Just beat it. GOTY

Just beat it. GOTY

Attached: 220px-Half-Life_Alyx_Cover_Art.jpg (220x314, 22.02K)

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3 free games have been deposited into your steam account.

Tech demos can't be GOTY.

You zoomers call anything innovative or exciting a tech demo. This is a 15 hour long game with characters, story, gunplay, and good level design and it all is linked together pretty much effortlessly.

Honestly I was skeptical but decided to bite the bullet because I ahve such rich memories of both Half-Lifes and I wasn't disappointed. Valve is fucking back

Boneworks is a tech demo. HLA is a fully fledged Half-Life game

The GIDF is out in full force today.

It's really not. Incredible news for half life fans and a VR game with solid gameplay and fantastic presentation. Looking fantastic doesn't really make it GOTY material, and the only new thing it did in the VR space were the nifty gloves, which were great, but there are other games that stand out in quality too.
I think people just have Valve fever. A new game set people into a frenzy, especially since HL3 confirmed

Better than having to listen to Tortanic faggots.

>but there are other games that stand out in quality too.
Not really. This level of polish, great level design, art and music wasn't reached by other VR games, Valve really did set a bar much higher.
The game isn't flawless, but it's great fun to play

>Come on, Gordon.
>You've got work to do.

I agree with you, but don't try to fight the cuntish hivemind that is Yas Forums. This is not the video games board, its a nintendo board.

Are they going to blueball us for another 13 years?

HL3 wishlist:
1. stay vr only
2. add sprint
3. non-teleport jumping
4. visible body
5. weapon holsters
6. manual flashlight or at least light sensitive flashlight
7. degrees of fall damage
8. no invis wall laziness (dark cave needing flashlight)
9. more gun variety
10. more enemy variety and make them quicker/deadlier
11. more environment variety
12. no press-up-to-teleport-across locations
13. manual climbing down ladders
14 locations where you need to go prone
15. moving platforms/structures that aren't under player control
16. writing puzzles using marker props
17. don't block access to all friendly npcs behind invis walls/barriers
18. left handed gun wielding without switching which controller has the movement stick
19. aim higher than ~15 hours
20. release by 2025

>1. stay vr only
>2. add sprint
>3. non-teleport jumping
>4. visible body
fuck no, visible body is and always will be aids
>5. weapon holsters
maybe, make it an option
>6. manual flashlight or at least light sensitive flashlight
>7. degrees of fall damage
would be nice

>8. no invis wall laziness (dark cave needing flashlight)
>9. more gun variety
>10. more enemy variety and make them quicker/deadlier
>11. more environment variety
>12. no press-up-to-teleport-across locations
>13. manual climbing down ladders

>14 locations where you need to go prone
why? who fucking cares?
>15. moving platforms/structures that aren't under player control
>16. writing puzzles using marker props
>17. don't block access to all friendly npcs behind invis walls/barriers
>18. left handed gun wielding without switching which controller has the movement stick
>19. aim higher than ~15 hours
15 is fine imo
>20. release by 2025
fuck that, release by 2023 at most, announced in 2021 with release in 2022 is perfect

My only complaint is that the combine are such bullet sponges.

I think I had more fun with TWD:SS so far.
Saying this as a die hard VR and HL fan. Maybe I expected too much. It's just not blowing me away. It's all just decent with some annoyances. Weapons are the most disappointing part. 3 weapons and they're tiny pistols. You CAN at least somewhat 2h them btw, people don't realize this. Put your off hand near your other hand and it stabilizes your aim, like a grip aim without having to grip.

Anyway just good. Not great, imo.

I wasn't feeling the first half but the second half of the game definitely launches it to GOTY contender status.

Honestly I came to terms with the game when I started figuring it as a Resident Evil VR game in the Half-Life world, rather than a Half-Life game at its core design.

>no melee
>no weapons that require 2 hands

Even calling it a tech demo is a far stretch.

GIDF is always out in force. Just start a thread with HL cover art and state the common knowledge fact that it was a bad game.

>4. visible body
In the games like Boneworks and Walking Dead shit is always looks janky
>14 locations where you need to go prone
>13. manual climbing down ladders
That would be tricky
Would be cool but not everyone has space for that/will be willing to do it. Most people don't even want to crouch
Agree on the rest
They certainly can learn alot from that TWD game.Like melee weapons, improvised weapons, holstering, maybe inventory.
>3 weapons and they're tiny pistols.
IIRC they made all weapons are 1handed because of accessibility. That certainly won't slide if they'll make HL3 in VR
Yeah the first half is like an introduction to VR for those who didn't play VR games yet. But this is going to be the first VR game for alot of people so I can live with that.

you kill a strider with a two handed weapon

It took 13.4 hours. I wish I had explore more since I wasn't able to upgrade my weapons full.
I didn't find enough resin.
I enjoyed it. Especially the ending with the gman

I hate to use this word, but that's a real cope right there.

if body and prone is jank atm, wouldn't it be better to have them improve on it rather than drop those features?

