I miss when Animal Crossing felt like you were actually joining a thriving community and becoming a part of it...

I miss when Animal Crossing felt like you were actually joining a thriving community and becoming a part of it, rather than being the king of your own dollhouse where you can customize and control everything to your exact liking.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I already experienced that too many times, I like the dollhouse

I unironically miss when everyone would treat me like shit.

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I just want an animal crossing with only a dozen villagers but they all have triple the depth and dialogue

Animal crossing is the only game that does it, there are tons of dollhouses.


People like customizing and controlling things to their exact liking.

It was a big eye opener when I realized that the majority of this board has never even played AC on gamecube.

Then play The Sims or something

The original point of AC was being a sim game that broke away from that.

to appease pedantic characterfigs, we will include dating elements, gay included. now the money shall flow.

>then play a game where you can't control anything!
Based retard.

Well, it's no coincidence the series only really took off with New Leaf, is it?

just watched some intro of NH and I agree
I was always hoping the direction would go more like moving into a bigger community like a city with more events more conversations more random things to find but it just became the sims

my biggest beef with new horizons is that there's literally just nothing to do in the town

you can put down all the furniture and stuff you want but your villagers still just wander around like zombies doing nothing. why can't I interact with them in a more meaningful way? why aren't there games or activities we can do with the villagers? why aren't there little quest lines beyond "go bring me this piece of furniture"? there's nothing to do. they don't feel like your neighbors, they feel like props.

But the GC game sold 2 and a half million which was incredible for a new IP and WW sold 11 million?

bro just wait a few months and they'll patch it in

>game is objectively better
>"mUh SoUl!!!111!!ONE!"
Cringe contrarian thread.

Don't listen to the shills who say the game "opens up" or that all your complaints will magically go away when you build the town hall. Jack shit happens.

i miss tortimer

>what is villager dialogue
>what is constraint

Based falseflag.

Based falseflagger

Falseflag? This is my genuine opinion.

You have around a dozen threads on Yas Forums right this second you could be talking about your flavor of the month garbage in.
Stay out of this one.

People liking the best game is a false flag now?


Reset until you find an ideal town, or 3 tier town. Totally arrange all trees and flowers in your town. Control when Nook upgrades. Control how villagers move out (visit another town, guaranteed a villager moves).

Daily tasks... Fish. Catch bugs. Dig up fossils. That's it.

1 out of 8 holidays in a year or a few random special events like aerobics at 6 am on a weekday that you posted in your OP when you're at school or work


I miss Tortimer. When's he coming back?

No it isn't. The GC is so horribly fucking simple and outdated actually claiming it's the "best game" if you've played NH has to be a fucking falseflag.

I'm just sad they've not included all series of furniture and saved updates or DLC for shit like swimming/diving and underwater caves or actual new shit. I'm really hoping for them to add a lot of stuff each month because I'm annoyed I had planned Brewster to be in a shopping area with everyone else and have an island centered around the Sweets series and they took those away along with a huge amount of shit nobody expected to be gone. That all being said, I love how the game is and they've really made lots of improvements to the formula, like cards being sent instantly to friends online, the museum is so fucking beautiful and starting with absolutely nothing makes it feel so rewarding playing the intended way it was supposed to be played.

I just couldn't give a shit about any other animal crossing after this one, but new leaf came close.

Gamecube animal crossing is one of the best games ever made the amount of soul oozing out of it's pores is insane.

Thr interaction with the ANIMAL villagers is the defining feature of the ANIMAL Crossing series.
ACGC has the best Villager interaction.
It's not controversial at all that people view it as the best AC if it's the best at what the franchise is known for.

The dialogue is also bland and repetitive as fuck. If you talk to the villagers more than a few days in a row they repeat the exact same things and the "rude dialogue" makes no sense at all. One moment they are literally calling you hideous and tell you go away then the next they are giving you items and acting like you're friends. There's no connection between dialogue interactions at all. The game is the most barebones social sim that exists and was a novelty in the early 2000s. Now actually going back to play it shows how critically out of date it is and how simple it is. If you are an adult and actually fall for the original game's gameplay or dialogue loop and can be fooled by it in 2020 you are fucking retarded or you only played it very sparsely or rarely to begin with. It's plethora of incredibly predictable and simple systems get old after you've shaken one fruit tree and caught one fish in the GC game.

