ITT: Games with cancerous fanbase

ITT: Games with cancerous fanbase

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Touhou fanbase is pretty cancerous

Every single sony exclusive.
Brands that started as it and are long multiplat still suffer from that cancer fanbase like Tekken.

Also I miss old Touhou fanbase, now it's full of ironic weebs

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The one and only

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Imagine defending paying hundreds of dollars for a single game.

Whiny zoomers who wants easy as pancakes and otaku gatekeepers who wants a series to be nonexistent for their pressure.
Both of them are ruining game discussions and development. They should unironically kill themselfs.
Every game should have a dificulty setting that eveyone can enjoy, Thunder Force and SMTIV is a great game.

Whiny zoomers who wants easy as pancakes and otaku gatekeepers who wants a series to be nonexistent for their pressure.
Both of them are ruining game discussions and development. They should unironically kill themselfs.
Every game should have a dificulty setting that eveyone can enjoy.
>muh pandering
"Panders" depending on writers, if they hired a mastermind then its all good.

2hu was THE ironic weeb franchise but not anymore.

Just imagine a franchise where no one plays the games and just like the characters artworks. At least fatefags are able to download FGO and waste their money on the gacha, which is the intended way to enjoy the franchise.

The only 2hufags that remain at least try to get into the games because they're fans of the source material instead of being fans of the fanbase. All the people that were in it for the popularity jumped ship long ago, which is a good thing

reCAPTCHA was a mistake.

>fgo is the intended way to enjoy the franshise

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>fans of the fanbase
They fans of the characters, you see like every thu discussion about the characters.

Just play Fate/Extra if your a fatefag.
Otakufags were a mistake, they wander alround like they own the fucking place, just as worse as niggers.


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All of them. Find me a long-standing fanbase that isn't pure cancer.

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all of them

Mountain Blade?

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this is an anime but

It is right now, which only makes it sadder/funnier

It has much less ironic weebs than other franchises, but it has tons of trannies

Every fanbase is fucking shit right now, mostly due to the fact that most of them don't play vidya, they watch gameplays and then proceed to fill every discussion with their epic maymays

you hear about trannies everywhere because they're now the loudest attencion whores on the internet
it was the same for real women before everyone start to surf the web

Are you implying transwomen aren't real?

no, they're real and pain to deal with
the best solution is just to ignore them

Warhammer is pretty bad, especially the fags who don't play the tabletop. Even then, a lot of the tabletop nerds are quite insufferable.

Then play the game cuck.

I was making Jeanne in Cladun X2.

The Paradox fanbase is more like a cult. Like how Scientology doesn't let you ascend to the next level until you've paid a certain amount of money, Paradox doesn't let you until you've bought enough DLC.
And the more DLC you buy the more stake you have and the more brainwashed you become.

Can someone redpill me on Paradox?
Not on the DLC cult part, the game itself, is any good?

Persona fags who never ever shut up about Persona 5.They try to copy the smug,cocky personality of Joker in real life,and fail.They play the game's ost on Spotify and praise on the same level as masterpieces like Led Zeppelin 4.
Must of them haven't played game yet

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furries and pedophiles
Yas Forumsfags

Every game Yas Forums likes

Neckbeards and manchildren
Yas Forumsirgins

Pre-warhammer totalwar

You know 96% of Toehoe characters are 16 and over right?

>Isn't Cuutmerbait like Puyo
>Isn't Obscureshit that hipsters will put in a pedestal like Panel de Pon or Magical Drop
>Isn't even the biggest normie magnet in the puzzle genre since every Match 3 game exists now
>Just cool Bros with Blocks

>muh 40000 year old fairy goddess with the body of a 8 year old!

>OMG they're below 64.2" height so they MUST be a loli

real life

stop trying to justify your loli fetish

Stop justifying your paranoia

why do touhoufags always sperg out when theyre called pedophiles?

Im not a otakucuck but a loli is just a small female body, not a age.

If you like administration sims

the answer is always WoW

WK40 went full shit ever since 2016
One of the few instance where the "real world" can turn an good fanbase into a clusterfuck of autisms

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Smash by far is the Nintendo fanbase at their worst and nothing can or ever will top it

Bros he got us...

But muh Dog Embroar...

The one who always calls a game a piece of shit without even trying.

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how do I get into touhou stories and other stuff.
lot of years ago I saw a thread on Yas Forums about touhou grazing thought it was cool as hell, found touhou 8 is most polished by that time, play it, tried my best to 1cc which I heard apparently is the actual goal of game,
never played touhou since than
but recently I have heard something called secondary, who are people who like touhou as universe more than games, and spend time in other stuff like appreciating comics and role playing.
if this much people are invested in this side of touhou culture it must be really good.
I want to get into it, I also have exhentai.

Every single video game ever made

>Not matching the font

>hating the truth

>implying I don't agree
>implying I don't just recognize it as a shit edit



Megaman. Has like 3 shitposters on Yas Forums but that's it

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>which is the intended way to enjoy the franchise
The way jews intend you to enjoy maybe


Read non-h doujins
Use the wiki to look up characters you don’t recognize