I dunno how they could improve body awareness without elbow/should tracking

Why would you want prone for a VR system that flat out gets completely uncomfortable with that sort of positioning? Plus the only thing Half-Life with a prone feature is fucking Hunt Down The Freeman.

And it's a damn good Resident Evil game honestly.

For me It's solid 9.

I think that the most important key point they missed was better VR interactivity. Even though you can't really make everything interactive unless you want to work on the game your whole life. And I really don't know source 2 limitations. For example, The game was lacking in melee and some object hitboxes were just boxes, even though the object was a cup or something.

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The more things change, the more they stay the same. I remember people calling HL2 a tech demo for physics back in the day. It's kind of comforting that people still behave the same, at least.

Disappointing that stuff like that don't seem to work.

the headcrab is too big for the bucket, and this person has improper technique. I was able to get one locked inside a box.

so about that ending

>the headcrab is too big for the bucket
It should have been possible to squeeze it in there.
>I was able to get one locked inside a box.
Post video senpai.

Attached: 4fc2b598e2a530ef3352349e4b074bb9.jpg (600x448, 30.42K)

No, HL3 has been worked on as late as 2018

highly doubt it
valve is reinvigorated due to VR and the VR community so far has been super excited for valve

Give 3 honest criticisms or you're a tortanic fag who hasn't even played it

>when Eli gives you a crowbar

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ill try to get a dead crab inside a bucket to see if you can make that squeeze.
dont have a video of the headcrab box, im under spec'd for alyx as is, its a wonder i can even run it at a high fps
ill snag you a screenshot if i can pull it off again and the thread is still up

I have to admit, I got a massive shit eating grin when that happened

>Yas Forums is the only place that universally shits on Alyx
>critically acclaimed everywhere else
Really activates the almonds

>everywhere else
try the cesspit of true malice that is steam forums

I tried to avoid the spoilers and honestly it was genuine fucking kino.

Dare I say, Valve is back?

I love how no one at Valve wants to touch HLA's steam forums.

Back to being hacks? Sure.

valve never really moderates stuff
just look at the steam storefront

>tfw a literal who gives the game a fair review while completely BTFO VR cultist retards

Sweet I'll check the thread later.
I'd probably be more interested in trying crap like this than actually playing the game if I ever got VR.

Attached: 1576731867417.jpg (1609x1080, 219.84K)

He doesn't sound American.
Opinion obliterated.

>another valve drone meltdown thread about how alyx is goty and you need to fall for the vr meme
sho sho

Attached: whatwentwrongwithnuvalve.jpg (584x2334, 307.17K)

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wheres the crack for this shit

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>watch longplay(more like shortplay lmao) because aint gonna spend good money on a smellovision-tier gimmick
>combine design is ruined
>generic nigger stronkwomyn tumblr bait
>ending retcons HL2 and EP2 completely, making Freeman essentially a side character in his own story, because this womyn of color is more important now
>shills galore makes me rate it even lower
>gameplay is stale and boring, literally a fucking tech demo that would be fun for dicking around in an arcade for about half an hour but becomes cringeworthy trying to base a game on them

Solid 3/10

update 1: i stuffed a dead headcrab in a bucket. i think youd have a lot of trouble trying to get a living one in there, but it works with some effort.

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more like you're coping so hard that you'll take any scrap that validates your opinion

>tech demo

I'm so tired of seeing this buzzword. Theres a difference between a game pushing new technology and a literal tech demo. With your logic, mario 64 and DOOM were "tech demos".

Great, so Half Life:Tumblr is pushing some cutting edge 90s technology then?

holy christ this is probably one of the most nitpicky assholes i've listened to in a long time

>I watched nine hours of someone playing a game and it was shit!
If you had spent those nine hours sucking dicks for cash, something you enjoy doing for free anyway, you'd be able to afford a headset and play it yourself.

But I could afford it for myself. In fact, I could afford one for everyone in my street, including a few spares for the dogs . Valve is just not getting money from me, because I'm not an impulse buying consoomer you little shill.

Does someone not consooming makes you THAT upset? Are you doing it for free?

Mario 64 proved that 2d games can transition to 3d
Wolfenstein/Doom proved that a first person perspective could work in games
Half Life Alyx proved that AAA titles could make the change to VR well without it being a half assed port

most of these "muh poorfags" faggots are mentally ill neets, wasting their neetbox for uncle gabens motion control meme