People complain that cyberpunk 2077 won't have a third person option

>people complain that cyberpunk 2077 won't have a third person option
>CDPR channges femasle V and makes her repulsive to look at
>nobody is asking for third person anymore

was this their plan all along?

Attached: q7x64zveu8o41.jpg (1920x1920, 324.28K)

What the fuck? Where feminist complaining she was too pretty or something?

Quit making these fucking threads holy shit you obsessed autist

>Playing as a female in first place

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i havent been following this shit at all but are height sliders a thing? Can I make a strength-based loli?

>this is what happens when you hire americans

Why is it always that fucking hair style?

It's witcher 3 engine. Mods allow you to play as any NPC. Same thing will be with CP2077

America influence was a mistake.

Its most likely just the difference between promotional models and in-game models.
OP is an absolute autist though, he's been making Cyberpunk shitpost threads every day for weeks because he's genuinely seething that she looks different now.

Attached: noice.png (241x207, 100.44K)

Seriously, why do you bitch about this so much when there is a character creator in the game?
It's going to be medicore at best, but muh blacks is not one of the reasons.


Attached: kronk.jpg (1278x750, 133.78K)

I thought that you got to create your own character, so isn't all this talk about fem-V changing all just a waste of time or am I missing something?

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I am a simple man and enjoy the sight of a small child punch giants into space and try to make one in every game I play

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I will PIRATE this game and so should all of you

Attached: cyberpunk fail.jpg (1024x954, 130.15K)

Because usually the default characters are the best models you can make. If the default model is already bad, the ones you can create in the character creator will probably be even worse. It doesn't help that what we've seen so far in the CC seems very barebones compared to even Skyrim.

Attached: cyberpunk new orleans.jpg (1280x1440, 325.4K)

i already pirate all games, this will be no different

>cyberpunk setting
>has trans stuff

wtf i thought poland was based

I should have said that the main the trailer girl mc ugly in all current stuff

fuck cd projekt for that. i will just ignore trans stuff

Attached: cyberpunk betrayal.png (1064x379, 794.62K)

Resetera wins again!

The difference is between knowing it's degenerate and self indulgent and designing it with that in mind, or designing it with the intention of some idealised love and acceptance shit.

hope she sees this bro

What this guy said. However, I do find it concerning if the focus is to "increase empathy" for a certain group of people. So I can expect those people to only ever be victims or good guys in the game? Because that's just bad writing. Still interested in the game, but this isn't just some Yas Forums surface level complaint.

What's with the Colgate hair?

>I should have said that the main the trailer girl mc ugly in all current stuff

Attached: 1546828285023.gif (340x223, 1.99M)

Do you have the evidence of it being in the game just to portray it as some idealized love and acceptance shit?

Honestly, I could be wrong, because it would be very silly if I was right.
But I get the feeling some of you care more about getting mad about something just because liberals would be happy about it, than you do about videogames.
It seems to me like a few anons in this thread are just more upset that they think liberals were pandered to a little than anything else, I apologize again if I'm wrong, but I don't see many people upset about the lore or setting or anything, and no one is talking about gameplay changes. They're just upset that default look for the custom character is a bit more brown, and that there is some trans stuff

I'm not entirely sure what the issue with the game is so far, all I'm getting is that some people really hate liberals and trannies more than they like videogames


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I surely will, fuck nu CRPR.

Then you're just not paying attention. There are lots of indicators that things might be going wrong with the game.

>reframing it from an RPG to an adventure or something like that
>making a character creator-based game first person
>the shit that you originally responded to
>only three classes
>no factions IIRC

Plus some debatable shit like voiced protagonist. I'm a casual fan of the pen and paper, so I want this to be good, but I'm skeptical.

