>Play a game with a friend
>He autistically go into philosophical tangents and over complicate what the game wants from him at each tutorial and enemy encounter while ignoring the basics or even what's on the screen
Play a game with a friend
Is this his first time doing that or a constant thing?
>philosophical tangents and over complicate what the game wants from him at each tutorial and enemy encounter while ignoring the basics or even what's on the screen
Are you fuckin 12?
The fuck are you trying to say?
Hes noticeably gotten more shit at vidya
The breaking point for me was in the ff7 demo where cloud clearly said something like
>if you dont wanna get one shot by the laser hide behind the debris that just fell
And be just runs right past them and dies
Name a good woolie series since the breakup
Hard mode: No DMC V
wheres fucking kotor 2 you hacks
Why are you watching videos made for 6 year olds?
Doesn't anyone still watch woolie or pat or anyone from sbfp even? Last I remember woolz played some shit indie game and death stranding for like 3 months and no one cared so he had to force in a board game and racing series to stay alive. Pat is for stream watchers I guess and I dont know what the fuck happened to liam
Not with his guests, they have as much personality as a fucking doll and dont know when to speak up and when to cut off convos
Woolies playing it with some guy rn
The only thing I still consume is the podcast, and even then I'll drop as soon as something else comparable comes along.
How does woolie magically ruin every hype moment he records? He dies to bosses 9/10 times doing some stupid shit and has to time skip most of the time because he sucks at games, even his Hades vid got the boss cut off due to tech issues. It's a skill to fuck up videos so consistantly
I dropped that like a month ago. Has it gotten any better and not pat screaming about his weekly discovery and woolie describing what game hes playing until they get to the news?
Not at all.
Whoolie is now a literal who. Videos are absolute trash. I'm only subbed to watch a podcast highlight now and then.
Pat is now fused to his couch and will stream till he kills himself.
Podcast is ok sometimes sometimes when it's not Pat's cucked bullcrap opinions and Whoolie's fedora atheism and sudo analysis.
Are they even still a part of rooster teeth? I figured at the start of the breakup they were expecting promise out of them
Actually, it got even worse. One day Pat decided to do his FFXIV dailies while recording the podcast.
>Playing game
>Enjoy it
>Go on Yas Forums to talk about gameplay
>People autistically dissecting each and every plot point, coming up with theories and retcons, basically writing their own fan fiction, waifus, husbandos, who was in the wrong, what did he mean by this
>they could've had a decent shot at a twobesterfriendsplay channel
>woolie throwing a tism fit and crying that he doesnt need pat to be a successful youtuber
>pat is getting money injected into his streams with zero effort put
>woolies content is declining fast and his choices in videos and guests are fucking sterile
Truly this is the worst timeline
Speaking of does anyone know of better podcasts?
>play a game with friend
>he starts talking about race wars
Forehead fables by generalsam has been fun but slow to release. Videos are even better
you sound like the 12 year old.
do you know how to read?
Theory time: what the fuck happened during the smash bros ultimate fisticuffs?
>who started it?
>who wouldn't let it go?
>what was it about?
>who took it too far?
>who quit first?
matt probably to all of the above
Woolie's own damn fault desu, Him and Pat play well off each other and were the best part of the channel now he's stuck playing games with a narcoleptic who can't read and a blander Woolie while sometimes inviting fighting game experts to show him the ropes who never played the game he called them on for.
Meanwhile Pat's become my go to background noise along with Vinesauce and is doing just fine.
dyslexic user?
Gadzooki McSimpsons.
God those fighting game vids suck
>here we have ____ who won a locals one time
>oooooooh that's how this works
>oooh but this guy works differently? Interesting
>wawawawait lemme try this move a few times
>HIDDEN TECH (fucking obvious tech)
>KOTOR2 with Woolie
Hell yeah
>With some boring faggot who constantly spoils the plot and railroads Woolie into decisions
I never asked for this
What are these "Philosophical tangents" he goes on?
OP writes like he's a tween trying to sound smart but he doesn't actually know what he's saying. Either that or he's making shit up and talking about a person that doesn't exist doing things that never happened.
I'm genuinely curious what some good examples of his friends behaviour are though, because it sounds like bullshit to me.
>who started it?
Pat made the wrong not-a-joke/thinly veiled complaint, but also should have known better.
>who wouldn't let it go?
Matt and his wounded ego.
>what was it about?
Something irrelevant and superficial, but the conversation itself blew up to involve the actual issues, and at that point things became irreversible.
>who took it too far?
>who quit first?
Neither formally quit, they just started divvying up assets.
>Nah I've never played this game it sux lol
>absolutely ruins the perception of an otherwise good game and ensures Woolie and his viewers will never touch it again
SNK Heroines deserved better than what that faggot fgc guest gave it.
>who knows what happened to liam
We all know
>play game with friend
>he is a genuine shitter and fucks up constantly in a majority of games
>has shit hearing as well so in shooter can never tell where the enemy is and whips his mouse around when he gets shot at
>sometimes he'll outright not notice something directly in his face in-game
>legitimately gets lost in linear games
I love the fucker like a brother, but he's so shit at games.
Woolie's Black Mesa playthrough is arguably the worst he's ever done. If it wasn't for chat helping him, he'd probably still be looking for a way back onto the tram directly after the resonance cascade.
SBF were just lucky - they happened to have amazing chemistry when together back in the day as young men.
