Comfy Animal Crossing bread? Comfy Animal Crossing bread

Comfy Animal Crossing bread? Comfy Animal Crossing bread.

Post Dodo codes!!

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this is mira the rabbit

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hi, my name is anonymous. do you guys know if nintendo will add a rocket ship and allow us to fly to space? thank

This literal soijak looking creature moved in.

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that'll be a $19.99+tax expansion, thank you

how do you get rid of villagers?

nah. that'll be the next game: "animal crossing: new cosmos"

Post that one NPC you're waiting for.

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Barold's dick is too big to be a soiboi.

my condolences. I managed to land based Doc. Now I just need Katt.

How do you do Spider Island well?, I followed the guide but do I need to coat ALL the beaches in junk?

>you have to host your island to get every nookmile achievement
god fucking damn it, i don't want other people to see my island

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Stay mad I'd still fuck the superhero rabbit

fuck off already, faggot

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Does anyone have an island with apples mind if I stop by steal some apples then leave?

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>doing this shit instead of playing
I hope this actually fixes the fucky stick or I'm gonna be pissed
should I put alcohol in until stickboxes while I have it open to try and clean them more thoroughly?

Looking for islands with open shops (native fruit not oranges) and park benches/furniture to catalog

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Having to erase the dotted lines on every part of a pro pattern is so fucking annoying. Who is the sadist that put this in?

I wanna animal cross-breed with Ankha

Do you guys go to other islands? Where do you find friends to do that shit with?

Is there a male kimono?

Just use the fill all tool to clear it

fish lvl?

Looking to sell turnips, will someone let me sell tghem on their island? thank you. Also just to hang out with my villager bros

why does your ocean look better than mine?

there's a tool to fill the entire canvas, just use the blank paint

Don't fret user, like 95% of people don't give a shit and just wanna hang out, buy some stuff from your shop, and take some fruit.

don't make fun of my villager, she gave me 3 DIY recipes

>still no ankha
why does nintendo hate me?

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ordered a bunch of coronamasks to hand out tomorrow, pretty excited

Where is Kapp'n bros?

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Looking to buy the amiibo poster of this villager.

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of course I forgot the fucking picture

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I know the memes played out but staring at that image made me think of the Vaporwave meme music.

>sharks don't have the fin poking out of the ocean anymore


idk bout poster but i have her as my third villager for whatever thats worth

duping is the best thing ever

Ankha is a fucking cunt who gets around more than a communal bicycle. Don't fall for thots, user. The only island she belongs on is Whore Island. Fuck Ankha.

user its 111 usd on amazon sorry kek

Yeah but male villagers can't pull them off at all. Looks ok with the top knot.

it's worse for those who aren't subscribed to jewtendo online or pirated the game
i think i'll just cheat the achievement with edizon

I can't afford New Horizon so I booted up New Leaf that I bought a year ago
It's my first time playing Animal Crossing but I'm happy I got Bob in my town on day one
How do I make sure villagers never leave?

Do I have to wait for all 3 villagers to move in and set up until I can get more? I wanna hunt for bunnies, ankha, and cherry or any hot cat and octopi

Minus8 had you covered years ago

Do you know the proper name for it? I want one

Post aesthetic images.

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yall niggas faggots fr

You just posted cringe

Need a urinal

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Yes they do are you fucking blind?

How do I get vending machines and such that are different colors? Mine are all black.

Look closer

what do the different color balloons indicate?

you can get her poster to sell to that user by going to harv's island then buying her poster at the nooky machine

Where is Isabelle and her fat golden ass

Make a code and I'll drop off some apples.

Why is the sky green

You are a genuine fucking furry simp if you like Ankha.

Not him, but it's a legitimate question. Some animals deserve to be drowned.

i just like egypt and cats user

This is the best I've taken still.

