Did Yas Forums like Alien: Isolation?

Did Yas Forums like Alien: Isolation?

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Sets up the atmosphere nicely, but after a while the Xenomorph's AI feels very patterned.

It's a boring hide and seek simulator. The worst kind of horror game. The game also drags on for way too long.

on hard, with the increased alien distance mod to keep things unpredictable, it's one of the all time greatest survival horror games

Had fun the first go through, don't think I'd ever replay it though.
It does drag on way too long though.

Game of the Decade for me. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a game this much.

It has no replay value. I loved the entire thing strictly because of the atmosphere and environment allowing me to walk around in a beautifully recreated Alien environment.

You are correct, and this is in fact the first horror game of that type I have been able to stomach for the aforementioned reason.

To laugh is to...Hmmm...Yes...

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vanilla game: 5/10
modded game with unrestricted ai: 12/10

this and botw are my gotd's

Water and acid don't violently react in La La Land. You do know that water and acid violently react, right? Especially the kind of acid that can burn through three steel floors with just a few drops, right? This quarantine is starting to rub me raw.

which mod

No its absolute garbage

>on hard, with the increased alien distance mod that makes the game easier
So why play on hard?

I normally don't like hide and seek stealth but Alien Isolation does two things different, for one you can fight back when discovered and there are plenty of tools to aid stealth in the first place, secondly the level design feels like it was actually designed with stealth in mind. However it does take a while for you to get all the tools needed for you to enjoy it and for them to start opening the levels up a bit.

The pacing is a bit off at the end and it eventually does become too easy to game the xeno, but it was still probably my GOTY in 2014. Amazing atmosphere and sound design, and they completely nailed the "80s version of the future" from the films.

Yas Forums thought Alien Isolation is a masterpiece and one of the best games of the last decade
Yas Forums also said you should play (and finish) this game on hard difficulty
Yas Forums also confirmed that you don't like Alien Isolation you're a shitter
Yas Forums also said if you think this game is too long you need to delete your Yas Forums account


>hide and seek simulator.
wrong, confirmed for not having finished it on hard. It's better than your favourite soi horror game.

you probably downloaded a hack to make the alien easier and appear less frequently too didn't you? You can't hide in Isolation and win. Anyone that has finished this game on hard or nightmare has never even once entered a locker. This isn't amnesia, shitters.

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Trash game, could have been a great multiplayer game but nope.

t. filtered by the medical bay


legit one of the worst games i have ever played

the final proof that RLM is the most reddit channel in all of human history

Name your top 5 games

I won't make fun of you, you don't even have to name your real favourite games, just name games you like. I need to understand your trash low iq taste.

casual pleb baby

welp youre stupid

Any horror game where you cannot kill the enemies is a hide and seek simulator. Isolation was just a really good one that sometimes required you to trick the alien or do stuff to human/robot NPCs.

No, it was a 4-5 hour game padded out to justify being full price and as a result you could quickly see though it's vaneer, along with the fact that there is only a handful of enemies and you retread the same ground up to 3-4 times.
It became a predictable chore, all the supposed AI of the alien was a sham and since you spend so much time with the game it becomes painfully obvious, like for example, if you never hide in lockers, the alien will never check them, regardless if you have ever hid in one or always.
The alien never learns to check hiding places, they're just scripted events.
Enemies shooting and making a shitload of noise has doesn't make the alien target them any more than had they been completely silent, only in scripted sequences does it ever prioritize them over you.
Which means that if you get into a fight with multiple humans and there is a vent right behind them, the alien will pop out avoid the guys making all the noise and rush you from across the room.
So I just avoided all fights I could, never hid and Joes were such pushovers and easy to kill because they are so slow.
The only challenge was the cheap, cheating, rubberband Alien Ai insta killing you.

The game is good but it outstays its welcome. If it had ended with the first plan to eliminate the xeno I would have been much happier, since I did not think the core and everything afterward were as interesting as the first half of the game. Then there's the, what, triple-fake-out ending? It needed to reel that in.
Regarding difficulty, in the vanilla game the xeno is always on your ass so you quickly learn how to deal with it and this removes tension. You improve or you fail. Plebs mod the game to make the xeno "less predictable," but it was predictable because of how on-your-ass it was. Making it off your ass is modding in an easy mode.

i opened the game files up myself with the ai mod tools from github and adjusted all the variables to my liking. there's guides on the steam hub and other places on which variables do what and i think the unpredictable mod is still out there. just changing exclusion radius made a world of difference because the alien gets a much larger area to stalk with instead of being glued your hip. the default settings for the alien ai are deplorable i don't what creative assembly was thinking. this game is amazing when the alien gets a much larger area to work with.

PC release when?

You are trying very hard to shill this casual garbage game

>hurf durf maximum stealth game you guys
>alien is literally tethered to the player and cannot go beyond a certain distance

Game for retards, supposedly a game about patience with built-in features for impatient thrill seekers.

>The game is good but it outstays its welcome.
No, it should last forever

>the game is much better when the alien leaves you alone more
That sounds like a much easier game than the real one.

This, the first hour is the best part.

You are trying very hard not to sound like a casual shitter that got filtered by a real game for real gamers

stick to amnesia kiddo

Awful game, hide and seek/door opening simulator

Given the fact that it had so little replay value, I actually appreciated how long it was. After a while you go from being horrified, to closer to worn down and tired...but that was sort of what happened in Alien.

It's easily the best Alien game by miles and then some.

