Everybody thinks zoomers grew up with minecraft and fornite when we grew up with

>Everybody thinks zoomers grew up with minecraft and fornite when we grew up with
>Mass Effect
>Dragon age origins
>God of war
>Devil may cry

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fuck off zoom

you're technically a zoomer if you were born in the late 90's so most of the anons on this board are probably zoomers

that makes you a millennial, idiot.

Playing certain games makes you a millenial?

Yeah, 7th gen was the last good gen.

well what age range are we talking about when we say 'grew up'

cause most of those games in OP came out in the mid to late 2000s when zoomers were at most like 7 or 8

Oh god please we are not claiming mass effect as fucking millenial just stop trying to claim every damn game

Of course, us zoomers grew up with only the most fun, based, Yas Forums-approved selection of games. Minecraft and Fortnite zoomers are cringe and should fuck off back to /r/eddit >:((

Never say fortnite and minecraft are bad

I grew up with Ape Escape, Toy Story 2 PS1, Parappa the Rapper, and Megaman X4-6. What am I, Yas Forums?

mass effect is the quintessential millenial game tho, right after halo 3 and cod 4


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To be a boomer you must have been part of these console generations:

Atari/NES - Around the time of your birth and early childhood.
Arcade/SNES/Genesis - At least be in elementary school.
Saturn/PS1/N64 - Middle school or early high school.
Dreamcast/PS2/GCN/Xbox - Finishing high school or entering college/work.
360/PS3/Wii - In college or working.
PS4/XBONE/Wii U - Getting married/buying your own house.
Switch - First child or getting divorced.

OP is retarded, Fortnite came out in 2017, Zoomer are the 2010~ faggots, not the millenials.

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I'm not mad if you want to claim it as a zoomer game I'm just telling it like it is

>Switch - Be a good cuck
What did he mean by this ?

Every time I talk in Zoomer/Boomer threads everyone just calls me a Boomer despite me always prefacing that I was born in '00
I grew up mostly playing 90s consoles because my mom was really young and her parents kept their old consoles.
I played a fuck ton of Genesis and Turbographix growing up.
But some of my earliest vidya memories was playing MvC 1 on PS1 with my Dad.
That and playing Megaman 8.
I remember getting a PS2 slim for Christmas when I was about 4, I still have the thing.
I also had unvetted internet access at a really young age.
I spent a lot of time on Newgrounds back in '07 and I really don't know how I was able to get on there.
I also pirated Doom 2 when I was like, 4 or 5 I think.
My first memories of that game was booting into Skulltag and playing this deathmatch wad where everyone was Santa throwing snowballs at each other.
I really haven't seen it since then, but I made a fuck ton of Doom growing up.

So what does that make me, Yas Forums?
A nineteen year old Zoomber?

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>PS4/XBONE/Wii U - Getting married/buying your own house.
>Switch - First child or getting divorced.
Fuck off with that shit. I did the relationship shit and I never want to go back, I'm not getting married to fulfill your criteria when I matched 90% of it.

>people thinks you grew up with shit, which you did
>nononono not that shit, we grew up with other shit
You kids don't even know what is a map editor or how to use a server browser.

>can't read
You can buy a house without getting married.

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>first child or getting divorced
Usually need to be in a relationship for either of those lad unless you're a dumb fuck spunking up any old slag.

no you didn't

That only applies if you got married in the PS4/XBONE/Wii U era. Stop being a faggot crybaby bitch.

You are literally a Millennial/Generation Y. You failed to be part of the glorious Generation X, yet have two more brain cells than Generation Zoom.

>Zoomer refers to Gen Z
>Gen Z
>Start date: 1995
>End date: 2010
>Kids born in '95 would've known some 90s consoles by early-mid 2000s
>Still associated with games like fortnite anyway

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Do not care about what millennial's think, user.
They are the most hated generation next to the boomers. and for good reason.

>>Still associated with games like fortnite anyway
>kids so young their english isn't good enough to fucking UNDERSTAND mass effect's story
>yet they have no issue letting their daddy make an EGS account so they can be parked on Fortnite for the whole day

I trully wonder why you zoomies are asociated that way, I trully do my dear anime-girl avatarfag.

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If you already grew up you are not a zoomer

Every fucking zoomer has played fortnite retard

Jesus fucking christ is there any fuulcking shit that doesn’t make zoomers cry

>whaaa someone said i didn’t play a game, my feewings are hurt

What a pathetic generation

>why are zoomers associated with Fortnite
Let's put it like this. Early zoomers, i.e. a 21 year old, grew up with Halo 3. Core zoomers, i.e. a 16 year old, grew up with Minecraft. Late zoomers, i.e. a 12 year old, grew up with Fortnite.

Why is it so hard for this board to understand that there are multiple parts of a 15-year age group?

'94 is definitely zoomer also. '93 is where it becomes debatable.

There's multiple parts of a generation retard. Fortnite is played by late zoomers, but they're still zoomers nonetheless.

brain dead retard

I don't know much about mass effect's story because i have no interest in the series

Zoomers didn't grow up with any of those games. Thats the problem with your generation, you're obsessed with millennials and have no identity or authentic representation.

Are you guys talking about childhood or teen years when referring to "defining games"? A 14 year old playing Mass Effect in 2008 was a millennial, but an 8 year old who was also playing Mass Effect in 2008 was a zoomer. So it depends on what you mean here.

>Atari, a distinctly 1980s console.
>Birth of boomers.

That would be Gen X, user. Boomers were born during the post-WW2 baby boom, thus the name. There is absolutely no room for interpretation here, because these terms have pre-defined meanings.

Post them.

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>mass effect
>dragon age
>god of war
>devil may cry
san andreas was better


le wrong generation

An elementary schooler in 2008 could've played Mass Effect, and was a zoomer.

But people born in 94 remember 9/11 and were too old for Zoomer stuff like Minecraft and Johnny Test.

Why the fuck do you care about a label or how games are labelled to an age group. Just play the damn video game and go to bed. You sound like a tranny trying to find their 'gender'

boomer parents wouldn't buy a rated M game for their zoomspawn when the media and news were wrenching over the sex scenes in the game. You don't even know who Jack Thompson is.

oh god it's you the fucking schizo that always rants about johnny test and hanna montana

Yeah i totally never knew that. Point is it's used as a generalization regardless and you can't say that hasn't been the case.

how is this wrong generation tier?

1995-2010 zoomers
1980-1995 boomers

You're a boomer trapped in a zoomer body

I am technically a millennial but I don't feel apart of their generation.
Didn't have social media or YouTube when I was in school.

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a lot of assumptions there faggot.
do you sort by ping or server pop tho

I'm a zoomer and I grew up with Minecraft more than any of those other games.

Someone who witnessed 1995 and the orgasmic explosion of gaming. Honestly no other year matches it.

I grew up a poorfag in '92 and didn't get to use an internet connection until i was in my late teens so i really can't associate with my peers at all.

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Get, idiot I was born in 99 so I’m still classed as a Zoomer but an older aged zoomer.

When I was like 7 I played Pokemon diamond and ruby, San Andreas, Assassins Creed, etc

Older end zoomers literally grew up playing a ton of different games on different generation consoles. The young zoomers only know Fortnite and whatnot. I can’t relate to young zoomers at all.

Minecraft and Fortnite are decades apart

What if I'm Russian and I haven't been part of any console generations at all

He feels old now that people born in 2001 can post here
