When did you officially DROP """"""""""""""Cyberpunk""""""""""""" 2077

For me it was when they removed 3rd person mode

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Other urls found in this thread:


she hit the wall.

Gender slider

>For me it was when they removed 3rd person mode
but that was never in the game

>cyberpunk protagonist looks like a punk

a manchild white guy is wrong about something? shocking.
only that one idiot believes 3rd person was ever real

*Sips drink*

>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesn't need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesn't need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>it doesn't need VR support
>it doesn't matter that it's cinematic garbage
>it doesn't need good AI
>it doesn't need good vehicle handling
>it doesn't matter that it has a shit visual style
>it doesn't need to have genders
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't matter that there's less customisation options than in the e3 demo
>it doesn't matter that you can't see your character in cutscenes
>it doesn't matter that customisation is useless
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077
>it doesn't matter that it has tacked on multiplayer
>it doesn't matter that npc's don't refer to you as "he/she" anymore
>it doesn't matter that it's smaller than Witcher 3
>it doesn't matter that it's shorter than Witcher 3


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I'm so fucking sick of coomers.

and im sick of niggers yet here we are

The day time video

>it doesn't matter that it has microtransactions despite being a $60 game
>it doesn't matter that the protagonist is always a smug Josh Whedon quipfag
>it doesn't matter that the map is tiny
>it doesn't matter that you can travel across the map in 3 and a half minutes
>It doesn't need to have good music
>it doesn't matter that all the artists on the soundtrack Zoomercore garbage
>it doesn't need to not have degenerate anti-white american zoomer pandering artists
>it doesnt matter that the music has shitty mumble rap in it
>it doesn't matter that it gets delayed again after being in development for 7 years
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't matter that the devs aren't even at their offices anymore to work on the fucking game
>It doesn't matter that FemV is even uglier now
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have substance


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I lost faith on this project after all the downgardes the witcher iii got

Dab on 'em CDPReddit Trannies Shazamposter

>Female character turned into an even uglier meth addict with problem hair
Gee I wonder how this could have happened

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I stole this from the guy who posted it.

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First trailer, the teaser made me coom unironically, imagined myself that i would be playing a blade runner like game but all we got is some california simulator

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When they cut apartments.
When they changed the description of the game from "RPG" to "Action".
When they announced we would see the full E3 2019 trailer later but backtracked and heavily edited it to 15 minutes instead of 60.
When said trailer showed the game was obviously downgraded.
When they said consoles were their main focus.
When they cut different body types from the character creation.
When they announced playing as a tranny was possible.
When they announced you could choose your pronoun.
When they announced they cut 3rd person cutscenes completely.
When they pushed back the game 8 months only 3 months from release.
When they've been radio silent since last summer, aside from promoting social justice.
When we still haven't seen what the character creation and skill tree will look like besides "work in progress, may change".
When they changed miss V's look this monstrosity.

Not a meme, those are my personal gripes. Was really hyped in 2018 but all this shit made me change my mind. I cancelled my preorder earlier today.

But Blade runner and cyberpunk are both set in california

>by the Jews who sold you abandonware with a DOSbox fronted at a premium
I don't trust anything made by the company that owns (((GoG))).

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Based, and it doesn't need to be good either.

>when they removed 3rd person mode


I cancelled my preorder when they announced that.

oh no no no no

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>a bunch of cuties not a single black
looks pretty based to me

I never picked it up. Why would I get excited for product made by dev who never made a good game?

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is that confirmed a thing?

Geralt NOOOO!!
They aren't worth it!

I was hyped back in 2013, but the CDPR drones on here insist that there was totally no problems with the games development.

How much coping and seething will Yas Forums do when this game sells like hot cakes and gets an 85 on metacrtic?
I expect at least 10 thread an hour

>before Black Mesa
>after Black Mesa

>Not a looker among them

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CDPR is a disgrace.

The shills for this game think Outer Worlds is good just because it's made by Obsidian. When you criticise the game, these fanboys go apeshit. Even Fallout 76 was a more entertaining game to play than Outer Worlds.

most of these are redundant and you only have like 5 real complaints faggot. that said this game looks like ass.

Not him but I've not heard of that, only they do the "pick your body type" rather then "pick your gender". I wouldn't expect the witcher devs to put any actual work into it, just rename gender to body type and never have any dialogue that specifically refers to gender.

