>37 games installed on computer
>only play rimworld
37 games installed on computer
Other urls found in this thread:
Same, except I also play Kenshi and Dorf Fort.
>download and install a hundred games
>play nothing
I love pc gaming
>have over 200 games on pc
>can mod most of them to my liking
>play console mostly
>have hundreds of games
>watch streamers play them instead
I'm based?
On an unrelated note how can you watch streamers? It seems weird to me
>have 80 games on GOG and 300+ on steam, many of them are duplicates
>3500 hours CSGO
is ur pc a piece of shit or something?
i bought a ps4 and bloodborne. after finishing bloodborne i tried playing some other games but i was so disgusted with how shit consoles are i just traded it all back to eb games for store credit.
bloodborne deserves better honestly.
zoom zoom
Idk i dont play that many high end games,
But i probably do concidering i have a piss poor time playing rust on the lowest settings on a small map
I'm 25 and i've played CS for 15 years. But i want to learn how to play games like Rimworld, Unreal World, CDDA, Dwarf Fortress, so badly...
>not getting bored by rimworld after some hours
>158 games installed
>500 hours of rimworld
Why? I love those games because they scratch a specific itch. There's no reason to play them if you have to force yourself.
keep having fun op :3
I just want to learn something else. I'm so sick of shooters and i think i would be able to appreciate what these games offer. Triple A games look shallow and boring, these games i just listed seem to require some effort to be enjoyable, and rightfully so, they seem fairly complex.
then just do it user.
i regret the years spent obsessing over league of legends not realizing how much fun i would have playing fighters, shmups and various other singleplayer games.
How do you play those two games man? I like Rimworld a lot.
But with Kenshi, i get bored after the first 20 hours no matter how i play the game.
With Dorf i have the same exact problem and i really want to enjoy this game. But without a set of goals all the effort feels pointless.
true pcniggers have retardedly high standards for media consumption. we sink thousands of dollars into our tech and then complain when games dip below 60fps for more than 2 seconds
I download games, try it for maybe a couple of hours and just don't play them anymore
Rimworld is kino tho
CDDA is the easiest one to get in to. Just get a recent version and play. Try to use the wiki as less as possible and just check the essential stuff.
Haven't played since 1.1 update broke my mods.
A lot of mods have been patched up
>Watch game play itself with minimal interaction for hours on end. Collecting wood or stone takes forever, building takes forever, building up food reserves takes forever. Occasionally niggers attack you and make everything take even longer because now half your dudes are in hospital.
Eventually one of them has a break and burns down your whole shit, ending your run
I really wanted to like this game but I just can't
>without a set of goals
You have to make them yourself user, that’s the whole point of a sandbox game. In Kenshi I like to roleplay a bit with my characters, put restrictions on my playthrough, and try different things to spice it up. What do you usually do?
>everything takes forever
What is your complaint here? What you’re describing is literally the entire game, and there’s a fast-forward function for a reason. The appeal of the game is trying to survive while dealing with all the insane shit Randy throws at you. It’s half base building/resource management and half risk mitigation.
I have the funds to make it a good pc but
I cant bring myself to change anything about it becuse retarted reasons
balancing is way too much work for Tynan so he just calls it a story generator instead of real time strategy game
but yeah its a mess. i turn off raids nowadays and play phoebe.
ur better off just sticking with consoles if you like them. having low standards is a good thing.
I'm gonna have to try Anons, Kenshi is also in the list of gaymes i want to get into. I just don't know how to get away from CSGO, all my frens play CSGO and it's so easy to just jump into a match and play it. But it always leaves me with a sour taste in my mouth because i'm so highly strung.
The game is really fun when you are getting your ass kicked and barely surviving. But the moment your main skill reaches 45+ (especially if its MA) you practically rape every group in your path. The run ends for me by this point usually.
I know there are end game bosses and stuff to mess around with (like kidnapping every faction leader and then keeping them was kinda fun) but the game turns in to a chore for me by that point so i drop it.
