What's the Yas Forumserdict on DOOM Eternal?
What's the Yas Forumserdict on DOOM Eternal?
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People aren't good at it.
Worth pirating
Starts out a bit slow but becomes pretty fucking good once you have all the weapons.
Best shooter I've played in a long time.
it's shit
Great, but some worse systems than 2016.
Best Doom since 64.
Chainsawing little guys to replenish is a necessity as opposed to not in 2016. I've been replaying it on Nightmare lately to cement these thoughts. I find myself saving the chainsaw for Hell Knights, for mancubi, for shield soldiers. Targets that'll tear you apart if they get the jump on you. I find myself moving to better positions to avoid damage. It's intense, it's really fun. These feelings are entirely gone in Eternal in favor of a more arcade style gameplay. Low on health or armor? Press R and shoot an enemy to replenish. Low on ammo? Don't worry, there's always small enemies present so you never run out of ammo and so the designers didn't have to worry about tailoring specific encounters around the ammo placed in the level. I'm not fighting to find cover anymore, I'm always pressing forward and killing, killing. It's fun, but it's worse I feel. Flame belch in particular is grating. You never burn an enemy to death, so you never think of it as a flamethrower. You think of it as an armor generator. Same with the ssg's flaming hook. Same with the chainsaw. These aren't tools of carnage, they're armor and ammo generators which adds a layer of artifice that Doom 2016 didn't have. Doom Eternal is closer to Contra and Quake whereas Doom 2016 is closer to Half-Life and Quake.
That said, the Master Levels are shaping up to be fun as fuck so it's okay. What's not okay is the SSG in 2016 was way better.
It’d be cool if there werent more jump puzzles than actual fighting
Good game, but not a good doom game
why do you keep making these pictures?
cuz none of the other ones have caught on?
In a lot of the pre-release interviews Hugo was saying he didn't want the SSG to be the best most versatile gun in the game again. He hated watching videos of people playing 2016 with nothing but the SSG once they unlocked it.
This. Eternal will he placed right alongside games like Dead Space 3
Well I'm using nothing but the SSG, flame belch, ice bomb, and the ballista so good job Hugo I guess.
I'm in the same position honestly. Ballista covers all the SSGs weaknesses. That combo + the tools is all you need though I do occasionally use the rocket launcher as well if a fight is dragging on and I'm feeling lazy.
Really? It's become the staple in my playthrough. Especially after getting the upgrade where hooking enemies make them drop armor.
I like it.
Doom 2016 had one huge issue - no replayability. While Eternal forces you into those loops that not everyone likes, it does feel like a game I'll boot up half of year later and smash some Masters level on high difficulty.
Before it was released I thought about replaying DOOM, but instead I opted for Doom 2.
And I'm not even good at this game. I have to try to beat Marauder multiple times on HMP (I do play on console). Yet I find game itself to be fun.
Also if he really wanted that he should have made all weapons use separate ammo types. Thinking on it right now, that would be the number one solution. Give the shotgun 40 rounds, leave the SSG at 24. Separate minigun and the rifle, separate plasma rifle and ballista, leave BFG and Unmakyr alone, double the time it takes for one chainsaw pip to recharge. Run out of ballista ammo? Switch to your hyper blaster. SSG runs out? Forced to sticky or autoshotgun. Boom. Fucking hire me Hugo goddamn I solved your problem.
This is the new forced :O meme
>Favorite weapon
>Favorite demon
>Favorite level
Ballista with wide mod
Cybie is so fucking cool
Master Level ARC
>Double cyberdemon on the bridge
>That part with the cyberdemon and arachnotrons in that enclosed space
I cannot fucking wait for the other MLs.
>Standard shotgun, sticky grenade mod
>Arc Complex
Plasma Rifle with heatwave
Pain Elemental
What could the demons have possibly done to make him so mad?
Super Shotgun
Cyber Mancubus
Arc Complex
It's at the very least better than 2016. I have no idea how anybody can say that game is better, I never want to hear "DEMONIC PRESENCE AT UNSAFE LEVELS LOCKDOWN IN EFFECT" ever again.
they took something from him
something very dear, very precious, something that can never be replaced
Dread Knight
Do you think he painted this himself in his downtime or commissioned it?
Super shotgun
Augmented hell knight
Super Gore Nest
Pretty fun with A LOT of minor to moderate issues that the core gameplay is so good you can look last, the dragons dogma of first person shooters
>you can't just shoot a hole into the surface of mars xD!
Doom 2016 Hayden would never have said that. My thoughts is that Eternal is a disgrace of a game.