Everyone knows it's gonna fucking sell well because people think CDPR is still Witcher 3 CDPR. Wouldn't surprise me that the sex scenes are removed and the thong on female V is removed.

>editing that leaf cuck into it
Lmao fuck off.
Well sure, a awful broken mess of a game is more fun to laugh at then a bland mediocre one that does nothing remotely interesting.

Didn't the NV writers leave?

your cope is already showing my man

>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.

>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.

>3 fucking years after cdpr showed faggot v getting assfucked

>people think CDPR is still Witcher 3 CDPR
Shouldn't make a difference since witcher 3 sucked. As well as 2 and 1.

I didn't drop this at all, I'm morbidly curious to see how bad this is gonna crash and burn.

Almost all the company left, which would have been a good thing if they didn't replace them with shitty devs who never worked on a game before. NV is the most overrated fallout game only beloved by zoomers.


>>it doesn't matter that the map is tiny
Shut the fuck up.

Literally every game I've played with a big map is an insufferable walking sim half the fucking time. Let's start with everyone's favorite: Fallout New Vegas. It's lame. I didn't finish it. Why?
The vast majority of the time you're walking through an empty fucking desert with nothing in it. It's shit.

I have too many games to play to deal with this shit. You wanna know an open world game done right? Nier: Automata. Small, yet interesting play-spaces... except for the desert.
That shit wasn't fun, for the same reason New Vegas sucked, to the point where I'm fine with going back to linear stuff like Drakengard 3. It's fun. Open world shit is just a massive artificial timesink.

As long as 2077 has fun, well-designed playspaces, it doesn't need to be a fucking huge, empty wasteland. Emphasis on waste. Look at GTA, 90 percent of the buildings you cant even go into. They're just solid boxes.
That's so fucking lame.

Also vaporwave isn't cyberpunk.



>nier: automata
>drakengard 3

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brown hands typed this post

>"""""people""""" get excited for next product from CDPR after being blatantly lied to over Witcher 3's downgrade
>Be surprised they got lied to again
You'd have to be mentally ill or brain damaged to be excited for this shit between that and the fact they announced this game years ago with a pretty cgi trailer 7 years and then proceed to show or talk about fuck all related to it until 2018.

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I mean I have 30 days to see if it's worth it, and if it's not, or it's broken, or anything really, I return it, it's that simple, I really dont get why anyone wouldn't at least try when you basically just have to put the money down and get it back if you dont like it? I mean even the poorest poor fags can afford that.


least witcher 3 had straight male protag not like this forced faggot v lmao

>That shit wasn't fun, for the same reason New Vegas sucked,
>New Vegas sucked


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I remember when the Quartering made a video about Cyberpunk removing gender and every shill for this game went apeshit.

>New Vegas
>Big Map

kek it's half invisible walls and has enemies that are massively overleveled to instakill you so they can cover up how tiny it is

The right is unironically literally sexier to me
I fancy a lass that looks just like that
It makes since in this horrid crime future that a hired gun or something looks stressed

white hands typed this with no logical retort

>Literally every game I've played with a big map is an insufferable walking sim half the fucking time. Let's start with everyone's favorite: Fallout New Vegas. It's lame. I didn't finish it. Why?
>The vast majority of the time you're walking through an empty fucking desert with nothing in it. It's shit.
This is the only part of your post I will agree with. Unless the map has enough content to fill out the map, it's pointless to have a large one and I will never understand this obsession Yas Forums has with it while proceeding to bitch about other games having giant empty maps.

>Look at GTA, 90 percent of the buildings you cant even go into. They're just solid boxes.
And so is Soiberpunk's buildings

>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have substance
just go ahead and cross these off too.

What, you're gonna tell me this game is gonna fail? I want it to fail too, but it's not because any fucking criticism to it that would make it fail is instantly disregarded.

>brown hands typed this post
cdproject target audience they love mumble rap and mutts

>New Vegas sucked
>game that's barely functional without mods and only having somewhat less shit writing then 3
The only good fallouts are 1, 2 and Tactics. There has never been a good 3d fallout.

Literally who? And I mean both, who the fuck is quartering?and who the fuck went apeshit?

>and Tactics
gas yourself fag

I don't really care, just cover her face like I always do

>I will never understand this obsession Yas Forums has with it while proceeding to bitch about other games having giant empty maps.
Probably because they think artificial playtime gives their game value when those extra 10 or 20 hours in the game are spent fucking walking.
If you want to aimlessly walk, play Gone Home, which you can beat the entirety of in 60 seconds if you take out all the pointless walking. Fucking artificial playtime.

