D-d-dont need to bury PS5 yet people!

>D-d-dont need to bury PS5 yet people!
>B-b-but games actually woudnt utilize all Xbox SeX resources so they are pointless!
>B-b-but the difference between PS5 and Xbox SeX wont be noticable!
>B-b-but PS exclusives!
>B-b-but mah SSD!

Why do literally every youtuber and "console-expert" find it their duty to shill PS5 so hard with such a shitty arguements?

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Because no one wants xbox so it doesn't matter if it has more power

>giving a shit about console hardware
all that matters is exclusive games.
I haven't played a single multiplat on my PS4

Also, consolefags don't understand that while the hardware of next gen looks like a great deal at the moment, they'll be stuck with it for the next 8 years
When RDNA2 GPUs arrive in the market next year mid-end GPUs will already be equal to current consoles, top ones decimating them. And that's within the first year of consoles being out.

It doesn’t matter if there are better GPUs available, games will be designed for xsex. No developer will give a fuck about whatever nvidia and amd shit out, just like the previous two gens.

>Also, consolefags don't understand that while the hardware of next gen looks like a great deal at the moment, they'll be stuck with it for the next 8 years
That's why they're coming out later on with the PS5 Pro and Xbox Series X X, which you bet people will buy just like they did last time.

High end PCs have better specs than consoles now and the games still look 99% the same

This. At the moment playstation is the more popular brand.

Devs tend to make games for the weakest spec possible. In the 6th gen everything was made with the PS2 in mind. 8th gen games were held back because they all had to run on the base Xbone.

Because they know PS5 is only good for movies
Damage Control

I'm thinking about buying a series x for exclusives and multiplatform games and buying a ps5 just for exclusives anyone else doing the same?

I wouldn't say 99% but they're definitely closing the gap. Last gen the difference was immense since consoles were running at 720p and like 24 fps, and on PC people were playing at 1080p 60 fps. Now we just have the better framerate. But it's a common thing in the industry, differences between consoles aren't that big either and they used to be huge. It's all converging to the same.

I feel dirty about owning platforms that have an overlap of 95% of their libraries. Specially for those prices.

I think about it as in its gonna last me at least 7 years so from that perspective it's a really good deal

The ps4 runs multiplats at 1080p and xbone runs them at weird resolutions.

>One week later
>Xbox cucks still at peak cope
Pipe down.

But in 7 years you get like 5 good exclusives, what bothers me is that you end up forcing yourself to play the shitty ones (Knack, Days Gone, Horizon, etc.) just to justify the purchase, I'm more inclined to wait until the console is like 5 years old, getting it for cheap and buy the few good games it has for like 10 dollars each. I would have killed myself if I had spent 60 dollars on Uncharted 4, for example.

Well I skipped out this gen so I'll play all the ps4 exclusives too

Then I guess it's okay, you will have plenty of stuff on both consoles for a while.

But exclusives are actually the only argument that matters. Calling it a shitty argument tells us a lot about your state of mind.
Why does it matter that Xsex is slightly more powerful when there's nothing to play on it? Look at XboneX, which is more powerful relative to PS4pro than Xsex is relative to PS5. First of all the first thing you notice is that all of that power difference only comes down to slightly higher rez which no one gives a fuck about. Who genuinely cares about differences between 1800p upscaled up and 2160p(4K)?
Secondly you notice that even though XboneX is genuinely 30% more powerful than PS4pro (Xsex isn't 30% better than PS5) all you have to play is shit like Sea of Thieves and Crackdown3.

You don't get 100 million users by exclusives alone. Most people just play CoD and FIFA, it's hard to tell where most of the people are gonna orbitate too, but it's definitely gonna be more balanced this gen than the previous one. Because Xbox has full backwards compatibility with enhancements for free (everything at 4k 60 fps), the game pass (huge for normies who don't play many games), and now they know it's more powerful. And Xbox still has plenty of games that PS doesn't.
Exclusives just sell because the console is succesful, if Xbox sells more than PS5 then Halo Infinite will be way more successful than, say, The Last of Us 3.

It's a launch console so it's more like ps4 vs xbox one and people really cared about the power difference there

>I haven't played a single multiplat on my PS4
What a sad person you must be.

>low settings and half the framerate
no thanks

PC will have the best exclusives now that Valve is back anyway.

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People cared about the power difference because it was $100 cheaper and didnt have forced online and kinect

Back to /r/pcmasterrace copefag

What about PhysX, Nvidia Hairworks, Ray Tracing and all post processing effects?

