VRChads get in here, escape those shit drama threads and let's actually discuss HLA

VRChads get in here, escape those shit drama threads and let's actually discuss HLA.

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what the fuck is there to discuss ?
use one of the other threads up you giant faggot

Very interesting and rich environments, atmosphere is amazing, assets I can spend minutes looking at. I have sat on rooftops, just embracing the view. Yeah, it's a shitty bleak town view, but god damn everything is so beautiful. Slightly brain-damaged encounters, compared to boneworks etc. Enemies stupidly soak up headshots and stumble on the same spot, while you snipe them from your pistol holding it like a retarded 19 year old girl.

I was surprised how entertaining it is just to look at all the objects in-game. Just looking at all the fictitious companies and the little signs everywhere. There was a lot of care put into making it as detailed as possible. There was this paint can I found with tons of different textures, white slimy looking paint dripping off the sides, reflective logo, bumpy rust. It's crazy. The gameplay is there but I wish they would spawn more enemies, so far it's been pretty sparse, I'm a little past the part where you cut the first cable generator thing so hopefully things ramp up in difficulty. The bomb puzzle level was pretty clever and fun too.

imagine the sfm porn in another year

>Tyler McNigger claims before release you can look around Russle's lab and he has a voice line for nearly everything
>He actually just stares at you and says nothing

I would've liked more weapons (including melee damage) and better enemy variety, but the hacking puzzles were the only thing that really bothered me. That kind of repetition is way worse than just using the same few guns or killing the same types of enemies, since you more clearly notice the formula of the game design. Some of the puzzles where you reroute power are actually nice, as they force you to examine the environment. But the puzzles for Combine upgrade stations, supply cabinets, and doors grow repetitive fast. Would've been a 9/10 game in my book if it weren't for that; having extensive variety is important for a story-driven game like this

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Yeah, the PBR materials on everything look very satisfyingly. In VR it's even more good, for an object to shine it has to be seen brighter by one eye than the other. That matte plasticity of sustenance bars, aluminum tape on combine boxes, hnnnnggg...

I expected a little more revolutionizing gameplay for VR from this, or at least many more standards to set, but overall I am very pleased.

The gravity gloves mechanic is absolutely amazing and I can see other VR games start to copy this. Boneworks had a similar thing but it was just very clunky and limited in range.
The way you switch weapons is really cool, using your hand to quickly select them like thery're on a virtual d-pad. I like this a lot, and think many VR games would benefit from this; it's a good way to handle multiple weapons without needing to go through some virtual backpack or something like in TWD:

The rest... Well I wish you could actually hurt enemies with props. Things like using planks to smash headcrabs or staff, it all always end up with you shooting stuff. Not like it's a problem, but after Boneworks and some other games it feels like something's missing, especially because this game has such a great physics engine.

the northern star was so fucking kino and spooky lads
had me jumping like a little bitch

i really like how blade and sorcery handles melee weapons the weight distribution in most games is way off

here is fine

>just ordered knuckles controllers
>$300 with tax
hope it's worth the weight, the trumpbux can't come soon enough

>meme hardware
>meme game

>meme post

It's good. An interesting VR game

I didn't mind the limited weaponry, since the guns were able to be upgraded, and given that most fights were pretty close, there really didn't need to be a lot of different firearms, outside of maybe some upgradeable secondary functions like a orb launcher for the combine gun. Since pretty much all the guns remained viable for the entire play through there really didn't need to be a vast array of weapons like in HL2. The only thing I really wanted more variety in was the consumables, since your options were either carrying a grenade or a syringe in your wrist pockets. Even just adding a couple of different grenade types (molotov cocktail for example) or syringes with different effects would have made that whole aspect of inventory management more interesting and given you more tools to use in different situations. Definitely agree with you on the puzzles though, especially the orb one where you need to move a key to the lock.

L4DVR would have been a better game

There's an over saturation of zombie VR shooters. Shits so played out. I'm glad we got HLA instead.

>Slightly brain-damaged encounters
i have a brain injury. my brain is injured

Can any of you explain the ending? If alyx vanishes at the end of ep.2 then what about alyx in hl2 ? Why doesn't alyx/eli mention anything about her adventures to Gordon? Also why does gman mention Gordon is unable or unwilling to work for him when that's all he has been doing all this time.

Melee is crap in VR imo. That's the reason crowbar was taken away.

Yeah I was hoping you'd get a gravity gloves upgrade at some point in the game that would let you throw around props like the gravity gun.

We'll probably get this soon anyway

try blade and sorcery

Vorts snatched Gordon grom him and he is salty

>here's your demagorgon bro!
Good idea, stupid monster design

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>gman mention Gordon is unable or unwilling to work for him

play episodes, Gordon works with Vortigants now

>Melee is crap in VR imo

The melee in Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners is supreme. It works well against zombies.

imagine the smell

>Baby tier puzzles
>Braindead AI
>Only 3 guns
>Low enemy variety
>Waggle controls
>Game designed around teleport movement
>Hack writers retcon Episode 2
It's shit.

Seething pancake gamer.

I would take that guy's opinion with grain of salt to be honest. Obviously he love to exaggerates on most things he talked about.

