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Alyx is for Russel
Russel had probably died or he wasn't even real in the first place.
Plus why would she choose the loser nerd instead of the CHAD nerd?
Supression field was permanently down so that ain't a issue.
So did North America just get completely fucked by the portal storms/7 hours war to the point everyone got moved out. are all of the cities now located in Europe?
Would make sense since it's the home of the worlds most powerful military.
They probably just nuked everything.
no way fag
gordon was like in his mid twenties during black mesa and alyx was just a baby. and yet eli is still like
>fuck my daughter freeman, fill her with so many of your test samples that you cause a second resonance cascade in 9 months.
really makes you think
*hits pipe*
Wouldn't you want your grandchildren to be the children of earth's science jesus?
That's what the globe at the beginning shows, waiting for more of a breakdown from hl autists over the other markings
I know right? Eli should have fucked her instead.
Sure, but due to Gman's time fuckery, Gordon and Alyx are the same age, so it's all kosher.
It's kind of a hot scenario, in all honesty.
Is this the new Redfield bloodline meme?
I've always been bothered by that bit of red in Alyx's hair. Consumer products haven't been made in 20-ish years, 15 if we're being really generous. Is it paint?
Why it wouldn't exist?
I don't think hair coloring products was a N°1 priority for humanity when the Combines finally took over.
And again, it was just 20 years, you can still find brand new Vodka even.
>it was just 20 years
the only shit still consumable 20 years later is going to be alchohol in glass bottles, or some very select things carefully kept in sealed containers. 20 years is a very long time for stuff not designed to even last a few years. What bothered me even more was the massive amount of shit like cigarette packs kicking around in HL:Alyx. Those don't keep very long outside ideal conditions, being made of paper, and smokers would go through them insanely quickly.
True, though we couldn't see the content inside.
If anything smokers in City 17 would either make their own tobacco like our elders done in the past or smoke some Combine sources cigarretes that also kills your sperm/eggs.
>make their own tobacco
I could give you a few paragraphs for why that's entirely impossible in the HL2 universe, even if the combine were entirely on board and helping out, but I know it can just be handwaved as "yeah sure fuck it, alien cigs that use commercial packaging from the early 2000's." The packs look pristine, which torpedoes the idea the insides of the packs are any different.
The rebellion were doing all sorts of fuckery inside City 17 and other combine controller areas.
I'm pretty sure someone could grow some tobacco hidden.
Plus i don't even think they would care if humanity decides to slowly kill themselves by smoking.
>grow some tobacco hidden
the land and environment you need to grow tobacco doesn't exist on the planet, and wouldn't exist anywhere near where the game takes place. Even if they could, the time and energy requirements to grow a worthwhile amount would be insane investments when they are fighting a guerrilla conflict against a highly advanced very hostile military seeking their extinction. I know its nitpicky for a videogame but basic shit like this should be obvious.
Maybe they can now that the Combine are cut off.
You wouldn't hook up your daughter with gordon? the man has a Ph.D. and he can take down an entire army
The resonance cascade started in New Mexico
>Maybe they can now
the earth is irrecoverably fucked and is mostly wasteland. The oceans are barren, what remains of them anyway. Only leeches live there, which might be editable but I doubt it. Industrial scale fishing would be out of the question anyway as most, if not all, ships are damaged beyond repair or so far inland as to make no difference. Growing food might be out of the question, period. Forget luxury shit like coffee, tea, tobacco, weed, etc. Even potatoes might be too much. Hell, I doubt they even have the manpower to grow shit on the scale required to feed everyone even with magical shit like the gravity gun. They don't have the industry to make replacement parts for what few pieces of machinery are left to salvage, all of that assuming there's anyone left with the knowledge or willpower to grow much of anything. A few bad winters might be all that's required to kill off the remaining population once they gotten rid of the combine.
I'm not sure if antlions, headcrabs etc are editable, but if they aren't then that's another issue. No livestock survived the war and occupation.
Anyone else think its weird how hard gordon gets jerked off? I get that hes the PC but in HL the guy really doesn't do anything to warrant the messiah status he gets saddled with besides killing Nihilanth, which nobody knows he did.
It was weird in HL2 and its even weirder in Alyx when everyone just assumes he *must* be the one in the vault.
There was a pretty massive world-building disconnect between HL1 and HL2. Mark Laidlaw had his own ideas he wanted to explore, and bolted Gordon and G-Man from HL1 onto it.
I grow tobacco in pots in my backyard man
When you have a legion of Humans and aliens claiming that he was the badass one who went to the alien world and killed their "leader", that tends to happen.
>Alyx when everyone just assumes he *must* be the one in the vault.
Most definitely a G-man's bait.
Sure the oceans and underground are fucked, but i'm talking about something like those "aritificial farms" but in a fuckhuge scale.
Earth also hasn't been assfucked by portal storms and a multidimensional alien empire recently man.
portal 2 showed a massive wheat field growing just fine sweety
Well they knew just what the the hell the Nihilanth and Xen was long before the resonance cascade, so its not surprising that they figured he killed the Nihilanth. Plus I'm assuming most people that escaped were accounted for, so it's not that big of a stretch to think that the guy who "escaped black mesa and disappeared" would be Gordon.
