Monster Hunter

Playing with randos is such a miserable experience holy shit.

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>I showed you my dracophages now answer me

Sorry user, I know my hunting horn isn’t meta but it’s got defense, health, attack, and wind resistance buffs!

90% of the chinks I've played with in GU have been pure trash
I hate them so much

>makes your random groups worse than they've ever been

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I actually enjoy it.

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SOS was a god damn mistake. Rooms were better because even if the initial hunts with randoms were bad, if you played long enough with the same hunters, you'd form a sort of bond with them so you would learn to coordinate with each other even if only barely.

Anyone else play MHW online with a soundboard? I use CJ's voice from San Andreas and some people thought I was black when I'm the whitest man in existence.

I don't use voice chat
I don't even have a microphone

agree, i miss bonding with fellow hunters this way. is there a Yas Forums group or something that actually uses the guild?

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Are cats allowed to be hunters?

is this actually a thing? people shitting on horns for not using a meta horn?

>almost got filtered by irate chimp
>nip teammate spams heals every time someone takes damage

thanks, rui

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The only communicating I'm doing is the thumbs up sticker or the "I agree" shoutout when someone insults the dumbass ruining the sleep bombing

No but I did replace the "quest failed" music with
Instantly removes any frustration I experience from playing with randoms

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Been barely playing since Safi came out for consoles, I know Raging Brachy's armor is the best for Gunlance, but are there any better options besides Silver Rath in terms of weapon? Alternatively, what are some decent skills for Swaxe?

As per the Prowler initiative, yes.

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Where the fuck is Tobi?

there are still rooms, go suck each other off and form a bond

I don't have the pic

we need to add MORE

While it’s not my favorite, this one isn’t blurry.

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>going for chest hits during supercritical as GS
>charge blade sends me flying
>multiple times

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And lets not forget everyone’s favorite shitter filter

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Is there something more to master rank that I’m not getting? Is it better to build around defense and sharpness rather than full unga damage?

I'm going to bed.

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Just have proper armor and health boost 3, divine blessing too if you get hit a lot

Rest easy knowing you gave us a fantastic collage. Nice work.

aa help

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Who knew that some people just play for fun?

Not much of a filter. Just tedious as hell.

>playing for fun means you can't also put in some effort to be not-bad
Get the fuck outta here with that weak-ass shit.

>Need Guiding lands shit from an area I don't have
>Can either delevel my areas and grind for one monster
>Go random SOS hunting and ask/hope they have it
>Beg online
Welp. Anyone on PS4 got tempered Black Diablos?
Only aspect of the GL I really hate. Leveling/deleveling the areas is too much. Should have had it be once you level it you can increase or decrease it as much as you want

How many hunts do you do before you put down the game? I honestly can't do more than 1-2 hunts at a time without getting tired.

A lot. I could more or less play all day. It's talking to my friends while I play that tires me out, but even that takes at least several hours.

If I have a goal in mind, I can play all day
Without a goal I do like 3-4 hunts before taking a break

>fail quest once
>everyone leaves immediately, even the ones who carted
Why are people like this

>Unlock Lunastra quest in Wildspire Waste
>suffer through that BS
>unlock a SECOND Lunastra quest, this time in the Recess

make it stop

tempered coral puky just carted me twice

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You can still do that, go be a fag and circlejerk with strangers if you want to

My arrow shots don’t seem to do much more than 20 damage, how the fuck do I fix that?

Anyone bored enough could help me get a Legiana mantle on MHW PC?
I'm trying to relearn GS and that Shrieking Legiana chest with 2 focus looks perfect for me since I don't have many decorations yet.

Room ID is KbmKbN4TFQ2X

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>LBGfag triple carts to Shaggy when he's probably 30 seconds away from death
How do you even die to this guy as ranged? Just learn your lesson and run away if you have to after the second death, holy shit.

>Is it better to build around defense and sharpness rather than full unga damage?
The only damaging skills you need are crit-related stuff and crit boost.
As long as you can ensure that you have 100% crit chance on weak spots and 40% crit boost you're effectively doing almost all the damage you can possibly squeeze out of your character.
The problem with raw boosting skills is that the base raw of Iceborne weapons, especially after Safi, is already sky fucking high, Safi with food and consumable buffs is like 380 raw if i remember correctly. It's okay if you can fit an agitator secret or resentment if you're using Safi set, but autistically stacking attack boosting skills is utterly retarded since all of them together won't even boost your damage for 10%. They are only important for speedrunners since even the 20 seconds difference can put them in WR.

Defensive skills on the other hand allow you to be way more aggressive. Divine Blessing is not just a damage decreasing skill, it also ensures you can be more aggressive and overcommit without needing to stop as often. Same with evade window since it allows you to i-frame through attacks without getting out of monster's range and continue attacking, or even the standard-ass stun resistance since you can afford to get hit more often and stay more aggressive.

Weakness of spirit.

I would join you but I'd just kill the thing in 2 secs.
Here's a good GS video if you don't want to play frostcraft.

Normal shots skill and/or get closer

How do you feel about Gen's incarnation of Lagiacrus?

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A travesty

Never bring back lagiacrus back without underwater

It's just no challenge without water

Lagi without water is soulless

Super Khezu

As if you fuckers didn't dung the shit out of it until it got out of the water.

Having never fought the original version, was unironically my impression of it when I first hunted it.

Hey pal, I need Guiding Land's tempered Black Diablos as well

I never carried dung bombs

So the dung being carried was you all along.

I didn't and that's why I didn't get filtered by Abyssal Lagiacrus

>Easy come, easy go

every "Hard" monster is primed against GS.
Too fast, flinches and falls are out of your reach, monsters get up too fast for you to finish a combo if you arent on it the nanosecond it hits the ground.

Iceborne killed GS.

Anyone know what abbreviated armor skills CB, CE3, and CH2 on the right here are?

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I did all of high rank up to alatreon alone

I still use GS in Iceborne just fine

I thought people were coming to 360-degree-slinger-shot-TCS?

3U is pretty easy all thing considered, I'm not aparticularly good player and I managed to solo the entire G-rank up to Dire Miralis. Not like I had a choice, I played on 3DS

Frostcraft GS is fine
Your draw attacks are fast and hard hitting and you still do more damage if monster gives you an opening.

Stygian is the only one who doesn't look like he huffs paint

Crit boost
Crit eye 3
Challenger 2

You have to use the slinger if you want to land tcs
You can't just be mindless with it anymore like in the base game
Crit draw is also a thing and so is frostcraft

>acquatic monster
>without water
Do i have to say anything more, bring back underwater and discard shitters

Thanks, I figured out the first 2 but missed Challenger

It's not worth fighting on land.