Niche or older game

>niche or older game
>eceleb talks about it

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>muh secret club

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>westerners start crying the game is expensive
>can buy it CIB for 500円

>another niche title in the same genre as game gets all the eceleb attention

if its a online game thats somehow niche you can bet your tight little ass that the incoming memelord fanbase of [eceleb faggot #225] will absolutely fucking ruin said game

Look at what happened to the souls community after PCfags got introduced to it.
Irreparably damaged. Can't have a decent souls thread anymore.

Felt that way when they were talking about God Hand

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8 years later, snoys STILL seethe

I fucking hate Clemps.

I never give a fuck, what is wrong with you retarded children? Just go play video games, holy shit.

>Looking up Devil may sly or the credit song on youtube
>Comment section full of fags saying "X brought me here! XD" or mimicking their favorite e-celeb's catch phrase

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happened to Vib Ribbon, which I have a ton of nostalgic feelings for.

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It's probably less about that and more about no longer being able to mention the game without
>omg did you hear about it from [whoever] too?!
and then the conversation stops being about the game and starts being fansperg over the e-celeb. That's a touch hyperbolic, and certainly doesn't happen all the time, but similar happenings are common enough that it's not unreasonable to wince a little bit when a niche favorite of yours starts garnering such attention.

>ecelebs never try to revive old multiplayer games
If they could just use their power for good for once

>obscure game
>big name reviewer makes a video on it
>he criticizes it for a bunch of reasons that are bullshit, but only you can notice
>newcomers get a bad impression of it
>he doesn't even acknowledge actual flaws that actual players are aware of

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>New people are obnoxious, only parrot eceleb's opinion and fuck up the general discourse surrounding, nice thing
>user thinks to himself "B-but at least people talk about the nice thing now who care if they ruin the nice you should be grateful people now about"

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new fags do one of two things desu
1. bring new people into your community who actually want to enjoy and be apart of the culture
2. Faggots who come in, and insert themselves, overwhelming you with numbers and sheer autism, forcing everyone to break off into smaller and more niche sub communities of the original, eventually ending with your community being fragmented and destroyed.

These newfags are usually from Reddit and bring their horrible degeneracy with them as well, which then makes the community look so bad and horrendous that new people stop coming into the community entirely, leading to its death.

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Holy shit my brother

>see suspicious amount of threads for a niche game
>wonder if Yas Forums is finally coming around to a hidden gem
>find out an eCeleb recently made a video on it
Every fucking time. Nothing on this board is organic.

>e-celeb made a video about your favorite vidya with millions of views
>it didn't change anything because he showed it in an unappealing light
Feels nice

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Didn't realise snoys played Xbox as well.

PC ucks literally ruin EVERYTHING they touch. Without fail. I don't know what it is but the quality of discussion just plummets whenever they get a game. Who knows why? One of nature's mysteries.

Fair enough. To be honest I was mainly thinking of how single player games should not be affected by the community that plays them (Think of Undertale and how, whether you like it or not, its fanbase is irrelevant to your own enjoyment). But you are right, not being able to have a decent conversation about a game you're playing ends up being annoying.

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Fuckin Mandalore Gaming, bro.
>said it has no story
>says it's too hard while he shows footage of himself fighting his way through the undercover portion of Hand is Mightier
>says there's little level variety, only shows gameplay footage from levels in the crater compound and the ruins
>says the final boss fight is just you collecting chips, doesn't show that you get to hijack General Corrossive
>the chip collecting part he was talking about is level 41. There are 42 levels, with level 42 being called... The Final Battle
>says there's a confusing part in the colosseum where you need to use a control tether to trigger a trap, except what the fuck? You're given 3 other weapons to choose from. He chose the most difficult one on purpose and deliberately used it incorrectly
Seriously, what was his agenda? It's one thing to half ass a review and get things wrong, but this goes deeper

I'll never forgive Sseth for what he did to the servers.

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>actual funny and interesting people to hang out with
>not cancer like second life
>ugandan knuckles shit kicks off
>1 week of stage 5 autism
>all the fun people leave, all thats left are ERP neckbeards
i actually developed much needed social skills here fuck

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>Eceleb talks shit on some games you like
>Is later exposed as a actual cuckold

gg no re

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The ugandan knuckles thing wasn't even the source of the problem. It's what came after which is the admins putting more rules in the game, destroying what it could have been a revival of the internet wild west. The early days were fucking great and genuinely felt like the 3D internet people conceptualized decades ago

>e-celebs popularizes a very niche game
>developers acknowledged it and starts pandering to both the e-celeb and the new fans
>game goes to shit instantly

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>have opinion about thing for years
>eceleb all of a sudden makes a video that shares said opinion
>"lmao user, you're such a dick sucker for just mimicking eceleb's opinion!"

