ITT Yas Forums related comics

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Now we will see what type of person you are OP

The stage is set as they say...

You better do it right you fucking amateur. I'm watching you with my judging glasses.


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Look, Mario's a nigger

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You didn’t post the ending

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Post your fucking comics

i dont know whats the big deal with this one

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i miss old Yas Forums. one day the jannies will leave and i will destroy this shithole.

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you're still pretty desperate for attention i see. have a reply in this trying time

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Didn't the artist of this molest his little sister or something?

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great story

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i miss when Yas Forums was a place worthy of making comics out of.
can't say I miss 3AB if he doesn't have material to work with.

This is so fucking fucking cringe holy shit

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Racist pedo kill yourself

Where to watch GCCX btw?

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you get a torrent

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oh fuck

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this feels a little wholesome.

Do fujos really exist?

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based bideeo

This one hits close to home. All my old friends play WoW and PoE and I just can't find joy in those

My older sister is a fujo.

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PS 3 era had some great jokes/memes

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>only girls that post on Yas Forums are stinky neets who like cute anime boys
Sounds about right.

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Never ever do this. If your dad really is the "are ya winnin' son?" kind of dad then his response to this would be
>Sure am!

On FFXIV? God yes, and they're annoying as all hell.

I see you have experience on this subject

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no worries friend, we all make mistakes sometimes

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>tfw no unkempt fujo gf

Sure do. My mom would also moan really loudly and if I banged on the wall she would get louder. It really sucked.

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Now that pokemon is shit, I wonder what panel 3 looks like now; sadness?

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last 5 panels are pure gold always.


/blog/ exists

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this did not age well.

Fujos are annoying as fuck and tend to loathe all men from my experience

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It was always ironic. JC hitman even nothing personnels fatlus.

Yeah, not likely bud.
When the jannies leave, I will become a janny and I'll destroy your shithole, how about that.
It will be fucking obliterated, you'll cry "please nu-janny, not my shithole, I shit from there", but I will have no mercy on your shithole, it'll be gone to the point where years after the fact you will start to look at bathrooms with utter confusion.


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Godlike thread

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Is there more? I want to see where this goes.

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Yas Forums rapes /jp/ and then Mario is a Nigger
the end

Sorry to hear that man.

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Delete 23
EVERYONE thinks they're 23

Damn, did you let her catch you masturbating as revenge?

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tfw moralfags were right all along

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i can't understand any of these where are the wojaks
how did it get this bad

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why are they robots in germany?