>dev studio runs out of money during development
>enter friendly jewish sponsors
>hey ho my white polish brother, you seem to be in need of oh-so-precious funds
>we are indeed willing to fund your game and then some, under on single condition of course
>you should include some LGBT, people of color and other absolutely non-degenerate stuff, ok
>people are still going to buy and love your game, amirite
>small print: for all aims and purposes, not accepting this offer shall be considered an another shoah

The problem is the hype behind the game, not the game itself.
I've been saying this for years, but Cyberpunk cannot be anything but a "flop" because for the last 10 years every faggot has been losing their minds about the imaginary version of Cyberpunk that only exists in their head, and thanks to Witcher 3 everyone thinks CDPR is some AAAAA tier studio.

The game will be fine, a solid 8/10. Nothing special, but better than the average game.

like I'm gonna waste my time on it when there are actually good games on my backlog

That addresses none of the points I made. I don't care about the hype, I don't care about review scores, I care about the game being good. Not having factions is a fucking travesty in the year of our Lord 2020.

oh man shes ugly.

you think you are funny posting 2 gta screenshots and putting the cyberpunk UI over one?

Who gives a shit., you can customize your character anyway

Attached: DfhABt4XkAA01na.jpg (800x1200, 102.89K)

Yeah, let's put the ugly face aside for a minute.
What the fuck is going on with the hair?
It looks like some block shit from Borderlands, what the fuck is this downgrade?

Attached: 1557146918764.gif (400x226, 1.81M)

name 5 trannies in all of cyberpunk media. books, anime, novels, comics. i don't care. name 5. should be easy because trannies are such a huge part of cyberpunk right?

I don't know their names, but literally any of the background characters from Transmetropolitan on any page where he's in the city.

even resetera was shitting on this redesign
even their own subreddit is shitting on the new V

what were they thinking?

Before and after Cybermeth poster.

nobody is complaining that cyberpunk 2077 is going to have some freak looking people running around in the city. people just don't want to play as a tranny looking man hating stronk womyn of color because no one wants to have a freak like that as the protagonist for their cyberpunk story. case in point, you couldn't name a single character like that being a named character in ANY cyberpunk fiction. cdpr meanwhile feels the need to put tranny shit front and center, they even go so far to retroactively change character that were already great to make them more tranny and brown looking, see the picture in the op. that's why people are saying day 1 pirate.

she looks way cooler on right pic
i dont know why people are butthurt about it

>people just don't want to play as a tranny looking man hating stronk womyn of color because no one wants to have a freak like that as the protagonist for their cyberpunk story
Again, its a custom character in a game where you choose how your character acts.
This is a non-issue for anyone that doesn't want to play a black chick that hates dudes.

I think you might just have aspergers OP, I look forward to seeing you throw an autistic fit about something that literally isn't a problem again tomorrow.

Can't you customize your character anyways? Who cares what she looks like if I can make her into a cute waifu

damn the old model is malding like crazy

the new one looks better

With that shit? No thanks.
I'll wait some "despecialized" edition of the game.

she is strong and independent user, she doesn't give a f*CK about your gaze

>this autistic retard is STILL making these threads
Holy fuck OP get a life

Attached: 6a2.png (600x610, 564.81K)

This is like complaining that the default character in Fallout 4 is ugly


The game has factions, you can't just permanently join them (hardly any RPG game gives an option like that), but you can work with them and improve your reputation with them.

OP is a literal autist user, he's been jerking off to the default female avatar for so long that he has a legitimate emotional attachment to her, and he's actually pissed off that she looks different now.

This is why you constantly see threads about Cyberpunk bitching about it being "pozzed" and SJW or whatever, its this fucking autist seething over his virtual girlfriend being changed. I've seen like 6 threads from him just in the last few nights. If you try actually talking to him about the game he just spazzes out about SJWs and feminists and tries to say the entire game looks like shit now.

These threads do not need to be taken seriously, just laugh at OP and tell him to fuck off so he stops making these shitty threads.

The picture on the right is not from the game, it's an action figure based on the new model.

>when there was a webm version of my image all along

Attached: tfw.png (523x536, 420.26K)

The right is a very clear graphical downgrade. Look at the crayola model magic hair in particular.

proof? Not doubting you necessarily but would still like to make sure