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>TFW pay $900 for a headset with ONEGAME to actually play on it + $100 shipping because fuck you Australia + Covid shit

I look forward to Yas Forums praising it as a masterpiece “with mods” in a week

There are parts difficult to play with VR.
Hope they hell are you going to find wires in walls, solve puzzles, and avoid Jeff?

I’m still going to buy VR to play it. That’s the whole point, user.

The hands are literally floating in front of you and you can just use WSAD and the mouse to slap the hand around aiming at the wall. It's not super hard to imagine.

Without VR its not even a 70 metacritic game. Its not even a good shooter. Its sold on the VR gimmick and interactivity.

I aint buying Coomer vision to play as a nigger

So what your saying is, the gimmick is it's only saving grace. Good to know VR games can't stand on their own ...

the fuck cunt I bought my quest for $630 in Sep

Stop being poor

That’s akin to a TTfag going
>hurr you’re saying video games’ only saving grace are the visuals??? good to know video games can’t stand on their own...
Stop being a stupid faggot.

imagine playing this game in 2D and ruining the entire experience

>supporting nu-valve
vr fags getting the rope first

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Actually, that's perfectly valid, pretty graphics are no replacement for good gameplay, and games with retro graphics and fun gameplay sell quite well, sustaining the notion. Don't get me wrong, graphics are nice and all, but they shouldn't be the main selling point of the game.

retro graphics are still graphics
if it doesn’t score 90 as a TT game, it’s shit for zoomers who spend money to play shitty games that ride on the video gimmick

It'd be cool if they made it play akin to Receiver, that wolfire game where you manually operated the handgun functions.
I have no problem with this being a VR game, but I want more of Receiver and I don't know how long the sequel will be.

>It'd be cool if they made it play akin to Receiver, that wolfire game where you manually operated the handgun functions.
It's called Hot Dogs Horseshoes and Hang Grenades, and it's been out for like 3 years now.

I'm talking about the non-VR version. Since a lot of the gameplay/mechanics involve the way you manually interact with stuff that would be done with the index controllers, finding a way to replicate their functions with key presses, or implementing a Trespasser-style wavy hand to manipulate stuff would be neat.
Not as good as the full VR experience obviously, but it would at least be interesting. Removing the VR functionality only to make it play exactly like the old games would be the dullest way to approach this.
I do want to try H3VR though, whenever I get round to getting a VR+PC I wanna get it.

Disagree with the logic, since VR also has gaphics, I'm just saying that if the game isn't fun to play outside of interacting with your guns or what not, then it's probably not got much to stand on aside from "I can pretend to reload a gun and it happens on screen ... this is the gameplay. To my understanding the combine are total babies who have been downgraded even more AI wise. Just sitting there waiting to be shot for the most part, not even dodging grenades half the time. Remember half life marines? But I guess you can pick up a gnome and toss it around with your hands instead of a gravity gun.

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It’s what full 3D movement was to side scrolling, and all whining about it is sour grapes. You not only haven’t played the game, you’re not even confident your criticisms are real. What is your goal here?

What about Dwarf Fortress?

Would be better with miniatures.

why would they look forward to that? yes, please undermine us. thanks.

It’s basically a free port for the third worlders

Funny, don't recall ever complaining about sidescrollers swapping to 3d, but that might have something to do with me not having to swap out my mouse and keyboard for it. Ah well, maybe in 50 years when it's a helmet you put on your head and controll everything via neural impluse or what not, it will actually be able to play all games properly, instead of being overpriced future jank.

>literally admitting your only gripe is having to buy a peripheral
stop being poor

>Its sold on the VR gimmick and interactivity.
Whoa it's almost like the devs designed the game around VR

Because more people will buy it.


I'm really happy people who couldn't afford a VR device can enjoy Half Life Alyx like I did. I hope guys you love the game as well! Can't wait for HL3...

Be quiet Chang. At least Valve isn't sold out to the Chinese communist party unlike Timmy the child molester.

>hasnt played the game in vr
>prefers non-vr version
ok boomer

Pretty sure I don't use a controller ever becasue I don't want to, not because I can't afford to plug one in. And while it might be interesting to try, I have no interest in permanently switching to VR ... so why would I ever spend 1000 dollars on one, because if I am getting it, I'm getting the best, didn't spend around 3000$ on my PC to have second rate future jank.

>tfw I paid 399,- over 3 years ago for a cv1 with touch controllers and see this game just as another good VR game
Feels good

>You gotta love VR, It makes you crouch down and flail around and hit your light fixture, it's the best.
Nah, fully subjective, I'll stick to my keyboard and mouse, but playing it once a month or so, sure.

Thanks for beta testing VRcucks

>playing anything other than fps and strategy games on m&kb
>settling for inferior experiences to save $50
>i-i’m not poor, i swear....


