Satan is actually a protaganist in the nu-doom trillogy who wanted humanity to rise up against the Maykrs

>Satan is actually a protaganist in the nu-doom trillogy who wanted humanity to rise up against the Maykrs
how can Samur Hayden keep getting away with this?

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the theory doesn't make any since, how could he be Samur and also have been clueless as to what Argent was?

The theory makes perfect sense if you consider the "incurable brain cancer" is not actually cancer at all.
He is not the villain of this tale.
He does have a hero complex, however.

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Samur's betrayal and taking the Father when he left is what caused the Maykrs to become reliant on Argent. He wasn't there before the switch, but he was the inevitable cause of it.

But the Kahn Maykr had already made a deal with and was corrupted by, hell as a result.

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Samur betrayed the Kahn because of the kahn becoming corrupted, though.

Being a villain or not has nothing to do with protagonism.

Lucifer was a good guy at first too, but he is the deceiver prepare for that in the next game

I really don't like the idea of Hayden being the Seraphim. I don't mind VEGA being the father (Or at least the essence of the Father), but Hayden works best as a well meaning but short sighted human.

He’s a deuteragonist

Well, naturally. He has a hero complex the size of a bus. The thing is, if he IS Satan, and NOT a villain; then why would he help Doomguy, unless he was overthrown from hell and hence the demon invasions, or he does not yet rule hell and plans to keep the demons under a tighter leash.

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I don't think he would be lucifer if we are going off the theory that he is actually Samur. I'd say he would be a Makyr that is just pissed at both the Khan and hell for their shenanigans with countless lives lost. I'm not well versed in christian theology, has there ever been an angel who wanted to destroy both heaven and hell?

Samuel Hayden is not himself the Seraphim; but Samur Maykr is; Samur took Samuel as a host in the form of an incurable brain "cancer"- meanwhile Samur only exists to Samuel as a guide and telling him of what's to come to pass and what he has to do to save humanity. By the time of 2016 the two are nearly completely one entity. By Eternal, Samur and Samuel is one and the same.

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What the hell happened between 2016 and Eternal?

I can actually accept that theory. It'd explain why he did such a 180 on Argent Energy.

In some biblical depictions; Lucifer betrayed god because he wanted them to have free will and be their own masters; In others, Lucifer betrayed god because he did not like humans. It's hard to say, here; but we seem to be on the "i like squishy pathetic asshole-of-the-universe humans yes i do" route.

a trilogy is 3 games dumbfuck

It's the most logical explanation and it seems to be what the games are pointing to; seeing as he just touches the crucible and immediately knows how to use it, when only very specific individuals or kahns should be able to; as well as almost immidiately knowing everything about the Maykrs.

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>he thinks they're not already doing nu-doom 3, 4, 5, and 6 already
you have no idea how this industry works, eternal was already in the works by the time 2016 was half done.

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I dunno about that, 2016 had a very rocky development and the story wasn't finalized until like 3 months from release.

Read the lore pages

I'm 100% sure of it considering there were left-over assets in 2016 that weren't put out until the DLCs.

It's pretty obvious that Samuel is Samur is Seraphim. When Doom guy goes to stab the betrayers sons heart the door says welcome seraphim. Samuel is with you like cortana is with master chief and the door opens for him not you. Also the next Kahn's body is already ready to go (its floating the the pool before the heart stabbing) and with the father back in place(because vega = father) the next kahn will be made. Now the question is will vegafather be good or evil and same for samur/el.

I wish Marauder had ended up being a rival to Slayer.
A recurring fight against the same one as opposed to a recycled enemy.

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I was also wondering why this was called a crucible and then doom guy gets his own crucible. What if the doom 2016 crucible is Haydens crucible.

Hayden is still on the Fortress of Doom, he's just communicating with you from there. If anyone is with you, VEGA is. At that point in the mission, you haven't placed him down yet.
But the "Welcome Serpahim" part still bothers me.

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Who wants to bet we will eventually see the "king" of the Marauder clans in one of the DLCs?

He's the Palpatine of Doom. Working all sides to get what his true endgoal is. Which is what we'll find out in the next nuDoom.

>Samuel is the Seraphim
Wait, is this a joke "no, John, you are the demons" bit?

Hayden refers to it in this game as the "Demonic Crucible" implying after absorbing Argent D'nur Hell is making their own bootleg Crucibles for... some reason. Their main purpose seems to be keeping Titans dead, but who knows?

How does he communicate through the dimensions from the station? I believe he put himself in your helmet or whatever so he could go along in spirit.

Still at the station but remember the station is Makyr in origin and is being powered by 2016's crucible. That's gotta be enough juice.

It could be a really old crucible. Id imagine they came in different styles. And doom guys crucible is pretty hellish too. What with the lava forging red blade and all. And its possible samuel was just playing it cool in 2016.

At this point its a wait and see thing. I fully believe it to be a part of the dlc. Im betting 100% it will involve fixing your giant mech suit too. Orobably with either (probably) samuel or (less likely) vegafathers help.

Oh shit what if samuel is father and vega is just a copy.

not possible, we know Hayden was a real person before he transferred himself to the cyborg thing he lives as now. VEGA is much smarter and more capable than Hayden, the difference being is VEGA is just an AI without a body, Hayden is a human in a robot body
Again, the best bet for his correlation between Father and VEGA is that
a) Father was an AI-like being, and VEGA just happens to be similar/as good
b) Samur transferred himself to Hayden through the guise of "brain cancer" and somehow made Father into VEGA
or something, either way it seems very ridiculous but there's definitely more to Seraphim/Samur and what he did with Father than we're clearly told

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Jesus she's sexy as fuck.
I want to frenchkiss her

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I've come to make an announcement:

doomguy is a bitch ass motherfucker. He pissed on my fucking mars. That's right, he took his rip fucking tearing dick out and he pissed on my fucking planet and he said his dick was "this big fucking gun" and I said "that's disgusting".

