Black Mesa is amazing

>Black Mesa is amazing
>Half Life Alyx is amazing
>Half Life 3 confirmed
He's back in top form baby.

Attached: little-red-zombies-000a-littleredzombies-gordon.jpg (1920x1564, 194.09K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah. Gordon is back in business, baby!

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>Half Life 3 confirmed
As VR only? I hate you faggots for forcing the retarded meme that HL needs to "innovate"

Time to stop being poor

Not him I want more VR games, But a Main line half-life game with Gordon as the protag wont work his kit and playstyle dont fit vr

Do you think Valve will want to touch Shephard after the dumpster fire that was Hunt Down Freeman tainted the name?


Why is Gordon so handsome? He's a physicist but looks like a hollywood actor.

If they cant innovate, valve wont make a game

Pancake FPS games are old hat. We're too far gone now for Valve to make a HL3 without "revolutionizing" something. Ultimately I think they played it pretty safe with HLA. If they wanted they could completely switch up the gameplay in a new VR HL game - Serious Sam for example is a much faster VR experience than HLA but still works very well.

The choice is up to Valve but there's just so much more they can do in VR and they know this.

Be ready for
>Left 4 Dead 3
>Portal 3
>Team Fortress 3
>Dota 3
>Half-Life 3
>Artifact relaunched

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>for this nu Half Life game let's make the combat and AI dumber and the puzzles better
How is that a fair trade off? Fuck Nu-Valve. Go play Portal you retarded foids.

>All of them are full of skins, gambling boxes, player trading and general cancer

I dont agree, if they did it would be gimping the character or making a bad vr experience there is no positive

How so? I cant think of any part of the HL/HL2 gameplay that couldnt be transferred to VR. Assuming they not play it so ridiculously safe in regard to motion sickness.

Gordons kit/Playstyle is very fast and aggressive he can take on more than 3 people at a time (IE Alyx) and do that all by moving around and multitasking. Multiple weapons, Multiple Enemies, More varied puzzles, Vehicles, More stronger enemies that are more of a challenge to fight (antlion guard, Strider, Gunships, Hunters) And just over all movement (And dont say teleport that is not a mechanic thats just lazy design)

Yes, yes, YES! [Open]
Okay vr elitist.

>He's STILL trying to shill his own video

>that'll show him.

half life 3 will be vr

Stop trying to shove your shitty video down everyone's throat.
If you want us to care, articulate yourself here. Go bait for views on reddit if you really want attention that badly.

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Based valve filtering stagnatetards

user, Serious Sam First and Second Encounter have VR versions.



So does Doom, So does Skyrim and Fallout 4. Doesnt mean its a main state game, That doesn't mean the sequal to all those games needs to be VR, Do you also think Serious Sam 4 needs to be VR only because of those?

Huh? I got a 1440p 75hz monitor a few months ago.

>alxy is ama-
it flopped user pretty hard too

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kek, thanks for posting my video, it's pretty funny seeing vr elitists here seethe at it

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I see Elliot Roger in at least 2 of em.

That's not what you or he said. The argument was Gordon wouldn't work with VR because he's a fast run n' gunner. Serious Sam is far more of a run and gunner than Half-Life has ever been, and it works in VR. Gordon + Half-Life can work with VR. Should it? I don't really care, I didn't buy HL:A.

How is Adrian Shepard involved in that game? Don’t tell me it’s the main character.

what does him being a scientist have to do with looks?

>Implying it's not my video.


>Freeman wears glasses.
What a nerd man. Can't play a nerd game

Xen Platforming probably couldn't be brought over without being gimped although that's not exactly much of a loss.

As a zoomer, Black Mesa is really impressive. The explosive depot part, or the snipers hiding in the vent, or platfprming in the Xen with barnacles and explosive doggos and the Army ambushes.
Such good single player campaigns are rare sights today

Nobody forced that meme but Valve themselves. That's literally what they said in interviews and such.

Could HL3 be both VR and non-VR?

I never understood the hype on Half Life. My main praise is its physics engine. But story? Really? Gameplay? Really? I can think of plenty of FPS games in the 90s that were better than this one.

>Implying I will watch a 20-minute video made by literally who

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also Serious same has too things the player needs to do and thats move and shoot, Thats only a quarter of Half-life, Serious sam doesn't take much brain power to play
Lol look at this shit I wouldnt want this from a half-life game
Thats what i hope, Im not aginst VR just VR only

Is this just 1 guy ironically shilling in every thread?

by a literal who shilling his own videos and replying to his own post

Fucking please. What the shit did CS:GO innovate on? Or all the freemium garbage they've been releasing ever since? Or Artifact?