Yas Forums did initially, but it's a terrible game. The ayy wears out its welcome early on and you're left just being pissed that it's taking so long to leave rather than being skerred. It's otherwise a walking simulator. It's way too long for what it is. The writing is also awful as the main character's actions make no sense. She's dedicated to her mother and learns that her mother scarified herself to prevent ayys getting out, so in the same situation she then calls up a ship to help her escape and probably gets it infected and doesn't give a single fuck at any point about this. It had great atmosphere, though. It's a shame that was wasted on a turd.

Even worse than A:CM, at least A:CM had a multiplayer.

Alien Isolation is much more difficult than RE2/3 remake, people should be praising this masterpiece instead

lmao kys Randy, not even good bait

A long fuckin' time ago, m8

no it means the alien can drop down where you can't hear it, its awesome. none of that stupid rattle rattle shit when its above you, it will do that away from you and quietly stalk you and surprise you WAY more. it also removes much of the predictability especially the shit where you find a locked door, have to go back to dead body to find a key, and of course the alien always comes out when you find they key. when you mod the game the alen could be anywhere where you can't hear it and will surprise the shit out of you without the shitty telegraphing of it being in the vents rattling around directly above you.

Fuck no the game is shit

b-b-b-but you get a flamethrower bro! it's not a hide and seek simulator reeeeeee


>all those casual shitters in the comments section that couldn't finish the game

amerisharts were a mistake

>hide and wait
The only thing that makes it difficult is impatience with how boring it is to hide and wait which leads to risk-taking.


You can't hide, you have to keep moving

confirmed for not having beaten the game on hard

Not him but I did in fact beat the game on hard. It's a hide and seek simulator. No different than Amnesia, Outlast or any of the other Let's Play bait cancer that killed the horror genre.

I beat it on hard.

Oh also, the crafting system is a joke and the weapons are super weak. I threw a pipe bomb at a group of three squishy humans near the end of the game and none of them died.



You would be deepthoating this game if you had. It's not similar at all to amnesia or any of that trash. Do you not like first person games? You probably cheated or download a mod to make it easier and got bored

It's thief in space with an alien, just because you need to stick to cover doesn't make it hide and seek

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Name your top 3 horror games and it will explain why you didn't beat Alien Isolation on hard and why you didn't enjoy it

It has nothing to do with it being first person. It's just a garbage hide and seek game. Resident Evil 7 did first person horror decently.

you haven’t even played re3r tho

isolation is SHIT

RE7 was alright but Isolation is much better, just admit the game was too difficult and too long for your casual ass

you want to believe it's a garbage hide and seek game so you don't have to finish it without cheating

it's the same shit but the xeno completely mogs the nemesis

I'm pretty sure the Alien will eventually find you if you wait in an area too long. That's what happened to me in the early game because I was too scared to move on. That's one of the defining things that makes it different from Frictional Games type stuff.

t. filtered and gang banged by working joes

Yeah, it was pretty great.

I love it but the pacing is fuckawful. It really does take too long to complete.


I did finish it. It's not hard, it's just a fucking boring and repetitive hide and seek simulator. Not to mention that the game dragged on for far, far too long.

No it was shit, literally the worst game based on the alien franchise

game of the century for me. can't remember how much I liked that game so much I fucked my nephew and daughter side by side. they asked for more I said no, but they cried. so I had to.

the xeno doesn't even appear in the first hour

I love RLM but those two are the ultimate plebs when it comes to games. Even fucking Aris did better.

absolutely awful game

>even knowing retarded streamer names
kys, disgusting virgin.

Isolation is the perfect example on how NOT to make an Alien game.

>I did finish it.
maybe on easy

Do you hate Thief and System Shock?

>retarded streamer names
>a well established YouTube channel that has been discussed on Yas Forums for nearly 15 years
Am I cool yet guiz? xD

Seethe harder.

isolation was a shit game

The ip count isn't going up.
There's one samefag shitting on the game and another person responding to every post that samefag makes.

this is just bad bait at this point

you're on the wrong side of history IGN, admit it, you lost.

Alien Isolation > Alien > Power gap > shit > garbage > rest of the alien canon

back to your hellholes, streamer-watching zoomer trannies.

No, it really was a fucking terrible game.

pack it up boys

>ranking a piece of shit walking sim to a classic horror movie
Cringe beyond belief

RLM are a Yas Forums meme channel, not streamers.

Probably the best horror game I've ever played. At least when it comes to the modern wannabe stealth horror games.

>Rich says the game isn't scary, even playing in the dark
>Gameplay footage shows the gamma cranked all the way to the point there are no shadows
>Even in the sections where the game is trying to force you to use flares
I love Rich but he is not a smart man. Taking the uncertainty and unknown out of the game invalidates their opinion, imagine if they watched the film without the proper lighting, "oh you can clearly see the Alien is just a cheap suit, why would anyone like this?"

One of the worst games i have ever played

>all those buzzwords
>trying to pretend you don't know one of the most memed YouTube channels on Yas Forums
user, it's obvious that you're a Reddit refugee trying way too hard to fit in.

I am already here. Stay mad.

who the fuck cares? back to your /hellhole/.
everyone laughs at Yas Forums, retard.

Easy the worst Alien game i ever played in my life and one of the worst games in general.

>hasn't beaten Isolation on hard
>spooked by a basketball player in a rubber monster suit
Cringe beyond belief

Alien 1979 was a decent film adaptation of Isolation I'll admit, but it could have been about 40 hours longer with more locations and more jump scares

i honestly never heard of it (not him, by the way).

You realize everyone can see the ip count not going up, right?

If someone wants this game I have a key up for trade for something currently on sale.

Fucking AWFUL game

shit game

God damn you're right lol. Why's he so mad?

No the game is shit

agreed, the game is shit.