Eat a dick zoom zoom. Stay mad you got filtered by old game, since other then that there is no conceivable way you'd possibly think nuVegas, a neutered fallout 2 is good.

We had a good studio.
Oh well.

>I-Its vertical explorashuun
Yet they still didn't show any of this verticalism.

Isnt the character just a player made character that is whatever you want it to be?

I mean jesus who gets upset about options in games?

>oh no the gays can be the gay, game is now bad!
Do you have nothing going on in life? Or?

No "we" didn't. A shit dev became a shit sjw dev, that's it.

>kek it's half invisible walls and has enemies that are massively overleveled to instakill you so they can cover up how tiny it is
Reminds me of fucking todd howard. "see those mountains? you can go there!"

>The only good fallouts are 1, 2 and Tactics.

Where will you be when a pixel art game shits all over this one?


>advertise deep character customization
>only get to see your character in inventory menu and on certain vehicles
what did cdpr mean by this?

Game got delayed to September, man

I can't believe this happened to Yas Forums...

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Don't give a single fuck about this, i'm so fucking tired of this pairing.

lmao they only show faggot shit no even confirm you can be straight male in this faggot game all the women are ugly bitches too hahaha

A large map can be fine if something could actually happen during it that could fuck your shit, like in stalker anomaly where I could suddenly stumble into a enemy patrol or be attacked by a mutant who could fuck me up in a few attacks, but with AAA games the game is too piss easy that none of that matters and you don't have to pay attention, since it's easy on any difficulty save very hard, which instead makes everything damage sponges.


on the real I don't see the problem here.

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What does that have to do with my point?

>When they announced they cut 3rd person cutscenes completely.
They literally said the EXACT opposite you inbred mongoloid Yas Forumstard

LGBT don't contribute to society, only make it worst.

Name 3 games that are literal who developers operating out of a garage.

When I realized it's gonna be one of those 100+ GB games that will occupy tons of space and I'll never finish because it'll have infinite missions and sandbox shit. Like Witcher 3 and possibly RDR2, but I didn't even play RDR2.

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>being this upset about gay people
Hmm, okay then

>pixel art
>game where dev cucked out and publically apologised for mean tweets he made years ago twatter found out about
Nah, fuck off.

literally never because this game is never actually going to be released

heres your witcher season 2 bro

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guess they ditched whatever hair system they were using for plastic hair helmets. but i guess that means more piercings

Do gays and lesbians regret including trannies now? Are they smart enough to?

i admit, stalker was good, but the moments where it really shined for me were in smaller spaces.

Damn, you beat me to it.

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Witcher 1 was good.

wahh wahh but this is pretty cute fanart

>thinking i know the devs of pixelshit games
>thinking i even bother to remember the names of pixelshit games

first gameplay reveal.

They all hate white men

Eh, can't say I blame the dude for trying to avoid the flak, once he get's his fuck you money, he can evolve into notch and tell women they're "cuntfused" on twitter.

You insulted GTA for having inaccessible interiors while Nier automata does basically the same thing with having invisible walls everywhere and especially on spaces it looks like your character should be able to fit through. That game was so terribly bland and the desert wasn't even close to being it's biggest problem.

Not him, but it's not "upset", it's anger. And you ought to be angry too.

Bizarro witcher looks gay as fuck


You're still gonna play it

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But I'm not gonna pay for it.

Some do, (((others))) don't.

No. CDPR literally shit on its core fanbase for too long.

Then I can't take your argument seriously, user-kun. I'll agree that there's few good pixel art games, and many "retro" games that aren't even as good as the snes games they're trying to emulate.

His point is about them prioritizing showing off gay shit over straight shit since straight guys are the main demographic for vidya I guess. Personally I'm more concerned they prioritized showing a gay MC over any actual footage or something actually interesting in regards the game. Pretty sure it's the same guy who kept spamming about baldurs gate talking about cuck shit over any other romance, let alone anything else for a game that was just announced.

They literally dont effect you, you only convince yourself that they do to feel better about the lack of shot going on in your own sad life, but I unironically no insult intended hope that whatever is really wrong in your life gets better, and that you find something that makes you happy.

If anything the gay fags just help offset population growth the ridiculous numbers of morons having children is more alarming then anything the gays do.

Does any of these women code?

u fag