>If you talk to the villagers more than a few days in a row they repeat the exact same things
Just like New Horizons.

>"best game"
Kek neither of those guys, but who said that? Nice bait user.
>T. Somebody who never got into the GameCube game for being an inpatient kid.

the original is boring as fuck and there's fuck all to do. No reason to go back to it at all.

So about as much personality as a NES rpg character?

Old things are the best though

AC:GC doesn't have the best dialogue. It's critically limited and repetitive, again. The rude dialogue is not "impressive" or unique it's just jarring and makes no sense half the time. The villagers that act rude just seem like they have antisocial personality disorder when they call you a bloated idiot and then talk to you about the fish you caught in the next sentence.

>original game sucks only thing you can do is fish and catch bugs
>new game is awesome only thing you can do is fish and catch bugs

If you talk to the villagers in any ac game after it more than a few minutes in a row they repeat dialogue. It's not like any animal crossing has a complex gameplay loop. The villager interaction and time based events are the only thing of any substance in any AC. ACGC is the best at them.

>and there's fuck all to do
Just like New Horizons.

And customize your entire island you fucking idiot. Keep up. Is this why you think the GC dialogue is good? Lmfao.

There's always going to be a gaggle of contrarian faggots that are "fake" fans of a game who repeat the most common argument like "GC had the best dialogue... It's the best game" and then just mindlessly keep repeating that. Even though NH has the same if not better dialogue now and every single other feature is enhanced and more polished, the "GC game is best" troupe will keep repeating it mindlessly.

Guess what guys? You can go play the GC game for all eternity. Go play it right now and get off Yas Forums.

You're welcome to your opinion in but its objectively wrong.
Theres a lot of room for improvement but ACGC still has the best dialogue and villager interaction with only WW coming close. Everything else is fluff that's not important. No one cares if fishing gets more complex or flower eugenics becomes a bigger time sink.

After you grind bells for a month or give up and cheat, sure you can customize your entire island.

Alright, I'll bite contrarian.

Why is the Gamecube dialogue the best, and compare it to New Horizons.

I want to hear your opinion specifically on comparisons of GC interactions and New Horizons interactions.

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>Go play it right now and get off Yas Forums.
It's you who needs to go newfriend.

>And customize your entire island
Wow, how fun!

You can place rocking chairs that don't move, swinging benches that don't swing, sinks and refrigerators and soup kettles and ovens that don't work or do anything, slides that you can't slide down, climbing frames that you can't climb...

>customize your island
>so you can fish and catch bugs faster?
lol ok retard

i did and i remember everyone being rude, especially blaire and resetti, the rest were a blur

blatantly false

You get the designer permit after 7 in game days if your town is 3-star, and it doesn't cost anything. It's 6,000 nook miles for water scaping and 6,000 for landscaping. The only thing that costs bells is moving houses and bridges and shit. And you can get 100,000 bells in a few hours of playing.

Get good little time traveling cheating faggot. You have cheated so much you have no clue how to play regularly.

yeah i'm having the same problem i did in the 3ds version.
you're basically the god of a world instead of living in a town.

kinda hoping after i unlock the terraforming and have it looking like a normal village, it'll seem more alive.

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I remember when I was little, I used to legit set my alarm every morning in the summer to wake up and workout. I mimicked their silly little exercises for an hour straight.

This is honestly my biggest problem with AC. What's the point of having all this awesome furniture if it doesn't do shit? Oh sometimes I interact with stuff and it plays a shitty animation!

Why is washing gracie's car a feature that you wanted in the game to return

>1 minute into the video
>glowing spots
fuck this retard not watching the rest of the video

I haven't cheated at all
That's why I'm so fucking bored

Have you ever played AC:GC?

They removed most of that shit /for a fucking reason/ user.

Not every feature from every previous game is going to be brought to the next game. That's every game, ever sequel, every game in a series of games does not carry over the exact same things whether they worked or not from all previous games.

