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I can honestly say

The fuck is this gay shit?

is this sims?


Alright, yeah woman have stupid standards.

All I ask is for them to not be a whore and to not be obese, everything else goes.

all women are whores, no exceptions.
I've fucked so many married women and nerdy good girl virgins who just wanted a bad boy that it warped my ability to trust a woman.
They are all the same.

>everything else goes.
you're still getting a bitch who can run your life

>must love desserts
>can't be anti-sugar
>must love food

>can't be a hunter

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>he watches wahmen's YT vids

Alright I will rephrase, they have to be good at hiding the whore powerlevel and/or have a low whore powerlevel.

using that term..

Fellow gamers join me in rising up

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Don't forget the "must respect a gluten-free diet"
This fat bitch wants to eat lard but still think carbs will be bad to her.

Tell me again that females aren't pure cancer. Go on.

>must be a good housewife
or have a good career that somehow makes more than me
I'd gladly be a house husband. If i start dating some doctor or lawyer you bet your ass ill be making dinner and raising the kids

>cant be stronger than me
Women are interested in men in their 90s?

>can't be stronger than me

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>woman like sex and are just has the same level of moral ground than any other human
Woah, it's almost like they are people and not something you put on a pedestal.

>being lying cheating cancer is being a normal human
Females are parasitic cancer without morals, not humans.

Imagine being a house husband and a gamer..

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shit would be great
Clean the house, start the crockpot, and boot up a game. Nice daily routine
Also thinking about it a house husband may be more efficient than a house wife since men are expected to learn to be a handyman. Instead of the wife waiting for the husband to fix something or get home from work to build the patio the house husband can do it all day
The fags may be onto something. Still fags though

that's post modern women, men have put women in line that's their responsibility as men

>being lying cheating cancer is exclusive to woman
Have you ever thought of becoming gay? Better not, because man is the same shit, human.

Lads, which video game is this from?

My dream job.
>clean/fix stuff in the house
>cook nice meals
>play vidya
>fug wife when she gets home


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Considering that every female is like this but not all men, no men are infinitely better than females.

>not be a whore and to not be obese
apparently thats too much to ask for modern women

>sweetie, I got home
>hmm, do I smell cooked beef?
>someone gonna gets a reward today, now bend over

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You are not my wife, fuck off random slut.

Worth it

insecure fag

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Of course, not, you are pathetic cuck.
No wonders my son is turning gay, because his "father" is a giant faggot.
You should be begging me to peg you.

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yeah id be okay with that
As long as i dont have to wear one of those chastity cages
Fuck off with that shit

I think the intrinsically horrible sociopathic nature of others is what is causing his frustration, yes

There must be a dysfunctional girl that has those two traits.

I did this for awhile
It was pretty fucking grand
>wake up to get kid to school and can immediately go back to sleep for pretty much as long as I want
>takes maybe an hour to keep house in reasonable shape if nothing has built up
>play vidya late into the night
>fiance was easy to please with simple shit like having food or bathe ready

>stronk wahmen no like man jokes
>stronk wahmen too stronk to raise family

Get out of my house or I'm calling the police, I don't care about your gay son either.

what happened, divorce, death, or needed more money?

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>I'd gladly be a house husband.


fag, what would you do. Decide to have the family earn less money cause you are hung up on being the breadwinner, or have the kids have neither parent home.

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Or, you could simply make enough money by working hard and have the wife stay home. Retard.

You just know.

Id like to see you earn more than those big business lawyers who make some 300k a year

>Wanting a stay at home wife who leeches your money


Did you not even read the post. I was implying they'd make more than me in a way I'd never compete. Not everyone is some $200,000 a year doctor or surgeon or whatever.

In what universe is a retarded videogame playing NEET piece of pussy shit going to score a woman making 300k a year?

And how is he more likely to get that than a man who actually works and has his own life?

>not switching the table on f*mnoids
Just become a house husband, do it like any female, meaning cheat on your spouse, then once she is in a rough spot divorce rape her and have her pay you alimony.

>sure just treat your wife like shit
>that'll come out GREAT for you

you just know

honestly don't understand this mindset
the whole anti "gamer" mentality is retarded but then again maybe I do understand in a way that they're lowkey just wanting complete control of your attention and to be the center of it constantly to the point that you can't afford to have a hobby

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Even women work before they settle down. Or do you think they get married right out of highschool?

Thanks to WoWtards when people think about gaming as a hobby they jump to fatasses who do nothing but game

Why not? That's how every female is. Why shouldn't men do the same?

guy was jealous for a reason

Good joke. Men aren't as stupid as you'd like to think we are. Hole.

Different women like different things. And I work now. Why are you so cynical?

Mother in law moved in for awhile

RIP my guy

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i WILL own a boat, and you're just going to have to fucking deal with it

Why would someone who makes 300k a year give a shit how much their partner makes?

>Can't be stronger than me
>Can't own a boat
Nigga what? Bitch is crazy.

These are all obvious shit tests. Redpill yourselves.

First point is the most disgusting one. This bitch wants a beta provider while then going out and fucking guys who are stronger than her, because that's something every female is attracted to.

I never saw a woman putting a man on a pedestal, living and working to give money to her favorite streamer to say her name and literally making all her life about having a man.

Man is so bestial, the pussy token is still the most valuable thing a man wants, literal pussyslaves.
from chads, incels to simps.
All live just for women even when it is just to hate, like you.

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>nerdy good girl virgins

Obviously she means "cant own a small boat". She's not interested in dudes who fish, owning a mega yacht isnt a dealbreaker.