It is September 25, 2007. You're a dumb little consolefag and the day you were waiting for is finally here. Halo 3 is out. The greatest game of all time. Or that's what you think, at least, since you've never even heard of something called the PC Golden Age. For you, games like System Shock 2, Deus Ex, or Thief, which are all better than Halo 3 in every conceivable way, are boring old shit. Even if you wanted to try them out, you can't - that plastic little box is your only window into the world of gaming. A decade later, you're will still be refusing to give games like Gothic, Baldur's Gate, or Morrowind a chance - you will call them ugly and janky. Dumb console games are everything you'll ever play.
It is September 25, 2007. You're a dumb little consolefag and the day you were waiting for is finally here...
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ok boomer
You don't even have to go that far as Halo CE and 2 are already way better than Halo 3
Ok that's a cool phd but halo 2 was the only good video game ever created, of course people were excited.
Literally a console game
Halo 3 was great you fucking sperg. The whole period of late 90s - mid 00's was filled with great games, see pic related. They had their time and then the world went to shit.
Deus Ex was already bordering on unplayably obsolete by the time Halo 3 came out, in a way that Halo isn't today. Be honest, more people reading this thread will have bought one of the MCC games on steam than have played Deus Ex in the last 5 years.
i played those as a kid and loved them. still thought halo 3 was a masterpiece, and still do
fuck you
Deus ex, baldur's gate and morrowind ARE ugly and janky though. Technical limitations meant devs had to make games where the player's imagination filled in the gaps that the game world had, which is a quirk that probably will never be recreated no matter how hard indie devs try to force it.
It is July 25, 2020. You're a dumb little pcfag and the day you were waiting for is finally here. Halo 3 is out. The greatest game of all time. Or that's what you think, at least, since you've never even heard of something called the Console Golden Age. For you, games like Bloodborn, God of War, or Shadow of the Colossus, which are all better than Halo 3 in every conceivable way, are boring old shit. Even if you wanted to try them out, you can't - that plastic little box is your only window into the world of gaming. A decade later, you're will still be refusing to give games like BOTW, Perfect Dark, or Soulcalibur a chance - you will call them ugly and janky. Dumb PC games are everything you'll ever play.
Don’t let this hide the fact that a literal black minifridge is going to outperform OP’s shitty PC for two and a half years after launch
Nope, still considers it one of the greatest games of all time.
Bait especially with Halo 2.
>ou're will still be refusing to give games like Gothic, Baldur's Gate, or Morrowind a chance
I gave them a chance they were shit
this game is peak pc kino
Maybe if you're retarded, yeah
user, I...
I know you are.
played all of them and the only good one is baldur's gate. personally i grew up on swat 3 and brood war, and got halo 3 at launch. prefer halo 2.
lmao. I was all PC back in 2007, but the steamfags like OP really are a bunch of faggots.
halo 2 was peak halo. if you can't remember split screen multiplayer and lan parties at your friend's place, and chaotic early XBL you have no soul
Halo 3 was when it started going to shit, you could see the ground-work of the bullshit that was yet to come.
t. halofag since CE
Campaign was a disappointment.
campaign was awesome even though the second half/ending was disappointing. still had amazing scenes, music, and gameplay. best story of all the halo games.
Imagine seething so hard that you write an entire fanfic on 4chinz.
2 was a step down from CE in terms of campaign.
lmao still fucking BUTTHURT nearly 14 years later, stay seething cuck.
half of CE was rehash
Things began going to shit when companies realized multiplayer, micro transactions, DLC, and preorders were more important than the storyline of a decent game. Online console play helped kill story based vidya. I recently had surgery and dusted off my Xbox one and played mafia 2. The story was there, the graphics were decent, and the gameplay was just as entertaining as I remember even though it’s a 10 year old game. Mafia 3 was a pozzed piece of repetitive shit. Open world helped to kill gaming as well. Open world has to be done in a specific way and the world must feel alive. Radiant quests that you’ve done a hundred times for the same NPCs that are still chopping wood or sweeping shit is insanely crappy. I just want my golden age of gaming back when I looked forward to E3. Now E3 is just “hey let’s look at the newest installment of CoD and which studio is remaking old games.” Also FUCK GABE NEWELL AND ALL OF VALVE
Its amazing to think how this game was so universally praised and yet today if anything came out that was just like it today it would probably be seen as a laughing stock of a game at this point. The game is way too slow of a shooter for anyone to even give it a look. That doesn't even cover all the other features.
