"The demons fear the doom slayer!"

>"The demons fear the doom slayer!"
>Approach him and attack him with all their might, even when it's a lone imp who knows he doesn't stand a chance
I call bullshit

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>things that are afraid don't attack
I guess all soldiers in war are actually equivalent to Duke Nukem then you faggot.

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Its try and kill doomguy or get ripped in half by whatever your superior is, badicllay a lose-lose situation. Being a demon isn't supposed to be fun probably..

soldiers shoot from afar like pussies to protect themselves, chad hell knights chase down the doom slayer to kill him with their fists. doesn't sound like they're scared to me.

It's actually pretty ok

some creatures are too stupid to feel fear they just go forward on a leash controlled by demonic powers

>want to play ultra nightmare because it's fun, tense, and I'm sure I can do it
>have two runs ended tonight alone, one of them halfway through the game, by bugs

yeah i think i'm done until they do some basic bugfixing

Most demons cower in fear when you meathook them and pull yourself towards them.

>some demon finally kills him for good
>he gets back up

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Ok Phil

When do we get more master levels

The chances of you being killed by two bugs and not by your own damn fault are unbelievably not in your favour.

Try Extra Life mode instead.


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>Approach him and attack him with all their might, even when it's a lone imp who knows he doesn't stand a chance
Because they're dumb as shit. The smart Deags are pussies when the Slayer gets in their faces.

First faggot was cocky until he realized he was gonna die for good, and the second tried to bargain and beg for his life.

Seriously what demon could stop this guy at this point?

>demons invade his base
>proceeds to wreck their shit
>they invade his planet...and kill his bunny
>proceeds to wreck their shit in hell
>actually chooses to stay there to keep demons from invading again
>they kick him the fuck out
>he fights to get back INTO HELL TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN

And this is BEFORE Guru unlocked his fucking true potential

This post has inspired me to make a Paul Blart Doom Guy image, but it's 3 AM right now so fuck that someone else can do it.

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He got kicked out of Hell the first time he killed the Spider Mastermind in Episode 3 too.

2016 had better multiplayer than this Jesus Christ.
Why would they get rid of the deathmatch in exchange for this?

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Because they wanted to do something different in house, and not ask the Halo guys to make their multiplayer, because it got a very negative reception. 2016’s multiplayer was pretty bad.

In 2016 the lesser demons would sometimes run away from the Slayer. Imps and soldiers even had their own shooting animations for running and shooting behind. Does this happen in Eternal at all or have I just been missing it because its so chaotic?

It's gold compared to this schwarbage

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It's a part of the lore that demons throw their lives away without a second thought.

The game will be getting updates for atleast a year

Reminder that this is the nudoom audience

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Why are you posting pictures of yourself?

and after a few shots they also stand there ready to let slayer have his way them. imagine being a creature made to destroy, and not being able to kill yourself with an all out attack on someone, when puny humans do it all the time lmao

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Because she(he) likes Doom Eternal. Now post picture of the Doom 2 audience, neckbeard.

Demons are proud and not too bright, so even if they're afraid, I feel like there might be an attitude of "Well maybe I'LL finally be the guy to kill the Doomslayer" going on.

why does Doom make trannies seethe so much

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Did we play the same game? The demons can easily kill Doomguy. Just a few hits from an Imp kills you. Obviously they rely on their numbers.

Pic related is the Doom 2 audience

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Personally I hate the demon infighting, they wanted to appease the people calling for it but just implemented it in a way that didn't please anybody, fucks your immersion in the cultist base as well since the codex entries say it is supposed to be under tight control from the hell priest

For a game that had delays it sure is buggy

they couldnt make them actually hurt each other cause then you could cheese encounters

Because everybody shat on the deathmatch

You never died from an imp hit? If you did, just proves that they do stand a chance kek.

A lot of times you can't even tell what killed you.

>when it's a lone imp who knows he doesn't stand a chance
All the demons are human/alien husks from which the soul was extracted from, and slowly transformed over time. No shit they don't give a damn

Not directly, but you can. Demons do taunts and you also get tips how to deal with demon that killed you on loading screen.

If only. Demonguy/Seraphguy skins when.

Nobody gives a shit about multiplayer in either 2016 or Eternal

But the demon that killed you could be offscreen.
>you also get tips how to deal with demon that killed you on loading screen
oh I didn't realize that.

>demon horns

>It's another Griffin two shots you from an impossible angle episode
Getting real tired of these reruns

But it was fun.

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They might be apart of that Series XP thing, or be a milestone reward in a future update.

Im in sentinel Prime
How long till the end?

They should have just not had infighting, the masses aren't happy with it and the people who actually wanted infighting especially aren't happy with it.

It was miles better than this shitty battle mode. Deathmatch with 10 doomguys airdashing and meathooking around would be fun as fuck.

Cornered animals will attack you if they feel like there is no other choice and it is the best survival solution for them, for instance cats.
Same here.

It's weird, the uac spokesperson stuff in the rest of the game was more mocking 2000s political correctness way more that it was mocking 2010s sjw stuff but then in this one line they put an awful lot of emphasis on the word trans when trans stuff wasn't really relevant back then. Maybe it wasn't the writers idea to put that emphasis on the word trans and it's something the VA did on her own.

The games has 13 levels. 15 if you count the Master Levels.

The fact they had a special alert for "Doomguy has the BFG" as if during construction of the thing they actually accounted for that possibility is just hilarious.
Its so dumb and corny, i love it.

I have only had the chance to play battlemode twice so far but I have found it fun.
But I do wish there was regular death match to go alongside it, I really can't blame them though since the '16 deathmatch got so much shit.

"le doom slayer demon killing demigod" was probably the cringiest retcon of a classic FPS character since gordon freeman became a messiah.

>it seems that 2% actually shoot to kill

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You do realize that "trans" is a pretty inconnous word that means "in-between"?
It's just the trannies hijacked that word as exclusively their own. In the same way gays hijacked the rainbow.

Same. Cheesy Doom is best Doom.

It's not that far-fetched really. He was pretty fucking badass in Doom 1, 2, and 64, he did blow up hell thrice which I don't think any mortal can pull off. Doom 2 even hangs a lampshade on it. And he was empowered by ancient tech in between 64 and 2016. So, yeah, at this point he might be very well a demigod from the ordinary human's point of view.

The announcer could be doing it live.

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I had a blast in the 2016 multiplayer. Game journos and whiners were just bad at it

I mean we are talking about a company who decided to install prefabricated warnings about potential demonic invasions way back in 2016.
So, yeah, it seems to be UAC's MO here.

Him being a regular-ass marine yet accomplishing all these feats was what made it cool, though. Just like how Gordon being a regular physicist nerd and then fighting off an alien invasion and the US army was cool.
If HL1's protagonist was Beef McGrunt generic 90s action hero, the game would be worse, not better.

And all that "muh demons are afraid of you" is the same kind of pandering, fanservice nonsense as every citizen worshiping you like jesus in HL2.

The point of Doom has always been lone, ordinary marine vs armies of hell. Even Doom 3 got it right.

all funded by soros

>Seriously what demon could stop this guy at this point?
99% of video game protagonists canonically don't die, what's your point?

Shame there are a few good skins locked behind that slayers club shit

Yas Forums, go home.