If I don't see any Smash news today I'm gonna kill myself. I'm sick of waiting

If I don't see any Smash news today I'm gonna kill myself. I'm sick of waiting.

Attached: nintendo direct.jpg (480x360, 22.06K)

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Where will you livestream it?

Tonight is the night!

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You realize DLC ended right? The second pass shit was all a meme. Sakurai can literally do whatever he wants including just straight rob you of your cash. Have you not read up on your Japanese law?

There probably was a Direct scheduled for today or around today. But let's not fool ourselves here, it's almost certainly been delayed indefinitely due to the shit going on in the world. Could be months at this point before it drops (though I suspect it'll drop within the next month, if I had to guess, 3 to 4 weeks from now).

I'm ill now so I want to see it before I die.

I feel for ya, just saying, it's probably not happening until at least mid April at this point, though I suspect it was planned for around now. Especially considering the rest of that earlier leak checks out that predicted the Indie Direct and claimed the proper Direct was gonna be today, the 26th.

>Poor college student
>No money to buy vidya
>No Trump bucks due to my parents claiming me as dependent
>No Nintendo direct in the foreseeable future
>Quarentine sucks because I already finished my tiny backlog
This week has been pretty awful

user this is the one time where emulation is acceptable. Hell, mod your 3DS, PSP, Wii, whatever if you have them

Which fucking calendar uses 26 months? Chinese or something?

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>he doesnt know

I'll be watching your death when it drops on Live Leak.

If this is what keeps you alive, your life probably hasn't much worth... And I like Smash too.

this kinda piss me off, I understand that Nintendo is being sensitive to the world situation, but they literally have been dragging this direct months upon months just to throw people a curve. They could release it on January, but they were like "Nah, people are expecting a Direct this month, let's keep em waiting a bit more". The December indie world, smash presentation, Pokemon Direct, AC direct and last week indie world were most likely record with mouths of anticipation, and 100% confident there is a general direct ready to go, but the timing is so awkward rn that they are hesitant to release. Even more pissing is that they could've exchange the release date of previous indie world and the direct and there wouldn't be problem but they once again decided drag it and now they about to enter fiscal year with no games with release date for the rest of the year nor a first party game.

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Ameritard detected.

At this point, it's not even about Smash. It's about literally about any game that's not fucking furfag crossing.

I, too, will kms if we don't get Waifu Emblem Sword Lord #9000.

a calendar with sense, amerimutt

you have autism

6 hours to go!

Please kill yourself anyways


At this point I wish they would just shitcan the Direct and just release the damn trailers. They have no upcoming games coming out, we don't need reps saying "wait theres more!"

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It goes
Day, then Month, then Year.
Or spelt out, 23rd of March, 2020.
People who use this scheme are usually the type who are pedantic about everything, or are britbongs.

Fuck rosterfags, I hope you get fucking Zavok as the next fighter.

If you kill yourself you'll never get to see the Smash news, retard.

that'd be based tho

is live leak even still a thing

what the fuck does this even mean

he didn't put any effort into his shitposting

Guys it will be shadowdropped.


>Animal Crossing
>Pokémon Mystery Dungeon RT DX
>Fairy Tail
>Trials of Mana
>Minecraft Dungeons
>Bravely Default II
>Xenoblade Chronicles DE
>Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles RE
>Super Meat Boy Forever
>Cris Tales
>DQ Heroes 1 & II
>Doom Eternal
>No More Heroes III
>BotW 2 (most likely)
>Rune Factory 5
And so many more. For the first time in a while, Nintendo doesn't NEED to support their platform all by themselves. Stop trying to rush shit because you're a fucking moron.

>Listening to Twitter trannies,

I see one good game among a pile of shit

Why Nintendo direct is every fucking day, but there is no actual Nintendo direct event, why you are so pathetic?

if you kys you'll never know

Shut the fuck up and die.

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at first i admired it but literally anyone would have backed out by now

the reason why he isn't backing out yet is because he's telling the truth.
the direct will be shadowdropped in 4 hours 15 minutes

It's already been confirmed that many companies are delaying or outright cancelling events and announcements because of coronavirus. Check back in June.

>we're really going 7 months without a proper direct
my fucking god

This is why Nintendo is doing a Mini Direct.
They're only going to announce games releasing until June/July which are probably almost completed and unlikely to be delayed.

how do people give a shit up this game after blyeth

how do tendies never get tired of playing the same game

>i deliberately made false claims and led people on for several weeks and now they're mad at me. How can this be happening to me??

Only reason I want a Direct is Metroid Prime 4,
oh and Zelda

op wasn't talking about Smash but aight

>People who use this scheme are usually the type who are pedantic about everything, or are britbongs.
You mean everyone in the world except Ameritards and the Japanese who use the superior YYYY/MM/DD format.

>op wasn't talking about Smash but aight
>If I don't see any Smash news today I'm gonna kill myself. I'm sick of waiting.

It'd be nice if they at least announced they had one planned but it's been delayed, it would at least placate all the butthurt on twitter (the post they made earlier today has over 900 comments all of which are direct related). But Nintendo hates communicating with customers for some reason. Like when they had to delay the direct in 2018 because of the earthquake. The delay was only 1 week, but they didn't say that, leaving everyone to froth as to when the direct would be.

ok basically I'm a fucking idiot and thought this was a different direct thread.

make sure to livestream!


The site? Yeah, obviously. Any videos worth a shit? Nah it's all sanitized to shit; videos people already seen on youtube or tv, grainy footage from shitholes countries showing fucking nothing, just dull videos showing some kid or cop getting punched or something. Nothing good in a while.

Nice try mate. Didn't fall for it.

when actually is the next direct? didn't someone say early april or something? is there one actually confirmed or is it all bulllshit?

Kill yourself then, that's one less person buying the ps5

lmao what a dumb picture there aren't 26 months in a year.

no it wont


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Americas education system ladys and gentlemen


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yeah i dont care about the world beiliveing media fear-mongering i want my direct faggot

kill yourself console warring faggot