>look last
*look past
Well he's certainly had enough time to learn how to paint.
Fun fact: it's actually a real life painting someone made as Fan art: twitter.com
Apparently Hugo wants to buy the original and hang it in his office.
pill me on ballista usage
I don't know what the point of the Unmakyr was beyond "hey it's the thing from 64". BFG spread over a longer period isn't really very useful.
It's unique and well thought out, but wasn't The Doom I wanted. it felt too overbearing in design and forces you to use the hard counters for enemies. the levels kinda suck if you dislike platforming.
eh. did 5 missions and got bored.
It actually heavily outdamages a BFG shot but only if you can get all three lasers to hit the same targets. It's basically a Super Super Shotgun.
It's basically the BFG for people who think the BFG is too cheap
I feel no desire to start a new run even though I boot up the game and dick around with cheats every chance I get.
>completely and uniquely interrupts the flow of any fight
>forces a reactive play style, instead of an aggressive one
>takes so long to kill is always saved for last
Its high damage for a single target, like cyberdemons or barons. The BFG is the endgame room clearer, the unmaker is the endgame boss killer.
Just spam rockets behind him lmao
>Ice bomb group of enemies
>Wide ballista
it's fun
Its a good video game
>Low on ammo? Don't worry, there's always small enemies present so you never run out of ammo and so the designers didn't have to worry about tailoring specific encounters around the ammo placed in the level
That is exactly the same between 2016 and Eternal. However, I find that Eternal improved over 2016 by always having fodder enemies like imps and zombies spawning in. It simply increases both the pace and danger of combat. I really see it as an objective improvement
Console pleb detected.
do ice bombs even do anything to him?
This guy is bad. Speedruns kill him in literally two fucking combos
and he's dead
fantastic game not without its flaws. Hands down one of the best shooters I've played in a long while. I even made it a point to go back and find all secrets, unlock all gun mastery goals, all music, all lore. Just beat one of the master levels and am going to take a break to play the 2nd one. This was all on Ultra Violence, going to do a Nightmare run next.
I guess those are kind of undermined by the crucible and them not being that threatening
tried to go for that stagger, but no, grenades don't do shit
I did Nightmare on my first playthrough and can't imagine playing any other way.
Genuinely challenging while making certain parts like the slayer gates intense as FUCK.
The cutscenes make me want to suck on a super shotgun
You might not like it, but this is peak performance.
yeah I could imagine that's the case. I didn't know what the mechanics of the game would be like or the weapons mechanics and so on so I didn't want such a steep learning curve
Photo mode is a wallpaper factory.
Is the arbalest mod for the ballista visually glitched for anyone else? The orange electric effects that are supposed to be for the destroyer blade mod are still there on the arbalest mod
Very good but the ending is meh.
fryman! every time you open a portal to hell you're bringin down my property values
I'm pretty sure you can take any random photo and turn it into a heavy metal album cover
are there cheaters in multiplayer like there were in 2016?
I've come across people who almost instantly kill me when I play the revenant, is he just that weak? I'm talking people that kill me within a few seconds.
actually, disabling the UI and having to quickswap weapons just to take wallpaper images is the wallpaper factory. Fuck photo mode, seriously Bethesda doesn't even have an option to hide the player model or have a 3rd person free roam camera that you can position / take screenshots with.
Also, bullshit that you can only do photo mode from mission select in the first place, I don't ever plan on re-playing this anytime soon and you can only use photo mode when replaying a mission you've already played which is bs.
The demons are all weak. Even mancubus can get dropped in seconds by a competent player.
The pro strat in multi is to weaken both demons and then kill them around the same time but slayer is so OP this happens in about 20 seconds every time. Multi is fucked.
Do people really have trouble following the story or is it just complaining for the sake of it?
It's more ambitious which means when it hits it really hits and when it fucks up it's way more obnoxious
I honestly don't even understand what they were going for with the multiplayer. 2016 wasn't perfect, but it was fun for a few months until it died out, and had tons of customization and unlockables which gave you a reason to keep playing.
The main issue with 2016 for me was the amount of cheating on PC though, that went completely ignored by Bethesda. They literally did nothing to stop people from running trainers and ruining every single match, which is why I eventually stopped playing it.
Not great. It's ok as a shooter. Absolute travesty as a Doom game. Not worth $60, in general. Grab it when it goes on sale in a month or so for like 30-40. Unless if you are expecting a Doom game, then don't buy it at all. Did one playthrough on UV and don't think I'll ever touch it again. Like 2016. It can be fun, when the game decides to let you have fun. Which isn't often.
