Borderlands 3 DLC drops in 8 hours. Now that we can get 2 capstones, what's your prediction for the most op character...

Borderlands 3 DLC drops in 8 hours. Now that we can get 2 capstones, what's your prediction for the most op character? I'm thinking it's going to be zane.

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kek alyx getting btfo by based randy

Imagine being so cucked you buy a £50 'game' and a £40 DLC pass in 2020

Thanks op what a great thread


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Sniper fl4k with 2 keystones is probably going to be pretty goot

What in the fuck are you even talking about? Anyone gimme a qrd on this shit? Is this a gameor what


>Now that we can get 2 capstones
oh what? i got the game like last week but I haven't hit cap yet. what's the deal with this, just a level cap increase coming?

I got both for $41 from GMG tho

Level cap is increasing to 57, so now we can get 2 capstones when the dlc hits

once you beat story and get access to mayhem leveling isn't too rough

haven't played zane but I've dicked around enough the vg to know it'll probably be zane still

>nerfing a pve game

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Cool, thanks bros.

I wish sniper rifles weren't shit in this game

>Now that we can get 2 capstones
what do you mean? you get two more levels? So we can do level 55 now. Idk Moze is already ez mode by the time she hits the 40s. I've gone into FFYL maybe two or three times (including the trials and arena side-games) the entire time with her. Zane feels a little more squishy but I'm at 53 with him and if you just keep moving he's mostly okay. Especially once you get a kill streak and his speed boost skill kicks in. It's like playing scout in TF2. Slow enemies with his ice buffs and speed up yourself.

If Flak's pets were so fragile still I'd say he'd be the most OP. Hulking out just melts everything.

We get 4 more levels. Cap is 53 atm, cap after the dlc is 57. Will have enough points to get 2 capstone passives now. Moze is ez mode with her mech until end game where it doesn't scale anymore. Zane is the worst character to level up, but the most op with gear at max level because of his kill skills. Fl4ks pets don't scale with stuff so they suck end game unless you go gamma burst build, and even then, it's ~okay~

Moze needs a big fix I'm glad gearbox has recognized this.
New skill trees when?
I'm not digging what we have heard about mayhem 2.0 so far, sounds like op levels farming for gear every higher difficulty
No immune phases for bosses from this point onward pls
We need a way to re roll annoints
Buff vehicle to vehicle damage
Flak with power within and megavore could be something nasty we'll have to wait and see

>Look up what the dlc will be
>Find this

Fucking why

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Because they're gay and getting married

>friend bought me this game to play with him coop
>it's not fun at all
>the game has problems i distinctly recognize from the first game like the interface and skill "trees" being completely awful

how did this series ever get popular? I don't really understand at all

the interface is much improved and completely different from the first game. nice larp though.

>how did this series ever get popular? I don't really understand at all
reddit, trannies and zoomers. srsly every cucklands character is either gay or bi

Why does Borderlands make Yas Forumsermin so agitated and angry?

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valve drones are mentally ill

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I personally waited until it was on steam and have every single game though

Valvecucks and Alien fags still assblasted about Colonial Marines.

Because Yas Forums hates every game that wasn't made pre 2005

The first borderlands was one of the most legitimately shilled games on Yas Forums, this was before shill was buzzword. Then there was the whole shit show of what borderlands was supposed to be, it was closer to this open world game with all these advanced systems that encouraged exploration (think elder scrolls + monster hunter + fps) while the end result was closer to an offline MMO.

Then there's the whole diablo-like element where there's a ton of guns but most suck and then enemies are bullet sponges as a result of that and then the straw that breaks the camel's back for most people is the god awful story/humor/dialogue.

I'm gonna go with Amara, her aoe is so good and has tons of sustain

borderlands 1 was pretty good tho

Reddit and memes. Plus Randy Pitchford is a cunt.

BL1 was the worst game in the series though, only Yas Forums contrarians hail it as something beyond bad.

The stuttering is horrible and it gets worse in multiplayer.

