Yas Forums on a date

Yas Forums on a date

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that was a sad episode

She didn't ask for any of this

Justice League unlimited was fantastic. Even cooler that it was a sequel to Superman and Batman TAS.

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and here we fuckin go the reddit tourists with their offtopic pesimistic garbage

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Bold of you to assume I could even get a date

>reddit tourist
seriously just fuck off you dumb fucking frog niggers

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Nobody was talking about reddit, dumb frogposter



steal a Yas Forums meme
get Yas Forums posters

Femanon here, if you asked me to play video games on a date, I would laugh in your face.

what do you even come here for faggot ass bitch niggers?

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you're a man on hormones

actual femanon here, only fucking casuals would say no to a vidya date

You're the one that's upset so you should be asking yourself that you retarded autist

kys roastie whore your opinion doesnt matter you are just there to get fucked and take care of the house

I have a gf who doesn't have a penis. I already won.
Just because you wear long socks doesn't mean you're a girl, you'll never get a period.


Oh yeah I've been through so many awkward dates I'd rather not remember them, so thanks for reminding me I guess.


I may never be a woman but my coding has gotten so much better!

you know the rules


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Same reason everyone does, this place is fucking aweful but everywhere else is worse.

God I wish that was me.

Me on the left.

based incel

come allow me to molest you while we have pity sex you depressed sack of shit

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let's go on a date then

Based, Yas Forumsmblr trannies need to stick to their containment board

lol why mention world of warcraft? do Yas Forumsirgins actually do this when they talk to girls?

kys frog redditor

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Real woman here, I love videogames and I hate niggers

Just admit you're too young to understand the reference. Fucking faggot frogposters.

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>mfw potentially good thread ruined by faggotry

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The last date I went on with a girl we spent the last twenty minutes talking about Animal Crossing sooooo.....

Yet, girls don't have to worry about what they say.

i am the op you dumb nigger

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Amazo is a stupid name

Don't ruin this masterpiece of an episode with shitty memes.

what's the context of this scene I never watched this show

I'll take dumb names from the 60's over any of the crap we have today

Modern Yas Forums in a nutshell. It's like people think they're making some kind of statement by flinging shit in every thread.

I'm sure it was just some repurposed golden/silver age comic hero. Most things that old are just fucking baffling in what they used to think sounded cool.

fuck the government

Batman asking his new cumdump if she's ever played WoW

Is that supposed to change the fact that you're a smegma goblin?

>Yas Forumsmblr thread

The only time this happens is when there's only one cross boarder making the thread and the rest of it are just Yas Forumsedditors talking about quality boomer cartoons. Capeshit is garbage no matter what board discusses it because the last good DC/Marvel comic was made decades ago

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ok, depends on the game though

you arent welcome in my thread bitch nigger

stay humble while you here

Eat my period

Terminally ill child whose powers are wildly out of control in her last moments.

Doesn't matter you're still a frogfaggot

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>faggot jojo reaction images

aaaaaaaaaaahahaha i dont even fuckin know anymore


This fucking faggot is nothing more than Valentine 2.0

She's a psychic with a biological kill switch. She realizes she was genetically engineered to die so she goes on a rampage. Batman calms her down and she says she doesn't want to die alone so he stays with her until she dies.

Were 50 threads in and newfags are still giving the fucking frogposter (you)'s and just spamming buzzwords. God this board is going to be even worse since kids are out of school.

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>thinks he's above anyone

>He got filtered by either bandwagon memetards or part 5

And thats a good thing

sorry i only read good manga like chainsawman

what games do you play?

This is why I hate women. You think you're fucking special because you have a pussy. Like you're doing us a favor just by existing and being around and it's our job to entertain you. Fuck you bitch you come up with something to talk about.

gonna bump this thread just for you :)

Go read your homoerotic doujins in Yas Forums.

>not liking a good capeshit cartoon
>posts fucking Jojo to convey his point of things going to shit
Ok you get a (you).

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>Discussing anime on Yas Forums

No thanks

Were 50 threads in and newfags are still giving the fucking frogposter (you)'s and just spamming buzzwords. God this board is going to be even worse since kids are out of school.

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Ayy yo don't click on me I warned you bruhs you're going to regret it

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Based and redpilled trannyslayer

you will never pass

I have nothing against the cartoon, Yas Forumsmblr faggots deserve the rope


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Batman, this is the commissioner, you know what to do with her and the other criminals specially the clown.

Agreed on that for sure.

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>Manholes are usually on public roads

>I prefer womanholes
top kek

whats it called

Thanks user

I almost never post or make threads unless it requires my vast knowledge or is incredibly beyond based and redpilled, and you sir, are the ladder.

I don't give a shit about most super hero things, but DC cartoons have always been the tightest shit. Their live action movies are shit and anything Marvel does puts me to sleep, but DC cartoons will always activate my almonds.

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>met my husband eight years ago on a blind date
>mostly talked about Morrowind
it pays to be autistic sometimes I guess

lmao don't talk to me dickweed

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