Fact: None of you faggots can name games more deserving of a 10/10 than this
Fact: None of you faggots can name games more deserving of a 10/10 than this
I can't it's a fucking masterpiece
OK, so... /thread after the first post?
Done. Don't bother responding.
Post your 10/10s, jesus christ didn't think i had to spell it out for you faggots
I want to see what people who hate this game, consider a 10/10
Бaн нaхyй, я выпoлнил.
> DDS2
> Persona 2
> LoH: TiTS FC
> M.Prime
> S.Metroid
> TWD S4
> SoulCalibur
> Mother 3
> Akai Ito
These are the only ones
Ellie is 10/10
Any VIDEO GAME is a better GAME than this fmv shallow trash
Pretty based, but it needs Persona 3
Cocи, зyмepoк.
Silent Hill 2. this game also references and is inspired by it which is funny to me.
DDS sucks fuck
Te last of Us is the mos overrate game of the 2010's.
>Superior story
>Superior gameplay mechanics on literally every level beyond stealth
>Superior characters and setting
>Superior aesthetic
>Superior every relevant quality beyond music, where it's probably in equivalence to TLOU's aimless ambience tracks
I didn't play the game on PS3. I played the remake on PS4.
And yeah, its definitely one of the best games of the past 10 years.
Super Mario World.
This is literally the most polished I have ever seen a video game. It is utterly astounding how every quality of it, at worst, is functional. The literal only actual flaw I can give it is that the multiplayer camera is wonky if player 1 isn't in the backrow and playing targetmaster.
Luigi's Mansion
TLOU greatness is not even debatable which makes it easy to point out idiots, try hards who are manipulated into thinking it's bad and dullards with legitimate shit taste.
Not when Persona 5 exists or Bioshock Infinite which massively shat the bed or Nu God of War which is just a worse directed Lou. Shit on Naughty Dog all you want but at least they're competent at what they're doing.
The last of us is the most overrated game series ever. Just a generic piece of media all around.
>Akai Ito
oh.. oh no
Is this a joke, cause all Naughty Dog's games, especially TLOU are consistent 0/10's with no gameplay and no fun to be had
Devil May Cry 4
At best it's 7/10 slightly above average
True 10/10 are
>Deus Ex GOTY
>Perfect Dark
>No one lives forever
>Death stranding
TLOU is great. The friendly AI can be a little stupid like when Ellie runs right in front of an enemy but no game is perfect.
Warcraft 3
Chrono Trigger
Spyro 2
Pokemon Crystal
Dragon Age
Jet Set Radio
Find a flaw. Go on
It's an 8 out of 10. A good game but massively overrated. Seriously how can a game with such retarded AI possibly be a 10\10
Most 00's games that precede it. I mean TLOU is okay but its not a masterpiece. Its just
ICO and RE4 slapped together.
>It's an 8 out of 10. A good game but massively overrated.
people really slept on TLOU multiplayer. I played that shit for months, really tense and different from most games at the time. really fun when you were the last one and clutched a round
Breath of the Wild.
Wow so hard.
>gears of war takes inspiration
>dark sector takes inspiration
>dead space takes inspiration
>the last of us takes inspiration
That's right, keep bowing down to me.
TLOU MP was really great. What ruined it for me was the P2W they introduced later. Its also baffling they didn't include an up to date version of the MP in the sequel.
What is it with developers completely dropping a MP if it doesn't immediately catch on? The original TLOU MP really has potential.
pokemon red
Movies with buttons don't count as a videogame you fucking nigger.
Ghost Trick
Jet Set Radio Future
The Warriors
Hollow Knight
Baba is You
>40% of playtime are characters talking cliched dialogues
>30% of playtime is walking/sneaking around pointlessly.
>30% of playtime is shitty action.
Tell me again why this shit isnt the most overrated game of all times.
Because people love interactive cinematic games. Personally not my thing but I understand the appeal.
10/10 best movie of 2013
Literally me, top tier taste.
It's the definition of "movie game". Great delivery of story. Great presentation. But gameplay Is barely there. It Is beyond clunky. And Is now a standart for not only Sony.
NuGoW was better then TLOU though, atleast it was more of a game than a movie.
Literally uncharted 2. Last of Us was the beginning of the end for naughty dog. They got rid of donut Drake in uncharted 4 because "muh maturity."
Super Mario
>The Last Guardian
>Breath of the Wild
All 10/10s from last gen. Last of Us deserves 10/10, too; 8/10 or 9 for its very well directed campaign, but that multiplayer is some of the best shit I've ever played and boosts it into a 10 for me. I'm still salty that the sequel doesn't have multiplayer. Naughty Dog's fallen so hard and Last of Us was their last truly great game.
Is the last guardian good? I couldn't get past it being a giant escort mission.
Chrono Trigger, Baldur's Gate 2, God of War 2018, Bioshock, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Xenogears (Not the US version through, with it's awful translation), most Mario games, 1/3 of the Zelda titles...
I loved it, but it's a game you have to meet halfway. If you can buy into the idea that you're accompanying a living being that responds to the way you treat it, and lean into that fantasy, ie: being patient, encouraging it with praise when it does the right thing, asking yourself how an animal might feel in a given situation and responding accordingly, etc., then it becomes a genuinely rewarding experience unlike anything else of this gen. At least in my opinion. A lot of people hated it, but in the time between SoTC and TLG the world of videogames has been saturated by more and more instantly gratifying mechanics that has rendered appreciation of aesthetic all but gone in most players, which is why you see many people complaining that Trico didn't immediately jump/move/act when the person mashed the command for him to do so. That kind of criticism completely misses the point of the game, which is about forging a bond as you move forward. I love it. 10/10. In a better world, it would have received far more attention and love, and I'm glad Sony and Team ICO stuck by it despite all the troubles it gave them.
I forgot two important ones, actually. The original Deus Ex, System Shock and Diablo 2.
This game was utter shit.
I should give it another go while being quarantined. How long is it?
6pbp 2
8-10 hours if Trico likes you, 20+ if he thinks you're a dick.