I'm aware, but I was assuming the best out of that poster. That he doesn't play AAA westernshit or the typical recycled yearly games.
Yes brand image and peer pressure are the two major factors because most people are braindead. But if you are posting on an imageboard you don't belong to that group (hopefuly).

>, it's hard to tell where most of the people are gonna orbitate too
No it's not, it's really easy. Obviously PS5, where is your doubt about this? PS4 already has over 2x the playerbase and PS5 will be slightly cheaper. The general userbase doesn't easily jump to another platform, they already have their libraries and friendlists on the current system they own, which go over to the new one.

>Because Xbox has full backwards compatibility with enhancements for free
So does PS5, they are exactly the same. Both will play the majority of current gen games on launch, both will also have above 100 boosted games on launch. Both will have more as time goes on.
You seem to have the wrong idea that Xsex is going to play ALL Xbone games in boosted mode, but they already admited in a twitter reply that thy are in the same position as Sony.
Their only advantage is the same as Xbone's current advantage, the 1% of Xbox library and 20% of 360 library that is BC - see how irrelevant this is? Despite this the Xbone still has less than half of PS4's sales. That won't change for Xsex.

>the game pass
yet another thing Xbone already has and that didn't change a thing. PS4 still has over 2x the sales. Why do you think that would change next gen?

>and now they know it's more powerful.
That never mattered. How many times do you have to hear that the most powerful console is never the leader? SNES wasn't as powerful as the Saturn. PS2 was the weakest console that entire gen. Wii was also the weakest. Sure PS4 was 40% better than Xbone but clearly not the reason it sold more, rather it was because it cost $100 less at launch and has more games.

I'm not a gay furry so i'm buying the superior XseriesX at launch

Take a look at the ps2 vs og xbox and then compare it to next gen it's not as clear as you might think

playstation outsells xbox every generation

-Disasterous PR. So bad that a PS4 video about trading videogames got 17 million views
-Cost $100 more than PS4
-Forced you to buy a Kinect
-Launched a YEAR later in half of EU's countries (mine included)

And of course the Xbox brand is general is seen as irrelevant outside the US, while the PS brand is strong worldwide. Those are the reasons PS4 BTFO'd Xbone, not because it was 40% more powerful.

Why do people watch youtubers? Instead of forming their own opinion

>No it's not, it's really easy. Obviously PS5, where is your doubt about this? PS4 already has over 2x the playerbase and PS5 will be slightly cheaper. The general userbase doesn't easily jump to another platform, they already have their libraries and friendlists on the current system they own, which go over to the new one.
What about PS2 to PS3? Every time people think costumers are faithful to a company they end up being wrong, every single time.
>So does PS5, they are exactly the same.
Only PS4, and no enhancements (they would have said so), Series X also plays 360 and OG Xbox games. So no they're not exactly the same at all.
>yet another thing Xbone already has and that didn't change a thing. PS4 still has over 2x the sales. Why do you think that would change next gen?
Because the things that influence the bad sells of the Xbox One are not gonna be present the next gen? Every new gen is a new start, and people start evaluating again the pros and the cons before buying. That's how you go from 20 million GameCubes to 100 million Wiis. Or from 20 million Xbox to 80 million 360s.
>That never mattered.
Maybe, it sure mattered for the PS4.

Thinkign bout using my trump bux to buy a new cpu+mobo since i just got a gpu. Whats good niggas?

Because PlayStation is better. Just give up already. Why even make these threads. You’re not going to change the future. Xbox is more powerful this generation and no one cares. It’s over. People are going with PlayStation.

PS3 launched a year later than 360. Yas Forums zoomers don't seem to know this. That's the only reason 360 got an early lead

Xbox is MUCH more powerful than PS2, one could argue 60-80% more poweful. It's the largest power discrepancy perhaps ever and it still didn't matter.
The one and only time MS was successful was with the 360 and that's because Sony really fucked up with a console that came a full year later worldwide, cost $200 more and actually had no games for the first 2 years. Even then, at the end PS3 managed to outsell the 360.

Unless Microsoft decides to give some money to EA and ask them to make new FIFA exclusively for SeXboX. You know I'm right.

You could say the same with how microsoft messed up with the xbox one, the series x looks a lot better and they got the series s too


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>What about PS2 to PS3?
Sony royaly fucked up. Such a big fuckup is pretty much impossible to occur again. And take notice, Sony's biggest fuckup ever still sold 80m+ units. That's more than any MS console ever sold, and more than any Nintendo homeconsole ever sold except for one (Wii).
Also consumer faith is even more prevalent now that system accounts full of libraries exist.