Your game fucking sucks Randy, stop trying to shill it in Yas Forums like you did with borderlands 1

Depends on what new COMs/guns they add
Zane and Amara went ezmode-tier when SD/Driver were released, wouldn't put it past Gearbox to add something equally busted for Moze

reddit writing -the game with unbelievably dogshit job with the PC port so nobody in the world can get stable 144fps, insanely stupid cutscenes you can't skip and the worst hub out of any borderlands game

Here are your new COMs bro

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>75% damage reduction
>bonuses for Do Harm and Awakening
rest are pretty lame though

>BL1 was the worst game in the series though
not enough fags and dykes for you faggot? lmao

no bl1 is better than 2, based brainlet

It was okay but I remember reading about what the devs wanted the game to be in a copy of EGM and it sounded a lot less barebones.

Injecting tons of unnecessary gay and strong women shit while continuing a terrible story that doesn't ever get any better while also killing off fan favorites/ruining iconic characters of the series and stating no dlc playable characters.

Is it true Lorelei is a tranny?

I only played the first pirated version, waiting for a sale now.
Is Zane still shit? Is Amara still the only one allowed to have fun?

lol hard pass

that’s fucking disgusting, why do they put this gay shit in games? 90% of the audience fucking hates it

Zane's outright busted with Seein' Dead. He was never shit, he just needed the right setup.
Also it was half off when it released on Steam where were you

Good fer them

fo me I like the large variety of weapons and the combat, the humor can be funny but there is a noticeable drop from 1 to 2 to 3, every installment the characters and story and setting gets worse

You gotta be fucking kidding me

is this worth pirating if I liked BL1 and 2? i played those solo, does BL3 encourage online play or will I have as much fun solo?

>Seein' Dead
Oh, that looks nice, no more cooldowns management.

they really jumped the shark with the female shit in BL3, I thought people were being bitches about it but there's literally no relevant guys in the main cast unless you count claptrap, the story is all about lilith, maya, ava and then tannis who gets a major role in the story later on
When credits rolled I literally rolled my eyes, the song was just too much

>90% of the audience fucking hates it
they put it in video games because it's free marketing. it appeals to gays, which are a large demographic of gamers, and the other 80% don't give a fuck. you're the 5% who do care who were never going to play it in the first place, there's effectively zero downsides to putting fags in your video game. pandering makes sales dumbass

it's still on sale on greenmangaming

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>there's effectively zero downsides to putting fags in your video game
lol faggot

do not assume you general lack of interest for anyhting different than your life standards is shared with the rest of the playerbase.

the same reason people still think being in childhood was the best moment of their life, or that music was bettter before, something that has passed and was good is idealized to a point that they forget how to enjoy things made slightly differently. like the asscunts shitting on doom eternal because its no longer possible to fly over the game without caring about your ammo, and how incredibly better the first was.
people are allergic to change.

BL1 is complete dogshit in almost every level besides how fast you can do your quests and the feeling of the guns (and this one BL3 does the best).

seethe and cope more tranny

>no arguments
BL1cucks are pathetic

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>Fucking why

Because yay fags!

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>Fags are a large demographic
>80% don't care

Not gonna lie I really miss revolvers being their own class of gun
also does anyone else feel like there's not enough types of guns in BL3? I find myself having a bunch of the same gun like 2 smgs or 2 pistols, etc. They shoulda brought back revolvers and lasers at the very least

>Not gonna lie I really miss revolvers being their own class of gun
Who cares when most of Jakobs pistols are basically revolvers and mashers anyway?

I liked having revolvers from other manufacturers plus the fact that they share ammo kinda sucks since some pistols are real ammo eaters

But most of the player base (that isn't horrifically mentally ill, that is) finds this kind of pandering insulting and degrading. But they sure showed those republiturds, right fellow queers?!

Childhood was the best though, and everyone chases their youth.

you're over estimating normalfags, they don't give a fuck especially the ones who are underaged
they just want to shoot shit and see numbers go up

bl1 humor
>gritty, dark, down to earth, you can tell everyone hates that fucking planet
bl2 humor
>heyyyyyyyy shawty bazingas butts and gazongas amirite??? DICKS AND SCREAMING LOL 2007 MEMES
presequel humor
>g'day vegemite, ima wank yer arse whaddya say cunt
bl3 humor

replace 'gay' with 'poop' and it's accurate