So I'm making a callout post on my twitter dot com: doomguy, you got a small dick, its the size of this walnut except way smaller. And guess what? Here's what my dong looks like. That's right baby, all metal, no hair, no flesh, look at that it looks like two balls and a bong.

He fucked my planet so guess what? I'm gonna fuck the Earth. That's right this is what you get, MY UNMAYKR LASER PISS. Except I'm not pissing on the Earth, I'm gonna go higher, I'M PISSING ON THE MOON. HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT OBAMA, I PISSED ON THE MOON YOU IDIOT!

You have twenty-three hours before the piss drop-el-ets hit the fucking Earth, now get out of my fucking sight, before I piss on you too.

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She's actually much more pretty without the fugly mask. Why even wear it?

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holy shit my sides
this is gold
plot of doom 3 confirmed

don't you die on me

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I just can't believe those
>samuel Hayden
posters were right

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But he's not Satan. He's the Seraphim

tomayto tomahto

Tomato TOMaToe

user, Satan was a seraphim

Lucifer was never an angel. Lucifer is not even the name of an angel. Lucifer appears once in all the Christian texts, and refers to the King of Babylon. You might as well just being saying "Old Scratch" or "The Devil".

Satan, on the other hand, is the first angel whose name was struck from Heaven and left with only the title of "The Adversary" (which is what Satan means) for rebelling against God.

The rebellion was fueled by the belief that God was making a mistake in creating Man who would have the free will to reject God's love and grace. It was not until Milton that the depiction of Satan wanting to be his own master even became a thing, and even then Milton had the coherence to have Satan only adopt that position after losing his rebellion and refusing to bend the knee and ask for forgiveness.

>he's the Angels
Please stop.

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>I can actually accept that theory. It'd explain why he did such a 180 on Argent Energy.
Then you are an idiot. Hayden did not change his position on Argent energy at all. Go back and listen/read Hayden's lines in 2016. In Eternal the hammer has dropped, and his plan for Argent energy protecting humanity has failed, and the Makyr are vulnerable to be cut off from it, which was his end goal the entire time.

Why the fuck would satan even help his #1 enemy if he wasn't a non-villan this time around?
>satan becomes ruler of hell
>knows doomguy will cave his fucking skull in so offers him a gift
>declines the gift but sticks around to make sure hayden sticks to his word, but also so he doesn't get overthrown and demons invading places again instead of beating up bad dead dudes

That's literally the same thing.

>we know Hayden was a real person before he transferred himself to the cyborg thing he lives as now.
No, we don't. The codex entry literally begins with "UAC Personnel File". It is not a reliable narrator.

Nothing prevents Hayden from being a real person and also being Samur Maykr. Given that Samur took The Father with him, and The Father is responsible for regulating the reincarnation of the Maykr races.

Samur Reincarnates as Samuel, lives his life, eventually moves his body into a Maykr-mech body.

No doomguy.
You ARE the Nameless One...
And then Doomguy was the Devil.

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samuel hyden

see this is pretty much the #1 way the "samuel is samur is satan" bit makes sense; is if Samur 'body hopped' into Samuel; with specific directions to preserve the original Samuel; whilst integrating Samur's brain in a form of artificial bioelectronics.

He can’t keep getting away with it

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>Voiced by Ron Pearlman
Yo little Doomnie...

Wait, there's a story in DOOM? That's just silly.

To preface this comment, I think Doom reboot's story is awful. Doom 2016 (Doom 4 for the rest of this post) story was embarassing and you played as a forced cutscene watching cuckold who let Hayden do whatever he wants. While the mainstream media were cheering for how Doom 4 doesn't care about its story.

Anyway, haven't you guys ever heard of subtext? Consider the nature of the invasions of demons and the first cutscene in Urdak; possession. Hayden likely lived a normal life until he decided to use argent energy and was possessed by an entity. But instead of assuming this entity is Samur Makyr, what if this same entity possessed him? Such as, you know, Satan for real.

Ultimately, Samuel's actions cause the invasion of Urdak as a bonus to the one on Earth. Sure Earth's invasion supposedly fails, but may be worth the 2 birds 1 stone effort and they already got a lot out of it.

Oh yes I can.

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>Samur Makyr, what if this same entity possessed him? Such as, you know, Satan for real.
Satan IS Samur in Doom-verse

Lemme make my point more clear; Satan himself may be a seperate being to Samur and Samuel that possessed them both.

I understand the comparison between Samur and Lucifer, but don't forget Satan isn't exclusively Lucifer nor is Lucifer its origin, of course. It might be a red herring. Furthermore the seraphim aren't actually angels or heaven, but random aliens with a purity theme for the oh so ironic corruption juxtaposition.

That said, VEGA/Argent Energy may serve as the basic bitch analogy for the apple of eden.

Hard to say really; I do think the main reason we haven't run into THE Satan yet is because we already technically have, just not in the way we think. Samuel/Samur has an incredibly massive hero complex; so this could ultimately cause some issue. It's possible that The Devil does not actually exist yet; or Doomguy himself is the closest analogue as The Nameless One; Samur-Samuel may realize that the only way to actually become the hero is to take doomguy's place as lord of hell itself; and intentionally corrupting himself at his own detriment into stages well past normal Maykr transfiguration, which is what we saw in the pool, potentially.