Base Shotgun with FULL AUTO
DOOM Hunters Base
It's definitely not worth $60. If I knew it was just going to be a relatively modest length campaign with little to no reason to re-play it I would have just waited to get it on sale in a few months. I only paid $15 for 2016 and had a great time with it for that price.
How come whenever I shoot him a second time he never stuns? He just goes back to sielding like a faggot
That's your problem, right there.
Battlemode is extremely underwhelming honestly. I don't know why they were pushing it so hard.
>3rd person free roam camera that you can position / take screenshots with
Press C for "Camera mode".
It's funny how it took DOOM, the ultimate boomer game, to weed out all th faggots and casual zoomers that swarm this Mongolian Basket-weaving forum. The amount of seething it has generated in the mere week that's been out has been as glorious to watch, as it has been pathetic looking in.
Genuinely, unironically, legitimately, you're a fucking scrub if you got filtered by Doom Eternal of all games.
so you didn't know this and dropped $60 on it? wtf how
god damnit, but still, my point stands because you can't use photo mode until you beat the mission and use mission select, it's just annoying. Oh well, I got some good screenshots by just disabling the UT anyways.
>Doom Eternal
>Boomer game
Let me list for you the reasons why this is untrue:
>Flashy fortnigger color palate
>Levels so linear it’s like that copy-pasted a CoD game
>Weapons lack any sort of punch
>Pigeonholed into a single play style with no room for improvisation
>Enemies are either not a threat at all, or two-shot you with no in between
>Cartoony cheesy over-the-top story obviously directed at tweens
>Hub world
>Levels have god awful piss ugly backgrounds
>Levels are just hallway-arena hallway-arena with zero variation throughout
>Levels have a bunch of useless shit like platforming sections and platforming sections and monkey bars and a bunch of other playground shit that would be fresh in the mind of any faggot zoomer
>Did I mention the level design?
Archvile they're a joke in eternal so it feels satisfying to take revenge for all the grief they gave me on Doom II
The one with the BFG was nice I guess, no level has stuck with me thus far
I still don't know how the Gladiator actually works
Well, I had assumed battlemode would be something worth my time to keep playing this. It's not sadly. I'm hoping they at least add some more multiplayer modes, the shooting it so great in this game in general that deathmatch would be spectacular if they could get the maps right.
>relatively modest length campaign
It's like 15-20 hours if you're not speedrunning it and you bother looking for secrets, that's amazing for a single-player shooter.
>All of this """lore"""
Man who cares. I wanna shoot demons not listen to le ebin Nitey Nite Senties
Doom always had color and never really took itself seriously. It's so easy to tell which one of you fags started with 2016
don't reply to him
the secrets don't even hide themselves, they scream at you with a gigantic question mark and most of them are brainless to unlock honestly. Only a few had me looking up a guide how to get them. There's also the fact you can upgrade your suit to show all their locations.
i would kill to latch onto players with the meat hook and headshot them ez
I don't like the crucible its a skip enemy button
>favorite weapon
SSG if we ignore mods. Chaingun if we include mods. They're really the only 2 weapons that feel good to use, at all. Side note: I hate that they turned the Unmaker in a weird tech Mayker designed weapon instead of the fleshy demon weapon it was in 64. The demon keys also made it infinitely more interesting.
>favorite demon
Cyberdemon. I just wish you could have a decent fight with it. It has some decent mechanics attached to it but it gets fucked over by the terrible game design.
>favorite level
Don't think I have one. The Earth levels, I guess. They seem to be the ones that gave me the most fun, what little I could get. Best visual design is probably that Mayker world at the end. Nekropopolis or whatever the fuck it's called, I think.
>Flashy fortnigger color palate
present in the original...
>Levels so linear
present in the original...
>Weapons lack any sort of punch
>Pigeonholed into a single play style with no room for improvisation
when the hell are you improvising in a fps game
>Enemies are either not a threat at all, or two-shot you with no in between
present in the original...
>Cartoony cheesy over-the-top story obviously directed at tweens
present in the original...
>Hub world
as if john romero wouldn't stroke his fucking dick at the thought of doomguy having his own angel-castle to run around between levels
>Levels have a bunch of useless shit like platforming sections and platforming sections and monkey bars and a bunch of other playground shit that would be fresh in the mind of any faggot zoomer
i hate fun, stop having fun! muh super mario fire-bars!
People say some really retarded shit on this board, don't they?
There's not really any in the prior games that're brain-busters.
yup, welcome to Yas Forums, it's all either ragebaiting, contrarianism, tortanic niggery or straight up retardation