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>On same day, same progression as all my friends
>They have gotten Saharah, Mabel, Celeste all week
>I still haven't seen a single special NPC besides Gulliver
What the hell, do I not have enough furniture outside or what? This nigga just dumping trash outside gets visitors and I have shit nothing to do while I wait for Nookie to open town hall

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Town Hall

I'm brainstorming what I want to do in the future.
Unfortunately where I wanted to build bridges today are in red. But I think I'd rather build the black one than wait for terraforming.
Planned placements are in purple, planned ramps in yellow.
Thoughts? Too spread out?

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does anyone still play pocket camp

if what says is true then im heading over to see. if i can then im down to give it to you

Can visitors stomp on your flowers until they’re gone? I’m paranoid that I let someone here in and they just kill everything. I know they can’t chop trees at least.

Should I emulate NL or GCN? or just play both and decide for myself?

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There are Town Halls in this one?

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Do cliffs serve any purpose other than than being a pain in the ass?

The one I saw was called Casual Kimono

You need her amiibo card to get the poster though.

Wasn't my island.
Might be because of the southern hemisphere

What decides the fish you get? I've been getting pretty crappy common fish and not a single shark. I visited one your guy's island and it had a bunch of cool shit to catch

I've never played an animal crossing before, but it's pretty cool so far. I just paid Nook back his 5k, and now he's saying my house is being built, idk what to do now.

Nigga this is Animal Crossing the fuck are you doing here if you don't want to fuck your neighbor

>Flower shop
Fuck off, poser faggot

Tide pod eating what more than two years ago, loser.

No matter what shitty ad hominem you make up to convince yourself otherwise, you will always be a furfaggot for liking ankha.

At night look for Wisp.
I also just got the hippie dog with the photo hut

Without spotpass and online NL is kinda gimped imo.

Fish, gather bugs, try to get your museum up, it's a real time game and pretty slow your house will be ready tomorrow

>hey wanna talk about my sweater
>hey did you hear x's new title?
>hey the plaza is pretty cool haha

What the FUCK is with this shitty ass dialogue? I get this everytime I interact with these cunts. Nothing new ever. They don't give me furniture, don't give me quests, they certainly don't give me emotes, its like I'm barely there. What the fuck is the point of this shit?

Guess what user I do

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stop playing until tomorrow, autismo

>Am furfag
>Don't see the appeal in Ankha
What now?

I'll judge it harshly, starting with the name, and leave a scathing comment on your post board

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It's Floral Shoppe you buffoon. opposed to the at least 200+ other fur-covered animals in the game? It's just Ankha that makes you a furry?

You know user having a meltdown like this is probably something more severe than autism

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Time of year, time of day, location you are fishing from, and rarity. If you are in the northern hemisphere I don't think sharks show up until next month.

Well now you're a got-dang liar to boot!

I miss streetpass.

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The museum isn't up yet either I don't think. Also I'm having big issues with inventory, so I get some kinda storage soon? I'm saving all my unqiue new fish cause I assume Blathers wants them like Nook did.

your fag but bottom middle

This game is extremely cute

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Bros - I am early on. How to farm iron nuggets best? Been breaking stones to no avail. Thank you

Yeah, that's what I meant

>calling someone on Yas Forums a furry on v
>in 2020

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Yesterday I visited 3 mystery islands and invited the 3 villagers to live on my island, but today nothing happened and noone has said anything? What actually triggers them into coming?
Im only like day 4 i hope i didnt talk to them too early.

>finally start playing online
>dodo codes cease

You can just put them on the ground user you goofus

You start by not breaking stones

Anyone have that list of the NPC's that got cut?

you should have to build them shit and they will come day by day

You're extremely cute.

Yeah your house has storage, you can also upgrade your inventory at the nook terminal with more miles I forget what it's called but it's something like improved inventory management

Where are you niggas finding Dodo codes?

You get hidden house storage when you pay off your debt. Grind miles, user, 5.000 is nothing.

