What went wrong?

what went wrong?

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Fame and money

Both grew too large of an ego. Everything both of them have made since they parted has been shit.

Yeah that whole VR thing is never gonna take off

Columbine probably

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>tfw you have a passion for game dev but will never have a bro to design with

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Carmack left VR and is now doing AI research

I don't know why people still defend carmack after he sold out to facebook

Too much gay buttsex

>ME.ME caption

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Romero wanted to make actual games but Carmack kept holding back the release of his engines to the dev team until the last minute, resulting in 0 bugs but very barebones gameplay, which is why Doom and Quake play the way they do. Romero got tired of releasing the same game over and over and left...to release basically the same game but with melee weapons and companion AI.


It's like he wants to speed up the apocalypse

Romero played to much doom deathmatch and Carmack was too much of an autist control freak

>fueled by caffeine and pizza
Romanticizing the 90s is fucking gay

Yea from what I gathered Romero was constantly throwing random ideas and pushing to be quicker in development but Carmack was the opposite

>when Carmack was 14, he broke into a school to help a group of children steal Apple II computers. To gain entry to the building, Carmack concocted a sticky substance of thermite mixed with Vaseline that melted through the windows. However, an overweight accomplice struggled to get through the hole, and opened the window, setting off a silent alarm and alerting police. Carmack was arrested, and sent for psychiatric evaluation (the report mentions "no empathy for other human beings" and describes Carmack as "a brain on legs"). Carmack was then sentenced to a year in a juvenile home.

Carmack is fucking jacked

>it's real
fuck, that explains a lot

Didn’t he kill his cat after realizing he couldn’t take care of it or something?

I knew a legit autist who was jacked like Carmack. He would never lift a weight but just work on his electronics and speakers. It wasn't genetics either because he had a large family and they were all fat slobs.

Autism truly is the next step of human evolution

Take me back bros

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I forgot to mention but like Carmack who would eat a medium pizza every day this autist would also have a weird diet in which he would eat 2 polish sausage hotdogs while working

post proof

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>Has to work in a gas station now
Truly sad.

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Just mire OP's image

retard strength

Their methods were weird

>wait on Carmack to create new engine
>do nothing
>engine is finalized
>churn out games like mad
>don't bother on story, just gameplay

Doom was meant to have this retarded epic narrative and fuck huge lore book called "The Doom Bible". But Romero said that was gay, and wanted to focus on gameplay and level design. Story be damned.

What ruined their relationship? Doom.

To Romero, Doom was the perfect game. Its the game he always wanted. He couldn't stop playing it. He would come to work and just play Doom online. He'd lock himself in his office, Carmack had to famously use a battle axe to get him out of his office.

How can advanced AI improve gaming

carmack got one thing wrong
"story in games is like story in porn"
he should have just stuck to programming and left the decision making to the others

cozy boys

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Carmack on the other hand was a fuckin freak of nature. Dude lived off Diet-coke & pepperoni pizza exclusively. The id guys new the motherfucker was a coding savant, so they let him do his thing with creating game engines. He'd work on an engine for 3 months and the Id guys literally had nothing to do but play D&D or play video games. But in doing so, Carmack shat out literal magic Game Engines that are cherished to this day.

You misunderstood, he is just on his petrol sniffing session

afaik carmack would be working on the engine while romero was building maps. romero would be like "hey carmack can you put x in the game?" and carmack would work on implementing x for romero.
I don't know what the fuck the rest of those guys did. sprites?

that was both Romero and Carmack.

If they tried to add a narrative to their games, their development times would've doubled.

>I don't know what the fuck the rest of those guys did

D&D, Super Nintendo, and watched porn.

Romero wanted Quake to be some epic RPG but they instead had to rush the game out and scrap all of that.

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now he is just another cog in the machine at facebook, what a fucking waste

Nigger u wot. Sandy Petersen played an enormous role in the development of both Doom and especially Quake.

Does Carmack age, about the only thing that seems to have changed about him is his clothing and glasses

Uh, he was actually a wrestler in high school and started training in judo in his 30s

He took it to the shelter after it pissed on his new couch. Not really that outlandish.

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thats because the original idea was to make a norse god game who can terraform and create earthquakes. But that was beyond the scope of what they currently could do. And the development time would be fuckin decades long.

Or are you not aware of Romero, and his development methods post Id?

Romero was barely a Dev, but he was key in pushing Carmack. Big brain savant types usually need a wrangler to produce quality work. Think Jobs and Woz.

Romero seems more succesful when he lets people just do their thing. Case and point Deus Ex when he just gave Warren Spector and his team a bunch of money to develop it and just fucked off

I hate Steve Wozniak. He’s a grotesque human.

They had a falling out because of their strained gay relationship.


Reminder that Kevin's hairy arm was used as a texture.

And he's done nothing of note since he and Jobs parted ways, case and point.

What was his problem?

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Based sociopath Carmack

>She's going down! Down to Chinatown!
Did he really say this?

It was the 90's so yes

this one?

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That's a sprite. I said texture. As in wall texture.

Ay caramba

Well you could just be retarded. this is Yas Forums. which texture?

>I took her to the animal shlter. Mmm
i can't help but read that like the retard from slingblade

I remember reading a story that the hairy arm was actually Robin Williams.

And here's Trent Reznor, too.

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It was red and looked like a bunch of worms, but I can't find it right now

>Tom Hall gets kicked out of id
>Romero gets kicked out years later
>They team up and form their own gamedev company with gambing and hookers
>They get Warren Spector and have him lead a 2nd branch of the company
>Romero makes the disaster that was Daikatana
>Tom Hall makes Anachronox, decent but nobody cared
>Spector, not wanting anything to do with that shit on the main branch, quietly makes Ion Storm's only saving grace, Deus Ex