disabled.
>when SJWs try to paint Trump as dumb but it only makes the SJWs look even dumber for constantly losing to him
I'll never understand this strategy. Do these people lack self-awareness this much?
Incorrect. Both sides are good, it's the centrists who are evil. Left and right should unite and fight their common enemy - the centrist Jewish bourgeois elite.
what are the 2 jokes?
>out of touch
>as decided by the guy who pretends to be a pink cat on the internet
All evidence to the contrary. Do you think people don't pay attention to your crazy asses?
when leftists start being based again we can unite now they gay
Based paranoid-chan
this is exactly the kind of ideological stance the left takes tho, this idea of "them"
This mindset is why greys like Biden and Trump are winning.
Furrfags and whales ought to be lynched.
In a centrist and I would pick a tranny over a racist any day. Trannies hurt themselves. Racists want to hurt other people
No they weren't it was a just a few random people on twitter you fucking autist.
and? they are satanists and we are good
>Christians giving a shit about alufaggot
>when the series feature fanatic determined Christians that kill said faggot suckered
You anti right wing faggots are pathetic and should be mass starved and turned.into dog food
Not in minecraft
One had to do with a quote that went along the lines of "Earth is the universe's melting pot" So they were saying that they were somehow comparing the demons to immigrants, idk really.
The other one was "Demon is an offensive term, they prefer the term mortally challenged" and people online took it as making fun of people with disabilities.
it's not racist saying niggers are stupid and no one wants to hurt them
As opposed to your strawman version of them?
>calls himself a "poc"
You're already brainwashed, pavlovian dog.
t. modern leftist
He's right, you know. You're gay right now. In the early 2000s the leftists were the great ones. Profanity was okay in media, sexy women were okay in media, censorship of themes of almost any sort was bad was because you shouldn't oppress creativity. Now it's literally the exact opposite. The roles have reversed insofar as it affects us as people. Stop being gay and maybe greys like Biden and Trump won't win; it's all on you, friend.
This is embarrassing. No wonder people can't be against that annoying shit without getting demonized.
It's a really grim SJW false flag, and beyond obvious.
Doomguy was meant to represent TRUMP defending ISRAEL, as all americans should lay their lives down for the chosen and the DEMONS represent libtards which are killed using facts guns and logic bombs
Kill yourself you dumb racist
No one wants to hear your worthless, cowardly opinion mate.
Nice counterargument.
>stupid nigger going HURRRR
I have literally never seen a single solid argument against the horseshoe, only "Horseshoe fags don't pick a side because they think they're too good for one" and "If you don't commit to a side you're wrong. Also only my side is right.".
holy shit this is retarded how can anyone be offended by this
We're literally forced into interacting with the institutions they control every single day.
Meanwhile they are not.
Ever noticed how often leftists speak as if they assume everyone must agree with them? Like the enemy couldn't be the real people in front of him but some threat that comes from far away.
ok dummy there are obvious differences between the races
Imagine having the rightwing in your head to the point that you try to false flag them on a video game hosting service. This thread makes me feel comfy.
I like that we live so rent free in their heads.
>only my side is right
Their MO is to be offended. They are constantly looking out for things that upset them so they can let everyone know how upset they are.
>I'm a centrist
Why would you admit something so embarrassing? Just be honest and say you're scared of confrontation, have no values or beliefs, and think you're better than everyone
what? jews are synagogue of satan, if anything new Doom is pro Vatican Holy See than Israel
No strawman from me. I used to be a leftist my whole life until just a few years ago. I understand them perfectly.
Imagine not being able to tell that this is a joke and not a false flag. Is this the power of autism?
The problem with centrists is they are almost always just moderate leftists, they do not provide any real resistance to anything and will simply keep blowing in the wind as they always have.
They do not move culture, they are moved by people with actual conviction.
Not according to Jesus, stone-thrower.