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Dont break the stones, just hit them with your axe like youre gathering wood from trees

are piratebros cut away from all the online content such as qr codes? i'm feeling kinda left out because of that. probably gonna buy a copy, so i'm willing to play it legit but i just want to know if continuing on my hacked switch is worth it.

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how do i get red shoes

Different fish in cliff rivers

I didn't know I thought they'd vanish I'm sorry I don't know anything about animal crossing

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get those codes out so I can rob you

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D08HS if you're here user

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Why do furries keep pushing this "We are accepted here" meme? Not even redditors will accept you. I know because I unironically lurk reddit from time to time.

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Don't break them. So don't eat food before hitting them. Hitting them with a shovel (or axe) will knock either stones, clay, iron or gold nuggets off 8 times maximum. You have about 9 seconds to hit it 8 times in succession. dig a hole or two behind you, one space between you and the rock so you don't get knocked back and make sure all tiles around the rock are clear or shit won't fall out.

How do i build them shit? Nothing has popped up concerning that

Crush a witch underneath your house

lf >100 turnip prices and cool shops
drop codes

Thank you! I fee dumb

Now you do!
Also you can store stuff in your house when you get it!

Anyone have a spare large star fragment they'd be willing to share?

Ive noticed this too, ive only had 1 request to catch a bug

nook should ask your help with picking 3 plots and stuff

They've always been here in threads for games with furry shit like Sonic or Animal Crossing you idiot


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yes daily reminder to self gas yourselves

I've been staring at the fucking sky for like 30 minutes. How rare are shooting stars?

I was the original poster, and I'm serious Ankha is trashy used goods at this point. Come back to me when you have lewds of Amelia or whatnot

Is there a place like Tortimer's Island I can get sharks from?

yea pedro's island

Its fucking frustrating, easily the worst NPCs out of the animal crossing games. What's the point of even going after certain villagers when they barely notice you?

Hey at least you'll get like 4 months of them, for the southern hemisphere shark season is about to end.

you will never be a real woman

your villagers are retarded then, mine ask me to do all kinds of shit for them and even want to buy stuff from me or give me shit everyday

I remember when the Able sisters were the hottest

These threads. Filled my pockets with Southern fish in New Wuhan. Gave out oranges, bait and medicine and got a ladder recipe before I was supposed to. Great times.

Are dodo codes for villager island visits or the random islands?

Not rare at all if there's a meteor shower happening. They have an audio cue when they spawn in. They'll come in clusters of like 3-5 when they spawn so you should be able to get at least 1 every time even if you're doing stuff.

what has he been feeding that cat and why is its ass so wet

How are you nignogs making bells?

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So it's just like the previous games where the first week everyone is useless

visitors. Nook Miles tickets are for the random islands.

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>loading cutscene every time someone joins

i had a villager teach me how to sneeze yesterday

tarantula island, this games golden beetles

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fishing and emperor butterflies

Made 300k today just trying to catch a few key fish I was missing.

Not him but what time of day?
Wanna sell oranges (will give one to a few anons)

>are piratebros cut away from all the online content such as qr codes?
Yeah, to scan QR codes you need an online subscription and the mobile app.
However, the extra items you get for connecting to Pocket Camp and having an online subscription can downloaded, as they're technically DLC.

stop inviting a million randos and you don't have this problem.

where are people finding lists of what fish are catchable rn
i have all the march ones but idk the rest

anyone got good turnip prices? :

You just assumed they are furries for liking those games. Furries always think you're one of them for liking things like mickey mouse or pokemon, but it's not true.
Don't blame me for speaking the truth. Subreddits like r/cringetopia, and r/cringeanarchy always hated you. Even the normies think you're weird and don't like you. Don't forget about r/furryhate which was pretty popular.

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Any anons have Celeste and shooting stars?

wait nigger you i am not a furry i said they should all self gas. Faggot

Sure, you got anything to trade?

I just googled it

have you been microwaving bananas

Shooting stars happen even if Celeste hasn't shown up. It has to be a clear night sky.