I started a multiplayer run of it with some cutie and it's so god damn fun
My complaint is everything takes too long even with fast forward. I don't wanna be 15 hours in and only just be getting done building a storehouse and a bedroom which my colonists then burn down because it was too small for them
>some cutie
Do tell.
You are exaggerating to a ridiculous degree. If you have resources ready in a stockpile it takes a matter of minutes, not hours, to construct a building. Faster if you have multiple dudes working on the same project. I’m sure there’s a mod somewhere that speeds the game up even more if that’s really an issue for you but I honestly can’t see where you’re coming from.
>installs royalty DLC
>pic highly related as to what happens next
also this and battle brother despite not being as vast as rimworld a dorffort.
finally what do you guys think about starmancer?
Nah, you get three dudes who somehow have to find time to; plant crops, chop wood, mine stone, build, haul resources, cook, clean constantly, hunt animals and that's when they're not fighting enemies, bed resting, sleeping, being a doctor or god forbid trying to craft anything. Game is way too slow. How anyone find time for all that shit with three to four dudes is beyond me
looks sick
>three to four dudes
>Over 1000 games in steam library
>Starting to enter the "there is nothing to play fase"
Fuck not even mods are rekindling my joy to play anymore
>you get three dudes
You should be taking prisoners and recruiting them as well as healing the guys that fall from drop pods. Have you not seen pics of people’s ridiculous bases with 20+ dudes all autistically automating everything?
i grew out of that edgy phase when i turned 21.
are you sure ur anti-social enough for singe player games?
I always find these Rimworld-like games but in space are not as fun because they cant have the variety of being based on a planet
did they fix mods yet or are they still fucked?
Am I missing something or are spacer ranged weapons really not worth it?
Seems like a huge material investment for a marginal increase in stats.
>as if variety is an issue in space
youre overreacting user
This. You don’t get the variation of randomly generated terrain and resources. Something like dungeon keeper would be a happy medium imo.
>got the cat when I found out beer was a surgical procedure
>Cat developed a liver carcinoma from getting blackout drunk once
Fucking sack of shit can't hold it's liquor
The surgery worked though, he's fine, for the time being.
Why the fug does everyone hate not eating at a table?
I liked rimworld but it never held my attention as Factorio does
I know it doesn't actually affect anything, but does anyone else like making prisoners burdens?
Like, I had this one pirate, guy killed my dog or something, so I took one of his hands, a lung and got him hooked on the crack before letting him go.
I highly doubt you've been playing cs since you were 5.
500 games available, only play path of exile like a good grind monkey. Why is my brain like this?
Not him but my sister comes over every weekend to play Rimworld on my PC since she can'rt run it and her parents won't get her a computer.
>my sister
>her parents
She's my sister by blood but she has a step mom since our Dad divorced our Mom and disowned me.
your dad sounds like a right cunt
Post pics of sister
Why did your dad disown you?
He wanted me to become an MMA fighter for him so I went to go do Muay Thai instead. He got mad and tried to put me into a chokehold and I bashed his jaw with my elbow. He divorced our Mom way before this though because he kept getting into fights with strangers.
Will Dwarf Fort with graphics dethrone Rimworld?
Also, will Rimworld EVER go on sale?
Don't a lot of MMA fighters practice Muay Thai?
I thought I had a lot. It's my most played steam game by over 3x, though I'm certain if MMOs were counted it would not be the case.
i like how someone made a mod that gives it like a hundred more negative bonus mood
>500 games on steam
>155 installed
>only play Titanfall 2
And I forgot my picture
The basics of Muay Thai are in there but I hate grappling. It feels disgusting to me especially since my Dad loves it. I want to fight him again specifically in front of his kids to ruin his image but my sister tells me it's not worth it.
They fill different niches. user, we've been over this.
Seriously, there is something inherently awkward about PC gaming. Something about the way you have to sit in an awkward pose using both your arms at a desk a foot away from a monitor.
It makes games feel icky.
Meanwhile dudes with the Switch are chilling on the couch and banging ass on campus.
Get the ear crimes mod
you can use a controller with a computer you retard