Don't really feel a need to convince you, but I use M&Kb because I like mouse and keyboard more than any other controller, I grew up with a console, light gun and stuff like that, moved to m&kb and never looked back. I simply like it better and feel no desire to swap, would rather adapt it to everything that can use it, and to me it isn't the inferior experience. Maybe I'm too much of a 28 year old boomer to like new things ... kinda doubt it, I love AI and constantly look up news about it ... maybe it's because I feel like sitting in a comfortable bed and resting while I play my vidya rather than flailing around in it after work, so I don't feel like the target audiance quite as much.

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And perhaps you VR anons are just like me, except you moved on to VR and will never look back, and if that's the case I hope you get lots of games to play.

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>To my understanding the combine are total babies who have been downgraded even more AI wise
The game would be unplayable if the enemies worked the same as they do in non-VR games. You wouldn't be able to keep up with them without either getting tired really fast or just tripping over the cable for your headset. VR games just have to be designed differently, because the controls are limited by our bodies, you can't just flick your wrist to do a 180 turn, you have to actually physically turn.
But because of that, you can have way more interactivity since you don't have to rely as much on pre-determined moves. Comparing the two makes no sense.

>getting tired
It's a game "console" made around the concept of being mobile rather than comfy, why would you not want it to work you out?
Ve elitists and valve drones btfo in this very video where it refers to you fucking faggots

>he said nigger
Oh damn.

I don't get why they so desperately want VR and shame monitor games, what's wrong with them? Are you soo unimaginative that you need VR for immersion? Are you soo escapist that you need to see none of the real world? Or are you just obsessed with a new thing because it's new? Games are still fun regardless of platform, this is a neat new experience, why all the wailing about what's better? They're fully different experiences, shouldn't even compare them, they both most certainly have their place and VR can't even be used for everything m&kb can do and even normal controllers can do effectively, at least, not yet, injoy the nich it fills, they hopefully won't try to replace each other and they'll hopefully live together along side ... and game devs will hopefully not do cross platform exclusive stuff like this ever again, seriously it's never been a good idea, not with diablo, not with half life, not with anything, just make a new title if you're gonna make it exclusive to a platform your previous game has never been on.

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>looking like he owns terabytes of child porn.

The average human has shit aim compared to what you can achieve with a mouse+keyboard where the aim is dead centered and completely still. Any VR game where people have to aim themselves therefore needs the difficulty to be drastically reduced, just like you can't have a console shooter with the same speed as the old quake games.

If you put MB+KB on ANY VR-balanced shooter game it's gonna be piss easy and shit.

A mod to drastically increase the range of the multitool would work fine, just keep it the same width and height, but far greater depth.
>solve puzzles
Either replace them or just cut them out, they don't add much to the game anyway. You'd probably need to add an "interact" prompt for the real world puzzles like pulling shit, though.
>avoid Jeff?
Turn the gravity gloves into the gravity gun, problem solved. It also fixes the ending.

I don't think the game would be very good without VR, but it wouldn't be a monumental task to make it playable for third worlders.

H3VR is complete shit compared to receiver, though. God, I wish Receiver 2 was getting VR support. It'd be so much fun, hunting around for more mags and laser sights and shit.

For long range, sure. But the main reason this game will be too easy is because you won't have to think about reloading at all.

I am curious to see how responsive and quick the AI is. I'm assuming they'll take a long time to turn around to face the player or something, just as a means to deal with slower player movement.

just the gun existing in 3d space is something else
having to line up front and rear sights
vs pancake shooters aim assisted point of origin to hitbox hit scanning

>what is ir.

Would be modded.

But cRPGs are shit compared to TT, you friendless loser.

every big company like microsoft does this, even just for advertising companies, but they don't start spinning the whole someone else does it narrative because they don't have any competitors


>vr game
>skip movement and just teleport to locations
>pull things towards you, wait I can already do that in previous HL
>skip jumping and crouching, just tilt your head and *ZAP* skip the traversal
>complete the same puzzles you can do without vr in vr
>scroll camera for faster turning, wow, its like i'm playing with a pad
>move around the same way the you do with wasd or stick
but oooh i can flap this cupboard open and close, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, look it squeaks when it should, so immersive!

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>VR game
>it's not horror
>it has no naked lolis running around
What's the point smdh.

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Like a faggot showing off a car is better than your car.
That is what it comes down to that is literally half of the vr community.

I've never really watched or payed attention to VR, can you really only move by teleporting? Is this some limitation to VR? Why are people unable to move like you would with a stick or Wasd

cope, gaben is sucking chink dick and censoring shit for china because he is a jew, tim is shitting on china because he can

>319 subscribers
>Game Review

unless you drop more money on a peripheral to walk around on, your room doesn't have the space to freely move around indefinitely so you have to resort to moving like a normal controller or wasd, or be extra lazy and teleport.

Thanks for beta testing it VR "chads".

Teleportation is the movement mode people newer to VR usually use. The joysticks can give people motion sickness if they aren’t really used to VR. But the game does have fully working joysticks and several other movement styles aswell

Hey i might check it out. Hopefully it won't be to hard for them to do it.

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