MOST if not all of those features are fucking garbage. You people post these "top 10 lists" and don't even realize that it includes SPAMMING THE FUCKING A BUTTON TO WASH A GOD DAMN CAR


Although Villager interaction is brief in New Horizons, if you think the GameCube conversations for donating stuff to Blathers is better than you are fucking crazy.

Because the game wasnt translated by onions faggots working for Nintendo of America. They completely rewrote the game animal forest for English and the original Japanese devs liked it so much they translated the English version back into japanese for the rerelease on the gamecube

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>nook's tent is closing down tomorrow
Please god let something good happen soon.

Be honest. Which one of your villagers would you fuck. Mira

there was nothing to do in animal crossing gamecube

To be fair to him, contrarianism is what this board specialises so no matter what thread he's in he's going to encounter it.
He should just go back to léddit and join one of their boards that constantly praise the games.

There actually are games you can play with your villagers. One mine made me play treasure hunt with her.

Why do you like catching 5 spirit pieces in exchange for a new flooring or digging up 5 microchips for some random item?

You guys excited for the Cherry Blossom Festival next month?

Wait, ACGC is the only game that had an entire special event for the cherry blossoms and was removed in the later games.

Attached: ac-cbf2.gif (346x302, 2.94M)

>throwing coins into the wishing well

Are you fucking serious user?

Reminder that the guy who uploaded this video says that New Leaf is his favorite game in the franchise (before New Horizons released, unsure of his opinions on it). Fuck these retards, such as yourself, that unironically believe this is an end-all argument. There is a ton of shit that makes the GameCube dated as fuck, move on and accept it.

I was hoping they'd bring back game console minigames that you could play with people who visit. Not the NES games, but AC minigames like the welcome amiibo wiiu/3ds games. I still hope they add something like that in in an update.


Oh wait... The events in AC:GC amounted to pressing A once and getting an item.

And that's it.

All scenery was static and the decorations meant nothing. Outside of a specific holiday area nothing mattered and you just stood there doing nothing for no purpose and it didn't matter if you attended or not.

One of them wants to play "pretend". What did they mean by this?

AC GC is by far the best AC and its really not even close. Faggot zoomers dont know shit.


>All scenery was static and the decorations meant nothing.

I'm 29 and played AC:GC for 5 years.

It's shit. Going back is painful as fuck. You have literally no tools until day 3 and you basically do nothing until a holiday.

Yes, I love seasons that have absolute content drought. You're right user, the GameCube is the best one!

Why does the fact that people prefer the gamecube version make new friends SEETHE with righteous fury? Do they feel attacked? Most people shitting on NH are fellow befriends who didnt know about town sharing.

AC(GCN) was really held back by a limited museum. Beyond the dialogue and the golden tools and all that, I just want to collect all the things.

At least you can customize your island to look interesting and unique you fucking nostalgiafag.

Outdoor furniture has interactions in NH.

The tables and shit set up in that cherry blossom festival do nothing. You can't even sit in a chair or anything outside. The holiday furniture is just solid blocks and it disappears the next day instantly like nothing ever happened.

>Ugh, those features were so pointless, all you did was press A
>Thank god they removed them and replaced them with nothing instead!
>Now I can get back to pressig A to dig up my 200th manila clam

At least you, and villagers, can interact with stuff. Also btw the cherry blossoms in the games up until New Leaf are ugly as sin.

Attached: ac-pinktrees2016.jpg (400x314, 51.57K)

I still have my town from 2002. ACGC I
is the only one I can go back to. It has by far the most interesting events and dialogue by a large margin. Its successors are bland in comparison, too much focus on being harvestmoonlite

>Now I can get back to pressig A to dig up my 200th manila clam

And then make fish bait out of that clam, which is literally 1,000x more things than you can do with anything you fucking dig up or fish up in Animal Crossing GameCube.

Fucking destroyed, haha. Cope.

i dont remember it having so many events and features

This entire thread just boils down to boomers bragging about how the old games are literal perfection despite all their glaring issues while injecting Monster Energy into their veins while the zoomers keep biting the bait and trying to slap the wrinkled old coots down a peg.