>Only PS4, and no enhancements (they would have said so)
They did say so. PS5 will play 100's of PS4 booster (higher rez and FPS) games at launch, around the same number as Xsex. Both will play thousands of PS4/Xbone games at launch too, without improvements though.
Also you're blind, I did talk about Xbox/360 games, read the fucking post again and why that doesn't matter. If it mattered then Xbone would already have an advantage because that service ALREADY EXISTS. It's not something new that only Xsex will bring to the table, it's ALREADY here. Didn't do shit.

>Because the things that influence the bad sells of the Xbox One are not gonna be present the next gen?
And good things are also not going to be present. Such as, you know, no games. That kind of matters.
Xbox/360 BC and Gamepass? They already exist, they already did nothign to change the course of sales - thus they will do nothing next gen either. Their influence is already here.

>buying a scuffed version of a PC that can only play video games when all of those games are on PC anyway
The cope is pouring out of you.

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Holy shit the non-final PS5 design is so fucking ugly, Sony is shooting themselves in the foot by allowing it to be paraded publicly next to the sleek SeX for so long

The Xbox series X is literally more powerful than a PS5 and PS4 combined.
Sony has the most die hard fan base in all of gaming, and they are now going hard for their “team”.

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Except they designed it themselves so obviously they are okay with it

Well it was meant for internal use but obviously journos and the public doesn't care about that

Reminder that all games that have pc port will be only good enough to utilize a HDD and 8 gb ram as thats what most pc users have.

Niggers and normies buy xbox to play nba cid and fifa. All the other normal humans get playstation . Ut has always been this way and not gonna change

because they have no childhood affinity for microsoft
only sony and nintendo

8 GB of ram and an HDD is what the consoles have, so PC don’t need any more than that to play the newest games. With every new console generation, comes new PC minimum requirements

What is there to play on PS5? They're both starting over from square one and actually XSX has more games since it has better BC at least initially. Yet here you are acting like you're not shilling for Sony. Deluded.

Why do retards like this guy pretend that hyper consumerism only happens on one platform?

>all xbox acquired studios are post wall
>all sony studios make kino after kino
Specs dont matter when the games are shit.

Minimum specs for next gen games will need ryzen cpu and rtx 2080

forgot pic
I mean for the first couple years games wont utilize ssds and 16 gig ram that the consoles have. To make sure most pcs can run those games.

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Sony studios are past their prime as well. ND can't even put out one game per gen these days because of their senior talent bleed.

>pcfags: hurr consoles play on low settings
>also pcfags: guis play it on low everything above is unoptimised and doesn’t improve the graphics

pcücks are the most dishonest people in vidya. Always coping and making up shit because pc gaming is a scam.

>japan studio
>naughty dog
>guerilla games
>all the SIE studios
>sucker punch
>a lot of japanese third party studios who make PS exclusives, like atlus.

They've made 4 games for this gen

Who the fuck are you quoting copefag?
>pc gaming is a scam
This is the most delusional post ITT.

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>Japan Studio
VR studio under western bosses now. Their identity is long gone.

Gonna be a Spider-Man studio from now on.

>>naughty dog
Rapidly falling apart as Druckmann is a terrible game director and all the senior talent has left due to year long crunch periods.

>>guerilla games
Is and always has been extremely overrated studio. Both their PS4 games are extremely mediocre and I'm sure they'll continue their tradition of pumping out pretty mediocre garbage for PS5.

>>sucker punch
Severely reduced output. Ghost of Sushi looks extremely generic in every way.

>>a lot of japanese third party studios who make PS exclusives, like atlus.
This is the only saving grace of Playstation now.

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You wasted money on a gaming pc, you idiot. Now you go around trying to convert people because all decent games are built for consoles and all pc exclusives are trash.

Because everyone and their mother hate Microsoft and Windows for decades of putting them through the ringer. They understand Microsoft is evil and should never be allowed to win.

Name 2 good console exclusives.
>wasted money on vastly superior system that doesn't just play movies and games terribly

i'd buy both if M$ let me install W10 or any Linux distro at launch to replace my PC.
snoy console obviously for exclusive first party gaems

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Cuckbox losers absolutely BTFO in this thread

The fuck? Microsoft was only ever the bad guys during the launch phase of Xbone when that one retard was in charge.