Yes, like RE7
It won't be able to feature all that level of interactivity like actually pucking ammo and such

>No new posts
The innovated the lootbox genre

HL1 basically made FPS narrative with out cutscenes and was a concept that was new

HL2 Graphically, Physics wise was ahead of its time story and animation also was ahead of its time and had solid pacing and combat

HL2 Episodes were left on a cliffhanger for 13 years

I think you're misremembering just how much Half-Life, or Half-Life 2, isn't moving and shooting. The extent of Half-Life 1's non-shooting mechanics, and again this whole discussion stems from someone saying Gordon's "kit" wouldn't work with VR, involves crouch jumping. The average VR controller has enough buttons to accomplish that.

Half-Life 2? The extent of that game's non-shooting mechanics in terms of puzzles involves extremely rudimentary things like the barrels underneath the ramp to raise it, seesaws, finding some batteries and plugging them in. And you don't do these at the same time as combat. So again, how is Gordon's kit unfit to work in VR? I'm not seeing any strong arguments at all, especially in light of Serious Sam VR.

Half life 3 will be not vr only at all. The only question is if it will actually feature a vr mode
Source 2 and all
>He said things I dislike good so I will call him shill
>Do I fit in Yas Forums
Neck yourself

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based and redpilled
funny thing is that I saw a sudden surge of dislikes seemingly out of nowhere, now I understand why
talk about seething VR elitists lmao

He shows up for a few seconds when G-man puts FUCKED UP FACE in stasis.

300 subs on youtube, opinion doesnt matter

is that why they made episode 1 and episode 2? what kinds of innovations were they? portal 2 was literally a longer portal 1 with different types of puzzles. can you point to where the innovation was? L4D2 was LITERALLY L4D but with different characters and different maps. And the innovation was, my good sir...?
This 'valve only makes innovative games' has always been pure fucking bullshit. The fact is the team used to buckle down and take on large projects (and the large stresses that come with it). But after Portal 2 you could see a clear sense of 'nah fuck that shit' and everybody just did unrelated shit. Wolpaw and that fat fuck Chet focused exclusively on TF2 comics because that's what they enjoyed, and Laidlaw clearly got sick and tired of waiting for Episode 3 to start so he can adapt his existing ideas. The fact is the only reason Alyx exist is because they felt like making a VR game, and adapted it to fit Half-Life. That's why the story is an atrocious betrayal that doesn't satisfy anyone. And remind me again how Alyx innovates when compared with Boneworks? Valve died to me when all the key writers left.

>I only listen to what the big boys say! I must consoom!
based retard

the jumping crouchign was way dumbed down in alot of parts in hlf-life alyx, and i will say again.

Vr works for ALyx, It wont work for Gordon with out ruining the character imo
> (You)
>Half life 3 will be not vr only at all. The only question is if it will actually feature a vr mode
>Source 2 and all
I expect all valve single player titles to have native Vr support

valve literally said they wouldn't do that because it would reduce the quality of both

I will never understand the love half life 2 gets.
Half life 1 is a fantastic game, 2 gets universal praise and its boring as fuck. It does nothing new.
I bought it on release day and could never understand why it got so much praise.

>shilling this hard
Your youtube channel is shit user

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>It wont work for Gordon with out ruining the character imo
You're not giving any strong arguments man. If you don't actually want to talk about this, stop replying.

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Stop shilling your channel faggot

>Half Life 3 confirmed
Really? I can only see them doing it as a VR title. Valve doesn't want to make another normal shooter, if they did, they wouldn't have taken 13 years only to release a VR game. And VR offers them a lot of innovative problems and possibilities.

Why do zoomers want Alyx and nuDoom to fail? I know the age old vee ironically hates games but these guys are just being contrarian for the sake of it.

I'm not, someone else already did it for me

Half Life is an icon in the PC community because it was around that time when PC gaming was really starting to take off and was a supergiant for modding. The game themselves are good, but I think a lot of people just feel a connection to the series for everything else they did as well.

> It does nothing new.
I can't think of any video game, let alone FPS, with something like Highway 17. Nor can I think of many video games that are long, unbroken adventures like Half-Life 2 is. You start off as a citizen under the thumb of the Combine, then towards the end you revisit those same starting locations all in ruins due to an uprising you started. To say HL2 does nothing new or does not stand out in the pantheon of video games is covering your eyes and ears.

relax wagie just upset you didnt buy a valve index, doom eternal, animal crossing

Only Big boy reviewer i listen to is Todd Howard BASED


>it does nothing new

That's because you're using the present tense.

No, enough with that. HL2 still stands tall in things not related to its gunplay. It's not that bullshit of
>You had to be there
Fuck of with parroting that shit.

Sour grapes in the first case and the seething of the filtered in the second

more like gordon chadman