The vorts know that he killed Nihilanth, safe to assume they told the humans about it
I dunno man half life 2 only shows us a very small slice of an unknown euro city and region
I still find it weird how Dr. Rosenberg was never spoken about again, even though he was one of Black Mesa's "big boys" and the guy who build the anti-mass spectrometer.
Since he escaped with Barney, he should have been at least wrenching sutff in White Forest.
Earth lost in 7 hours.
either it was the most surgical strike imaginable or some serious shit went down on both sides.
or he's dead.
What about Adrian genociding the entirety of race x
Gordon didn't age between 1 and 2 though
Though i agree with your thought, America in HL:A was market with a big X on it, maybe they saw that the US Military gave some work for them and then just decide to wipe the continent.
Could be, but a guy who had this much of importance never be mentioned again is a bit shit.
do you even fight vorts after gordon teleports?
>While Freeman is Vortigaunt's Jesus with tons of shrines and respect
>Race X survivors back in their home have the equivalent of holocaust memorials and stories about the "Man with green eyes" genociding them.
>fuckhuge scale underground farms
sure, if they had the manpower or expertise or even fucking seeds left to do that. This is where I'll have to start assuming shit because they never actually describe how anyone is getting fed. I assume onions-green with mind fucking drugs mixed in.
Pretty sure its artificial but so much tech in portal 2 is magic bullshit I'd totally believe they've managed to wire up wheat to somehow generate electricity.
Shephard was the last of ALL MC's to get out of Black Mesa and as far as i remember you stop seeing vorts at some point.
>sure, if they had the manpower or expertise
Like we mentioned, it was "only" 20 years, i'm pretty sure there were people who was alive before the war who knows how to grow stuff in a professional manner.
Or they could just find books about it.
>sheppy wiping out race x by himself and the american's resistance convinced the combine to just glass america rather than fight it
chadliest way possible to lose a war
>combine are losing their shit trying to figure out how to get portal tech to work
>somewhere in the up glados is using it to call chell a fat orphan
Pretty much it could be that way.
I imagine other countries like Russia probably crumbled easily since well... 90's Russia.
didn't glados imply some combine assaulted the labs but she killed them all?
>people with the knowledge survived
>just find books about it
I'd accept that if the earth wasn't a barren wasteland outside of a very small area. There exists precisely nobody who knows anything about practical applied massive underground farms as of 1997~ish, and I doubt there were many books on the topic. And the seeds might not exist to begin with.
The only line I remember referencing the combine was her saying she didn't know what exactly was going on outside but whatever it was it would make chell wish she was back in aperture with her.
does hl 1 takes place in the late 90s or mid 2000s?
Shepard's crew died, nobody was around when he killed Race X. As far as anybody is aware, he's just one of the many soldier casualties.
Gordon was sent to Xen by Lambda team, and his suit has a ton of trackers so they knew his location during his Xen haul.
Vortigaunts apparently eat headcrabs and I think there's a rebel with antlion meat in a pot in hl2 so humanity will have to rely on a new bug-based diet
technically it takes place in 200-, so probably early 2000s
Early 2000's, my bad.
If find it hard to believe that the Combine "killed" the entire earth ecosystem imo, sure it change radically, but killed, no.
Is the ending of this game a bigger cock tease than the one from episode 2?
because i'm fucking mad
HL:A confirms that headcrabs are edible by humans but taste awful.
spinoff during the 7 hour war from a marine's perspective when
sort of, but it also implies that there's actually going to be more stuff coming
pretty much, not only is it another cliffhanger but everyone is arguing over what the deal with G-Man, Alyx, and the time fuckery actually is.
They lowkey said that there will be a EP3/HL3 so maybe that's why.
We already got that dude
It's literally episode 2's cliffhanger again, complete with the vague promise that it might maybe be continued if they feel like it
The combine, at best, have a disinterest in planet earth at large. Yeah they're sucking the oceans dry but aside from that they don't really care one way or another about it.
Now the portal storms dropping xen flora and fauna randomly everywhere? Those would fuck earth up bad.
you fucked up my face
>Now the portal storms dropping xen flora and fauna randomly everywhere? Those would fuck earth up bad.
That's the main probably to deal in a post-Combine earth.
I'd imagine how much shit people will have to kill and the ones that they can't they will have to adapt to it.
Worst ones being Antillions, sea monsters and headcrabs.
>implies that there's actually going to be more stuff coming
dont make me laught now
it feels like a one up of that cliff hanger
user please.
The antlions alone are enough to wipeout most of the earth's ecology, to say nothing of xen's fuckery. "Draining the oceans" would severely skullfuck the biosphere, which combined with everything else doesn't leave a lot left. Just the desertification alone would wipe out a lot of the useful space. Maybe not a total extinction of everything not xen, human, combine or birds but probably close enough to make no difference.
Gordon is probably still about the same age as he was at black mesa, so it's a lot less weird.
what does dr breens private water reserve taste of
I'd say the only correct way to portray the 7 hour war would be from the perspective of a military commander like men at war, where the enemy is playing a game of supreme commander with cheats on.
Then how come outside of City 17, the area around "White Forest" seems to be pretty normal in ecologic terms?
Sure the underground, as we saw is completly fucked and it's basically Xen 2.0, but the surface seemed "normal".