what kind of sorcery went on to make this fucking masterpiece happen? the game is so good it's like its from another planet.
What kind of sorcery went on to make this fucking masterpiece happen...
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Massive fucking tits.
Not having anything to do with the retarded main storyline
How butchered will the remake be?
>RE4 remake
they wouldn't dare.
What do you like about it? I thought it was the most middle of the road experience in a game I’ve played. The previous games in the series are way better
Everyone is begging for it now that the ending for REmake 3 leaked.
Code Veronica is probably going to get a remake, RE4 I think they will leave alone. Especially considering how people seemed to like nu-Claire.
Shinji Mikami, the creator of the series, directed it. He just managed to capture lightning in a bottle. It also helps that Leon was peak emo chad because when RE4 came out, emo was in full swing.
Nah 7/10 stop letting youtubers and redditors tell you how much you love this game
Leon is also just well liked in general. He's the only good part of 6.
This game was just considered a solid game back then. It wasn't considered amazing that's all revisionism because of the effect it had on the industry. What I'm saying is there were a lot of games of the same level of effort back then.
>push A for action and become invincible for 200 years while your character looks cool
>tap B to fake out enemies into 200 years of vulnerable animations and all you have to do is back away a little
This game really stacked its mechanics for you
because it is an extremely well-made game with terrific level design. Congrats on having good taste.
It's too perfect for a remake
>lightning in a bottle
this. After RE4, they just couldn't make something as good because how could you ever hope to create something that even remotely holds a candle to it.
They will eventually remake it and it won't touch the original, will always be my favorite game.
>considered just a "solid" game
>universal acclaim
>goty awards
>one of the highest rated games
Are you serious? Where do you live? This game was so instantly worshipped you couldn't criticize it for like 15 years. It was hard to have the truthful "it's a good action game but not a Resident Evil game" discussion because people refused to engage on the idea that it wasn't flawless for all purposes.
I've olny ever tried playing it on Steam and the archaic tank controls are abysmal on kb/m. Is there a mod that gives it Dead Space like tank controls?
>lightning in a bottle
No, RE5/6 just fell for the co-op meme. It's really not more complicated than that.
>This game was just considered a solid game back then. It wasn't considered amazing
are you fucking shitting me? everyone was talking about this game when it came out. I remember a shiton of friday nights of me and my friends getting together to beat it. it also received rave reviews across the board. stop talking about what you don't know zoomer.
If you're having trouble with KBM just use a controller, the enemies move slowly enough that precise aim doesn't matter.
everyone thought it was fucking mindblowing when it came out, what the hell are you on about? Capcom had to break an exclusivity contract with Nintendo because of the demand for the game.
it was one of the only third-party games that nintendo power pushed hard
It's my favorite game and even i can't explain why it's so good, i can replay it forever and it never gets old.
This is one of the very few games in a of existence that is objectively a masterpiece
I heard they designed the difficult to adapt to your playstyle; so basically if you're getting your shit pushed in the game gets easier, but if you're doing really well the difficulty goes up. That probably has a lot to do with the brilliant flow of it. I mean, everything else is pretty immaculate as well, but I'm sure that doesn't hurt one bit.
i have no idea what rock you were living under lmao literally everyone i knew irl that played games at the time fucking played this game
The zoomer can't help but out himself
Still waiting for a game to give me the feeling of going through the castle section for the first time.
>It wasn't considered amazing that's all revisionism
What YouTuber told you this, you underage retard?
I could...but I have severe autism about playing a shooting game on controller. I don't mind third person games like Dark Souls or Devil May Cry on controller, but I want to play precision shooting games with kb/m.
Why the fuck the kb/m controls gotta be so garbage
Resident Evil 4 changed the entire video game industry forever.
PROTIP: If you haven't tried the Wii Edition you're missing out.
Back when Electronic Gaming Monthly wasn't absolute fucking shit, issue 200 had a feature where they listed the top 200 games of their time. As in, older games may be outdated now but they were groundbreaking for when they came out. I think Resident Evil 4 was the newest game on that list, at around number 19. They questioned if it was alright to put such a recent game on that kind of list, but finally agreed amongst themselves that RE4 was something really special.
Ocult rituals
Quick, list all the platforms you chads have played RE4 on and which one is your favorite. For me it's:
>PS3 HD edition
>PS4 remaster
>garbage PC port
>based ultimate HD PC port
I gotta go with the PC ultimate HD version
but why? the kb/m controls are horrible
I played RE4 and gave up when I got to the island
What do people think is so good about it
It's an ok action adventure game, but these games need decent stories to be worth playing and the story was just the usual autistic wacky japanese bullshit that makes no sense
Obviously, use a controller. The filters are a nice touch, game looks awesome and of course the 60fps
I don't even want a "remake" of this game.
Just want the game remade from the ground up with 2020 graphics. Literally change nothing but that and the game will still be literally perfect.
Some different looks among the villagers would be nice.
They'd never do that and you know it.
Wii controlled perfectly and gave some small gameplay advantages that future versions never kept, too. Basically the quick-knife was a faster-than-turnspeed autotargeted knife, and any boring QTE requiring A taps was replaced with waggle which anyone could do in their sleep even on Pro.
>great pacing
>fun enemy design and setpieces
>immediately satisfying gunplay
>Ashley is a surprisingly competent escort AI
>quotable as fuck
>neat little touches like how Ashley will do a fist pump when you blast some bitches or how you can do tricks on the jet ski
>additional depth like how kneecapping enemies can leave them open to roundhouse kicks and allow you knock them back with AoE stuns or how you can knife thrown objects at you in the air
It just fucking works. I played it a few years back and it became one of my favorite games of all times.
The anime plot is part of the draw for me. I love gritty realism with b movie writing.
Knifing was so good on wii
>he doesn’t like a good ol bit of dumb fun
You’re smalltime, user.
- Shinji Mikami
- Full model change of a major IP gave the team lots of enthusiasm, knowing they would be able to surprise a large audience
- No idea was deemed too off the wall, pure entertainment was the goal
- Sales were already guaranteed, so the game had a huge budget and the full backing of Capcom's staff
- The team went the extra mile with content, creativity, and sheer balls
- Absolutely pushed the Gamecube to its limits
- Perfect pacing, balance, replayability, and challenge
Can someone tell me why you all like the castle so much more than the rest of the game? I find the stone and ganado appearances to be kinda dull and repetitive. There's more horror in the rural areas and things are far less silly overall.
I pretty much look forward to castle only to start using the suplex attack, which Leon doesn't do on villagers for some reason.
That just speaks to how great the sixth gen was
Who was in the wrong here?
I thought I would never be a nostalgic sort of person, but the 2000s were a good time.
>almost every post in that other thread is calling out OP for being a faggot
No. I remember even mainstream outlets giving it rave reviews at the time.
I think it's the best version. People will say Wii controls make the game too easy, but I'm willing to trade off a little difficulty for how much better it feels to play. Being able to point and shoot with the Wii remote just feels so much better than fiddling around with the analog sticks.
Reminder that an re4 remake isn’t necessary:
Hard fucking work. Mikami scrapped fuck knows how many prototypes before settling on 4's framework.
I literally just bought a PS2 to play it
DMC was put in the fucking garbage and called not good enough for this game
>RE4 is so good even scrapped ideas become famous series
It really is the game that keeps on giving.