Why does nobody ever talk about Mushroom Hill? Best level in S3K, arguably in any of the classic sonic games

Why does nobody ever talk about Mushroom Hill? Best level in S3K, arguably in any of the classic sonic games.

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What's so good about it?

Dunna dunna dunna dunna



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it was so good that it didn't need the mania treatment

>when you make it to act 2 for the first time
That whole zone was top tier comfy, thanks OP for reminding me.

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i wish more nature themed levels did the color pallet change

Because the best stage are Lava Reef 1 and Flying Battery.

Because the best level is Hydrocity

I don't like a single level in Knuckles. The sound effects in particular are trash.

The desert makes me question sonic team a lot. You could see the odd design choices seeping in early

mania was autistic as fuck, it felt nothing like the originals (except the levels he took from the originals to write his own level larp) and this is coming from someone who played the originals in the 90s

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Whenever people harp on SA2 for having bad janky levels I'm more than glad to point them to all the duds that were in classic Sonic

You only need to really point out sonic 3D honestly, that game is a legit disaster. Sonic was always janky

I love Mushroom Hill Zone. Comfy level.

sorry whitehead leave designing sonic games to the chinks

Sonic 3D Blast wasn’t made by Sonic Team.

Whose nobody? It's literally in the sonic movie. If you're talking about NuSega they only acknowledge Seaside hill, rooftop run and occasionally crisis city

Sonic Spinball

Oh it wasn’t? Disregard then. Wtf were they up to between sonic 3 and adventure? Besides nights

oh and Burning Rangers

>best level in Sonic 3&K
Imo I think Launch Base is the best 3&K zone but Mushroom Hill is pretty based, I like it more as a starting level than Angel Island

also ristar

It was a pretty good break between Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles, not too challenging as a first level but not too jarring of a change from launch base
but still wont be better than chemical plant zone

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Also wasn’t made by Sonic Team.

I always die to the time limit at least once in launch base, but otherwise, good level.

Because it's not pumpkin hill.


Sonic 1 GG?

Ecuse me, it was Mushroom VALLEY.

Don't know why but this thread is really making me want to replay S3+S&K. What's the prime way to play it now and days, and by that I mean which emulator + any mods + fixes + whatever should I use? I remember there was a huge mod that let you pick any difficulty and settings spanning from the different ports or versions of Sonic 3 +Sonic & Knuckles.

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If the framerate and sound wasn't so shit it could have been great. Still pretty good though.

I don't know which emulator is the best now, but you're going to want this:


But it's in Lost world to

Ristar's new adventure when?


Literally all of the &K sound effects and music blow base 3 out of the water, what are you smoking?

Sonic 1 and 2 SMS/GG were done by Ancient. Don't know if they did later games though.

Did Sonic Team make ANY fucking Sonic games?

modern sega is a shadow of its former self and is better off leaving ristar alone. i don't even want a remaster beyond improving the vocal sounds so they don't sound scratchy.

Play Sonic 3 Complete. That's what you were thinking of.

only the bad ones

THIS ONE, please try Sonic 3 AIR, it's a ground up near-perfect widescreen remake with incredible customizable and unlockable options including drop dash

Go with Air is a more updated version with a lot of customization including music from the Sonic 3 Beta, which is great. Also has achievements, unlocks, and widescreen

Sonic 1 through 3. Sonic 1 and CD was the only one made by an all Japanese team, 2 and 3 were done by a combination of Sonic Team and Sega Technical Institute in the US.
By the time of the Dreamcast and beyond it was basically just assigned to whatever group was tasked with creating the next Sonic game.

S3&K is the best sonic game of all time

the virgin sonic 3 mini boss theme:



the Chad Sonic and Knuckles mini boss theme:


>Play Sonic 3 Complete
>Set Knuckles theme to the S3 one
>The boss fight against Knuckles plays the Sonic 3 miniboss theme instead

Shit like this is why I love Sonic

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>I always die to the time limit at least once in launch base
what the fuck
are you retarded?

>not doing Sonic 3 Complete
>not using the first theme for the first half of the game and the second theme for the second half of the game when shit gets more serious

The people that made the genesis era games only made games up to STH 2006, afterwards most left the series after it died with the trashfire of a game, only leaving Iizuka (who started by working on levels in S3K) and some of the devs that worked on SA1/2, namely the Chao Garden dev that directed Unleashed and created the lighting engine, Hedgehog Engine. But after that game bombed to critics he left and most of the team just moved on to the Mario and Sonic opymic games since it was the only thing people massively liked since

Everything else after is done by the B-C Team, director Kishimoto of the Sammy division, who made Colors, Lost World and FOrces. Basically, no one pre 06 is "Sonic Team" anymore, only a small handful of key names still exist but isn't the main group in the dev seats like in the past.

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fuck sonic 3 complete. fuck sonic 3 and knuckles. i only play Sonic & Knuckles.

Ah, I see, you were that kid.

The Sonic 3 version is way better.


As someone whose favorite games ever are 90s Sonic I have this weird thing where I hate levels more than like. But that's part of what I love about them. As you go through the game I'm always nervous and dreading certain parts and know that game over can happen very easily even if you've been good so far and have a decent amount of lives. I feel like the more you go on in the game it perfectly raises up the intensity and anxiety incrementally.

Disclaimer: I am not an autist and not a nu-Sonic fan so yes the games are still tough to me

>make sure you have the Steam version of Sonic 3 & Knuckles

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Mushroom hill, home

Fucking gold

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i thought the movie did


We have some very dedicated Mania-haters. You show up for every mention of Sonic, don't you? How did this happen when the 3D offering that year was Sonic-Fucking-Forces? You don't have a leg to stand on dude.

I think you just have to have a ROM.

At least the Sega collection on steam has a pretty nice presentation. That virtual room shit was worth the price of admission if you ask me. What a neat touch.

This level fucking sucks. Why was this even mentioned in the movie? They should have done something like Chemical Plant Zone