The problem is. If everyone is obnoxious faggots who ruin everything, maybe there is something wrong with you?
>ruin the nice
You can separate the game from it fanbase tho. Just like art from the artist.


People that complain about "muh seekrit club" and gatekeeping are exactly the people intended to be kept out.


>reviewer plays a game you have
>he's flat out wrong about multiple things
>every review he's ever made is now thrown into question

It's sort of like someone whose only contribution to a conversation is to recount how the subject was parodied by Family Guy, now that I think about it. That shit sucks.

oh shit you're right, didn't they restrict avatars or something like that?

it fucking hurts i just want to go back

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>have opinion on game
>get ridiculed for it
>popular youtuber makes a video with the same opinion
>the narrative shifts and suddenly that opinion is widely accepted and everyone acts like it was always the case

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Wrong thread to ask for sure but
Any games like Lisa? Seen it pop up in several threads recently and I can't play it for the first time ever again
Been listening to the OST
What a fucking jam and a gem of a game
Really want to play something like that again while I've got the time


yeah, I feel ya. Imagine being able to go back to the early 2000s internet once again, only for it to go away

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i wish some eceleb would come and ruin gunz the duel. maybe then there'd be more than 100 online players at a time and the game wouldnt be dead

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why does everything just keep getting worse man

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>let the masses in
>the masses complain it's too hard/complex/deep
>sequels get dumbed down
>masses parade it as best thing ever
>all soul lost

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>play a weird little niche game
>Have some deep thoughts about the game
>Eceleb makes a 2 hour long jerk off session based upon said game, shitting a thesaurus into your ear. Says "ludonarative" unironically.
>Can't talk about game now because brainlet hipster acquaintance will challenge my interpretation by regurgitating the eceleb's hot takes.

YouTube was a mistake, Yas Forums

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I've taken a long break from ss13, what did the sethtide do?

overloaded the servers for a full year

He does that to every game he touches. Only ss13 relies on its playerbase to be enjoyable.
I don't know if it's his own viewerbase or if it's every twitch meme streamer who reacts to his videos or if the two communities are one and the same.

We'll get through this, droidbro


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While all that is true, looking at the review itself, it's still praising the game much more than shitting on it.
I love Sseth videos but I never understood why he would do that, he KNEW what was going to happen, he even said so in the video. To my knowledge it's the only game who has suffered because of him but holy shit, he could've chosen literally any other videogame.
Welcome to the thread, Anons, but I already figured out I was mistaken

When everything ends and we look back on it all, I'm sure the internet will go down as humanities biggest mistake.
At the very least making it easy to access and use.

>kiketubers reviewing SS13 know full well servers can't handle a lot of people
>time to make a review and now you will have a fucking million redditor children ruining your game
thanks faggots

Even if its just a single player game you still want the community to live on. You want new people to experience and build off what you and others created. Touhou is as good as it is because the community is amazing. The community is the lifeblood of a game, even if its single player. I probably would have never gotten into touhou if the community wasn't as good as it is. You can still enjoy a game if the community sucks or is non existent, but theirs the feeling of dread and regret knowing others won't ever experience it.

Well, it couldn't have made your typical fur friendly server or TG any faggier. All the most cancerous assholes I knew in that game were jaded vets that power game and valid hunt. A lot of them donate though and buddy up with mods so they never get punished to the full extent of their fuckery.

200% based

It got even worse because of the faggy world events
>everyone staying at home
>nothing to do
>3.1 million newfags know about SS13 because of that video
>250+ people at all times on that fucking Humans vs Aliens server with no max capacity, regularly hits 300
>every other mainstream server maxxed out all day

wait what? isn't that the korean game with the absolutely insane competitive community? That shit was CRAZY. I never got into it myself, but holy fuck, watching people play that was the coolest thing


Thankfully i only review pornography

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>tfw everybody hates this game anyway so ecelebs won't even cover it

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Can all these literal who e-celebs get nuked already