>majority of gamers are fat ugly middle aged men
>literally zero games where you can play as one
Explain yourself Japan
Majority of gamers are fat ugly middle aged men
Hey I'm only 24 and I'm not fat
self insert. if i ever got a chance to change my appearance i'd become a 5'7 tomgirl
But that’s wrong you retard.
i don't want to play as myself in a game, i want to play as cute little girl
What are they laughing at?
The fact that it might be me is making me really angry
You mean tomboy
majority of gamers are children.
What's the point of being a girl if you don't get to be 140cm?
Excellent taste.
No body tell him
I thought I was the only one. The image makes me nervous
Anyone know how this feeling is called?
High schoolers don't have breasts or thighs that large
They aren't even laughing. Also it's insecurity.
Your peepee
>implying im middle aged
Why are you on Yas Forums grandpa?
somebody post that bike cuck comic
Video games designed as escapism/adventure to an "ideal" world and most gamers hate themselves/want to be something else. If you add these two together it sure be clear why: Nobody wants to play an ugly fat guy. Everybody want to be the hero and/or cute/sexy/beautiful/smart/succesful.
You are simply looking at the wrong places
>inb4 VNs are not video games
no i mean tomgirl
i'd still look like a neanderthal even if i did this
and thats a shame
... some do. Goddamn it, some do.
Psychotic delusion.
that pic has to be some kind of bait, right?
like the "making crystals" image
I always create either a fat guy who is a total beast or a tiny little gnome cunt whom everyone hates because he's a cunt and uses and abuses cheap shots to fuck friends qnd foes alike all the time and it's even worse because I'm actually a good player so I am basically invincible out of being an asshole and making people rage with endless boops that do virtually no damage but it doesn't matter because it turns an otherwise perfectly normal situation into an absolute shitshow of the worst kind while also making it fun for bypassers or temporarily non-targeted players from both teams.
Yes, doing 5 squats a day will turn you gay
Why would I want to play as myself? Much in the same way I don't want real world political horseshit in my games, and a billion trump parodies, I don't want to play as some fat fuck, I want to play as a badass.
Why can people not understand the joy of escapism anymore?
The precursor version where they tell you to eat semen as well is the real troll image. This just seems like someone who fell for it making another.
I've been there
>to eat semen
Eating your own semen is harmless and probably just contributes to psychologic effect of being a femboy.
"Representation" is a bad meme.
Nah you never play as the big fat guy, it's always some tiny dick shota getting cheated on or the girl that gets fucked
Which is a shame because I can only self-insert as ugly bastards and big buff men
I'm middle aged but not fat or ugly.
>majority of gamers are fat ugly middle aged men
you are confusing that demographic with majority of Yas Forums users
majority of gamers are ~15 years old boys
user there's a heart in there it can only be a good thing
I used to be like this but since I have had sex I don't care anymore.
>not ugly
user I...
This is also an obvious work of fiction that probably isn't aiming for pure realism.
Wow, you sound like you really hate video games OP. You probably shouldn't post on a board about them. You might make yourself annoyed.
Yes? What is it kyodai?
>tfw shill has to post on a board but hates gamers
Poor OP
user I'm very ugly... Life just isn't fair sometimes
They aren't even real, you fucking psycho's.
My high school had one girl, she was about 4’ 10”, redhead, cute as fuck, slender but with like F cup tits. Jesus Christ she had some amazing mammaries. She’s still pretty amazing looking today.
>what is super mario
I feel you bro. At least you don't have mental problems like me.
Best anime tiddy games on steam?
What if I have bingo?
>on steam?
Why limit yourself?
Ok. Anime tiddy on pc or switch
>Why limit yourself?
If my power level grows too large it could destroy the planet
>it could destroy the planet
do it
Isn't Mario canonically supposed to be in his 20s?
he's still fat and ugly, guy may as well be middle aged
Being a fucking loser
Fat anime girl thighs
Carry on bro...