If you like this game, you should like FFXIII

If you like this game, you should like FFXIII.

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I don't hate FFXIII but it does a lot more wrong than just hallway level design. FFX actually put things in those hallways and had a lot of meaningful worldbuilding.

>FFX actually put things in those hallways and had a lot of meaningful worldbuilding.

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FFX has a good battle system and a better levelling system than FFXIII.
However everything else bad about FFXIII is still a part of FFX.

>FFX actually put things in those hallways and had a lot of meaningful worldbuilding.

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I don't i won't and fuck off and die.


Most people who like FFX enjoy the autistic sphere grid endgame. XIII has nothing like that, it's one of the most barebones games at endgame too. The story of FFX is something you need to sit through to get to the monster arenas and ultima weapon building, although IMO that stuff is shitty too.

most do

Not really. If anything, the combat is miles ahead in 13 and the leveling is pretty much identical.

Jesus christ, has Yas Forums really gotten THIS contrarian?

>no arguments
Let me guess, you didn't understand the laughing scene either.

This ONE NPC did more to develop FFX's world than anything in FFXIII. Which is a shame because FFXIII does have a cool setting, the story just isn't particularly interested in it.

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>FFX actually put things in those hallways and had a lot of meaningful worldbuilding.

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I would say overall they are on the same level. However, the combat in 13 is definitely way better than rock paper scissors.

Why don't people talk about the better X game?

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>the leveling is pretty much identical
Absolutely not.

FFX is one of my favorite jrpg's of all time, while I absolutely despise almost everything about FFXIII. Why is that?

The crystarium is garbage because it's so fucking linear, there's no advantage over a traditional levelling system.
The basic sphere grid is still shit for the same reasons but the expert sphere grid at least gives you some choices about how to build your characters.

FNC has amazing lore and shit-tier worldbuilding. It's almost impressive.

Even with the basic grid, you can jump characters over to each other at specific spots in the grid and unlock shortcuts to better spells and abilities. It's still way more flexible than a traditional leveling system.

>FFX actually put things in those hallways and had a lot of meaningful worldbuilding

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>FFX actually put things in those hallways and had a lot of meaningful worldbuilding.

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I like every ff game but don't have the sense of commitment or mental stability to play any of them it seems like.

No one played it

>FFX actually put things in those hallways and had a lot of meaningful worldbuilding

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>FFX actually put things in those hallways and had a lot of meaningful worldbuilding.

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>FFX actually put things in those hallways and had a lot of meaningful worldbuilding.
People liked you killed Final Fantasy


I liked it because of the combat though

fuck ATB

>FFX actually put things in those hallways and had a lot of meaningful worldbuilding.

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I dont know why that guy is samefagging you. You're right.

FFXIII is... mediocre.
It's like FFX but does everything worse
>world building
>level progression
>party composition

I got 20+ hours into FFXIII but had no reason to continue playing, it's just bland.

you need to have the understanding and nuance of a baboon to think that.
like legit sub 50 IQ.

I do and I do.

ff7r is hallway faggotry again

The most important thing about a Final Fantasy game to me is the world it portrays. Spira felt like a well conceived actual world that made me excited to traverse it. The world of FFXIII, whatever it was called, felt like a series of levels that existed only to fight enemies in.

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>Leveling is the same
>FFXIII: "Oopsy whoopsy, you reached your max level for this segment and can't go further for now uwu"

xiii filters zoomers who haven't played golden age ps2 jrpgs

The same people who worked on X made XIII.
XIII is the spiritual successor of FFX in every way. It was designed to please FFX fans.

This is 25 bucks, should i get it?

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good job ape.

>bad remaster
>bad port
>bad games
why would you even do that when the devs themselves didn't care about the product?

yeah. turn non remastered music on

>FFX actually put things in those hallways and had a lot of meaningful worldbuilding.

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I mean yeah?
Anybody who actually played the game knows that.

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>This ONE NPC did more to develop FFX's world than anything in FFXIII

that's because a lot of story shit in FFXIII is in a fucking data long.

While bad, it could be worse by having story shit in something like a CGI movie or a novel.

This character is hardly better than FFXIII's datalog. In either way instead of being shown or displayed organically, you're being spoonfed the lore.
Compare this to FFXII where multiple NPCs tell you a different piece of lore, where the bestiary has a ton of lore that you unlock for yourself and where the environment itself is telling a story, and you can see how both FFX and FFXIII are both trash in the worldbuilding department.

Uh oh, an XIIfag.

X has Auron and Jecht, XIII has no character that can compare

Plus hamauzu's music is not nearly as catchy or melodic as uematsu

No, because ffxiii story cutscenes had strange dialogue like "moms are tough"
And the battle system in ffxiii was constantly auto mode. I never used manual like I never pressed the x button in ff12. All these new battle systems are junk and I miss the old story writers. Final Fantasy games are still quality games (except for ff15 that was like a beta of ff versus 13) but the latest ones aren't that great anymore.

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Hamauzu did all the best tracks for FFX and they are more melodic than anything Uematsu did for the game.

and many more

What's with this game that triggers legitimately mentally ill people like Spoony and the samefag ITT?

the combat system is one of the most elaborate ones in the series.
the decisionmaking is in the paradigms, not in what the defined roles would press anyways no matter what in any other FF game.

FFX story>>>>>>>>>>>>>FF XIII trash plot

FFX came out 19 years ago and is better than anything Square have made since.

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12 was significantly better for me, if only because it wasn't a disappointing linear experience this time around.

13 doesn't have Lulu's tits in it.

he even uses the same shitty weeb reaction images outing himself

Kingdom Hearts 1 > Final Fantasy X

Why is some guy samefagging in response to this

But XIII doesn't have the Sphere Grid or anything like it, does it?

>But XIII doesn't have the Sphere Grid or anything like it, does it?

It has a sphere grid like thing for each job for each character but you are blocked by story in terms of leveling.

18 years ago I might have agreed, but now KH just feels like a clunky slog to me. I can't play it anymore. FFX has only sweetened with age.

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The feeling of going on a pilgrimage is nice. They may be linear levels but I can point out every location on a map and the places close to them.
I legitimately don't remember a single area name in FFXIII, their relevancy or where it could be in the world. I found everything visually unmemorable. I also like the characters much more in X. Totally get why people find them annoying but I remember them as characters and not complete nothingness characters like in XIII.