Now they're old, don't enjoy each other or the same things as they did but obviously need to pretend to for their 'jobs'. Woolie sounds like he's trapped in a prison of his childhood interests that he can now never escape. He will never meet his family's expectations. He will never be able to support a family of his own with the failure of his channel. He's made an emotional decsion to surround himself with a pair of charisma black holes that suck the energy out of any lets play. He is on borrowed time and knows it. He clearly doesn't have the guts to tell them to leave because he likes them as friends.
And because of all this, he's stopped trying. He's tired and can't figure out how to get out of his rut. He used to be the only one that tried to work hard amoung Pat and Matt. Not anymore, of all people it's Simpsons McFartgas that stepped up.
Pat's a lazy fuck, but there isn't any change there and he at least is loving his life and has a lot of energy in his streams. The guy is just charismatic and just needs a strightman to balance the energy levels out.
>Play game with imaginary friend
>She keep criticizing my plays
If you have that twitch chat of him finding out pat and woolie got a roosterteeth partnership and cancelling his stream over it please post it
I looked in my gallery for 7 minutes and I know it's there but I cant for the love of me find it
Matt's channel is a piece of shit except for the occasional wha happun on a game you've heard about. Having one good idea with everything else you make being boring shit isn't exactly stepping up.
In exchange I ask for anymore of Liam being a bitch.
I want you to imagine for one second Woolie playing Kotor 2 by himself. Imagine it and respond.
I can't imagine something that could very well last a decade.
He at least edit's his videos. Or at least has someone else do it.
The videos have some research put into them. It aint much but it's something. Pat and Woolie haven't done anything out Streams/LPs. And at least Pat seems to actually have some energy to him. Woolie is fuckin' burned out by everything and probably needs to make this a hobby for a while to recharge himself.
>Episode 56
>"So uh, guys we just got off Peragus"
Some forbidden knowledge may have so suffice because I cant find that e3 picture where mat and liam are pouring in their chairs as woolie and pat laugh their asses off simultaneously
If you watch any of his early vods hes extremely passive aggressive with his viewers and extremely oversensitive and insecure about how well hes doing in the game and flips out sometimes. There might be a compilation if he hasnt taken a channel down for it yet
Woolie working hard? Aside from the podcast (that someone else had to sit him down and call him a massive idiot for not doing) he was LP aids when he was behind the controls, EVERY GAME he used to play "his way" and refuse to make content enjoyable to the viewer. This is why his channel is dying.
The worst part is that his excuse is "I'm having fun so it's okay :^)".
Pouting in their chairs* and I'll look harder in a second because I want it
I got you user.
I watch some of Matt's videos. I haven't watched any of Liam's solo vids but I stay subbed to him. I rarely watch Woolie and Pat but I've been enjoying Woolie's Sonic Robo Blast 2 playthrough a ton. The podcast is still something I look forward to every week and that's all that really matters to me. Woolie and Pat can be liberal cucks sometimes but no one's a bigger libcuck than Giant Bomb
None of the SBF are entertaining on their own so no. I'd rather rewatch their old LPs than watch their garbage new stuff.
The only good moment from the Black Mesa playthrough, so far.
>Woolie haven't done anything out Streams/LPs
I have a friend like this too. He will always redirect every conversation back to philosophy despite nobody around him giving a shit.
Thanks, you said so much yet answered not a damn thing.
Sometimes I just hope Liam would get better so I could stop relating to his petty bullshit. Or maybe it's the other way around.
big think dimension, but just remember to skip at least the first 6 minutes of boring fast food talk
>Matt started 2BFP
>Pat would still be packing groceries if he didn't join
>now Matt is the only one with a successful channel
>Pat is coasting off what he gained from Matt's initiative
I think you'd better apologize.
Go back to your manface mafia wife, Matt.
Matt's channel is boring but fuck Pat's gambling addiction.
Did Pat dropout of college? He mentions going in some videos yet he is known for bagging groceries. Must have meant community college.
It's depressing watching Woolie kill his channel. The podcast has good audio and camera, and his stream setup and LPs don't. Is there some bullshit where the high end stuff is only allowed for the podcast? Because its a jarring quality difference in videos on his channel. Also his new people fucking suck. Minh absolutely needs to go. He's a fun vampire and his accent is frankly not pleasant to listen to whatsoever. Reggie is tolerable and would make a good third person, but not a second. They would do so much better to have the channel be Pat, Woolie, Plague, and Paige.
The business guy isn't always the likeable one unfortunately.
He flunked psychology, one of the easiest courses in uni.
He actually went back to college and seems pretty happy now. Good for him.
Wait I remember there were several moments he was bragging about studying it. Or at least mentions taking classes. What the fuck?
What do you expect? The man can't see past people in a lecture hall, so of course he'd fail.
I wish Phantom would start playing video games again.
Play game with friend, doesn't matter what game it's always the same shit.
He plays red bar builds because Muh DPS, is dead 75% of the time while I carry us through everything, doesn't matter if it's divinity, diablo, borderlands no matter what he'll pick the riskiest highest DPS playstyle and only ever attacks the boss and then acts like he did everything, I managed adds, did all of our healing, debuffed boss ect.
Just remembered I haven't listened to CSB in months.
I guess I'm done now. 2011-2020 RIP.
You should be glad you stopped. It's only gotten worse since. I didn't know it could even reach lows this low but they did it.