So, what's the verdict?
So, what's the verdict?
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Just a gimmick string character that people will get blown up by online because they were just holding back
It's ok, I suppose
Told you guys would forget about this character on release.
Feels basic. Kinda peeved that the charge thing he does isnt a real mechanic but it seems like it was going to be at one point. His stance RD is wack as fuck.
not leroy tier
Not bruce that feels more fun to play than josie.
spamming strings
I'm running for president because of that and use the term as well as in the game of the pink house in this country where you can see that the president is not going through a war on terrorism or something like that patty
Why would you want to sidewalk if you can block and launch... If you know it is coming, like all other moves...
Haven't played him, saw some footage, looks to be really mix-up heavy with good rewards, decent poke, pretty good whiff punishing, idk about block punishes although his 12 frame seems really good
Instead of adding yet another character they should just prune the fucking game
There are so many characters in this fucking game they don't even bother balancing them anymore. They've literally given up because there are too many possible matchups too balance. This game should not have more than 20 characters
that faggot blocked me on twitter because I told his bum ass to resign from his job lmao
Most characters are in a decent place. It's still much more balanced than something like Smash or SFV. Characters like Kuma and Gigas are perfectly viable at a tourament level, they just don't see much use.
this nigga doing strings
played cumrag mirrors for 4 hours and came to the verdict that i dont enjoy playing him
went back to yoshi
murray is a nigger and is oc is gay
Hellsweep tracking was buffed in the latest patch, making it night impossible to avoid with movement. In response, Michael Murray tweeted
Holy fuck, Murray tweeted that? I knew he didn't play the game but I thought he at least knew SOMETHING about it
God damn, just checked his Twitter. He's getting shit on relentlessly for that. Jesus, they tore him a new asshole. Deserved lol
He also played the "only pretending card" by claiming that it was only a troll post.
I'm enjoying him a whole lot.
He's strong but not Leroy busted, is real weak to sidesteps but he's pretty low execution, like pretty much every nw Tekken 7 character
Imagine fucking up so bad that even the biggest Mishima shill thinks you're retarded.
when you are about to call your boss a retard but remember at the last second that you need to be on his good side
lmao tekken 8 is fucked
based predictive keyboard poster
the fuck happened to tekken
>It's still much more balanced than something like Smash or SFV
SFV was poorly balanced for a long time but right now it seems excellent, there were like 13 characters in top 8 at EVO japan. Smash also seems surprisingly balanced relative to the massive roster size.
Tekken's balance used to be quite decent but things have gone to shit since murray took over
I like him, haven't played him but beating a lot of people playing as him, he's very intimidating looking, has that pure meso dark energy thing like he's going to rip out your heart with a stone dagger. definitely a chad
wow a tripfag being a fag, color me surprised. Go back playing Lucky Chloe you Grand Master
Bara as fuck
Based Nak Muay.
lucky chloe is so cute
I don't play Tekken, but I love his animations. They feel so powerful. One thing I can always rely on when it comes to Tekken is having impactful animations.
On an unrelated note, I still think his torso should be wider though.
>great range
>his longer range mids/highs are fast
>fast in close range too
>evasive in close range
>has special unique moves that wallsplat even on block
>has an alisa tier long range low
p2w but not as in your face broken as prepatch leroy
>the three steps of losing your credibility in one single tweet, by Michael Murray
>one tweet
The signs were there all along, ever since Harada got promoted
Purchased it just because he looks like Jack Hamna from Baki.
I'll play him even if he's shit tier.
What are those fucking gooks waiting for to make a Baki fightan?
They admit that all they ever did was balance around online winrates
He's right though.
>Hand over the waifu user
He's married and a family man.
>stronger than Jin
>faster than Jin
>smarter than Jin
It's over mishimabros...
i wonder how he will do in pro play.
watching JDCR play him looked like he is more than viable.
no one will know this year, since there won't be any tournaments
user, there already is a Baki fighting game for ps2
it's jank as fuck
Feels the same like all the others Tekken characters
If you want a good Baki game the closest you'll get is the Garouden game (Series from the same author)
GOAT soundtrack, graphics very faithful to the his style and actual alright gameplay, even has Yujiro in it.
>characters that wont be in Tekken 8
Is this achievable natty?
Yeah, you can get stupid tattoos pretty easy. Just got to your local parlor, flip a coin at the tattoo catalog.
>those fucking horns on his stage
Yeah just get struck by lightning but instead of anything bad happening, absorb its power and grow to double the size of a regular human
nobody likes male characters why do they keep making them
how do you tattoo your hair?