The paint splashes everywhere if you throw the can, too.

game feels so small. a lot of the length comes from you just moving at a snail's pace

I still don't exactly know, what is he anyway? A
Xen mutation? Another zombie variant?

The game's pretty good but I still kinda feel like they're out of touch with VR when they jerk it off so much. They keep blaming motion sickness on why they didn't do a lot of shit.
>No normal jump button
>No sprint
>Thought teleport was the way to go at first because muh motion sickness
>They admit in an interview that they couldn't figure out how to make melee satisfying so they scrapped it
>No zoomed out spectator mode option like in Boneworks

Speaking of consumables, there were more grubs than health stations, always a grub nearby whenever the station didn't already have one in it, and you didn't seem to be able to eject the cartridge after depleting it.
Felt like an idiot for carrying around 2 grubs for a good third of the game and never using them.

The little snapping bird fungus that grows on the wall, he contracted it by breathing in the spores. And somehow, it reanimated him into that thing. Doesn't feel like a half-life monster though

i never really saw Valve or the half-life games, apart from the first, to be truly revolutionary. so alyx doesnt feel that way either.

i always felt in 2003-2004, the Revolutionary tech was Doom 3 while Halflife 2 kind of took things from all over, polished it to perfection, and then produced a standard. Like Trespasser was the first game where you solve puzzles with physics... escape from butcher bay did the physics right first, if i remember correctly...

I think the post-98 halflife games dont really fit the credit as being revolutionary, but rather, being benchmark titles. Alyx is the benchmark VR title.

also idk if anyone else sensed it, but you can feel the apprehension in alyx. devs were terrified of making a fuck up sequel lol

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needs a grenade bandoleer
would have been nice after getting the launcher

I'd agree with them about the motion sickness and why they didn't add some stuff if VR was still in it's 1st or 2nd year, but it's been fucking years since first headsets came out. People got over the sickness, devs found ways to alleviate it, yet Valve still insists it's not possible. Boneworks lets you do most stuff that HL Alyx doesn't. And what pisses me off the most are when people praise Alyx/Valve for doing something and pretending it was never done before in VR when we already had big and small games come out and do most of the stuff Alyx has done. Some games evrn do it even better than Alyx.

Is this the least replayable Half-Life game ever?


it's weird how the game has drawers with handles that you can't open
I wish it had a bigger attention to detail when it comes to interacting with the objects, say the video camera at the beginning pointing out of the windows, you can aim the camera but you can't interact with the folding viewport at all

you go to a bar counter and have a bunch of levers you can't pull

Anyone else's hands got Parkinson's only in this game?


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also npc interaction is pretty shit
you can break a bunch of bottles right next so someones face and they won't react, you can give the finger to a combine aiming at you and they don't care

There's literally zero reason to go back to the game after you beat it outside of some shitty achievements or maybe seeing weapon upgrades you missed out on. There's no survival mode, dev commentary, New Game+, anything.


I'm doing a second playthrough right now. on my first playthrough I didn't realize you could wear the gas masks, open the yellow crates, or attach xen grenades to your shotgun grenade launcher.

we dont have a single good one, especially not a multiplayer one

I might use my stimulus check and tax refund to buy an index. I'm starved for HL content but I was hoping VR would be cheaper before jumping into the meme. I just need to make some space.

Have you played pavlov's zombie mode? It's pretty fun and there's some creative maps.

I feel violated by having to tickle the fucking xen for grenades.

Ohhh that's how you get them? I tried everything but that.

Yeah, there's a breathing bulging spot on its underside. Carress it and it'll open up.

I hate it so much.

you just grab it with your hands quickly. no tickling involved

You can force pull and then immediately reach out and grab the grenade from the claw before it can get a grip again, I didn't even know you were supposed to tickle them.


The new turning mechanic introduced in the first patch makes the game a lot less annoying to play.

i have and its entertaining for a little until it gets boring quickly, just killing zombies in waves that run at you
pavlov is a mixed bag anyway, it's good and has variety, but none of its gamemodes are great

they're also releasing some ww1 mode with driveable tanks supposedly in may

Yeah, very much so
wish it was an option in all VR games

Who else felt bad after killing Jeff with a trash compactor? I know I did

Oh God. I'm glad I just did the quick snatch method.

when strapped in a headset with a cord coming out of it does it feel restricitve when you're trying to turn around and crouch and shit? do you have to stand to play it ?

Didn't bother, I just turn physically. Tried it when they patched it in and it felt like shit.

I have to deal with my wire too much when I turn physically. If I had a way to address that I might want to turn physically more often (although that might also make me want to move around the room some and I don't have my Vive set up for roomscale).

am I the only one who figured the interactivity in this game actually feels a bit limited? there's tons of objects that are static even though in real life they'd be interactible

I like it

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I have freed up space and I still bump into things when I play B&S. People are playing in the tightest spots and I wonder how.

I thought the button would re-open it so I just left him.

not him but I have around a 2x2m space to play in if I got a VR headset and I wonder if this is enough, I'm kind of thinking what if I walk 1m to my side and then start flinging my arms around