I've played Gothic, BG, Morrowind, System Shock (not just 2 lmao) etc. and I still love Halo CE through Halo ODST. Pound sand, wannabe.
Boy I love broken up, tiny, piecemeal levels!
I've tried those games and they're too dated and clunky to be fun.
Still better than 2.
>Deus Ex was already bordering on unplayably obsolete by the time Halo 3 came out
Nice bait, fag
t.finished DX a month ago
I was in my 20s. My buddy and I drove out late that night and gamestop was packed with a bunch of Hispanics and they wouldn't open the door. Got it the next day. Great fucking game. Still makes snoys and pc cucks seethe
I remember the night I got Halo 3. I was 10 years old, and somehow convinced my parents to take me to the midnight release. I got to play it for a couple of days and got stuck on Cortana because I was shit.
A few days after it came out, my mom went to the hospital. She was always sick so I wasn't really worried because it was a regular occurrence. I bitched and moaned the whole time because I just wanted to go home and play Halo 3. She contracted septicemia from a fucked up IV and died about a week later.
I really regret prioritizing Halo 3 over my mom at the time. I couldn't make myself play it for a while after that. Eventually I did, and it's probably my most played game of all time. It really filled a void in my heart as a young kid. For that, I'll always love Halo.
I remember leading up to its release, I would sing a little song to myself each day to the tune of the Silver Shamrock song from Halloween 3.
8 more days 'til Halo 3, Halo 3, Halo 3
8 more days 'til Halo 3, Sil-ver Shamrock!
>PC golden age is unplayable shit nowadays
>can pop in any Nintendo game from 1985 and it's fun
Really makes you think
I wonder which one you played as a kid.
Nigger I had a PC in the 90's and was playing Doom, UT, etc. I still loved Halo 3 and had a fantastic time on school nights with my bros from school in Fat Boy, Infection, etc.
Halo 3 is unironically the greatest game of all time and any reply to this post is pure cope. Your brony custom cs servers and 5 hours wc3 custom games can't compare
>compares a bunch of single player games to Halo
Only faggots ever gave a shit about Halo campaigns. It was always about that kino multiplayer
Most gave a shit about the campaigns.
I played deus ex for the first time a year ago and now it's in my top 5. I grew up playing Halo(and I still like it) that statement is bullshit.
Imagine thinking games have to be fast to be good
>theyre actually taking the bait
there is no overlap in the fanbases taste that you are trying to compare here. why the fuck would a halo 3 fan have even the slightest interest in boring DnD shit like baldurs gate?
none of the games you mentioned are even fps's, or at the least, the shooting is the worst part in them. wtf are you on about?
Thanks for reminding everyone of the year and game that attributed to the downfall of gaming and society in general
Those games are for autistic losers in their 30s. I'll still to playing halo and cod with the bros, boomer.
And those people were retarded. They all have sucked ass
It's September 25, 2007. You're a dumb little consolefag and the day you were waiting for is finally here. Halo 3 is out. The greatest game of all time. Or that's what you think, at least, since you've never even heard of something called the PC Golden Age...
You've never heard of games like System Shock 2, Deus Ex, or Thief, which are all better than Halo 3 in every conceivable way according to the hivemind, but that is because you were a preteen at their release. You start lurking on Yas Forums. A decade later, you refuse to like games other than Gothic, Baldur's Gate, or Morrowind and post a 3x3 of games you did not play at their prime but claim to have patrician taste. You played console games for a long time but now refuse to on principal.
Fixed it for you OP. Now go pretend you didn't enjoy Halo as a kid.
no, even when H3 released it was a disappointment. this is coming from someone who watched the trailer nearly every day before release.
I can't even get the cool patrician taste boomers to play Soldier of Fortune II with me. Its all talk, but all you fags do is play movie games now and just pretend you don't.
Morrowind is shit user, I can't believe you put it along masterpieces like Gothic and Deus Ex
Halo 3 was never good.
>System Shock 2, Deus Ex, or Thief,
Halo 2 and 3 are better than all those games, including System Shoxk, which is superior to System Shock 2 but you're an entry level contrarian so you didn't know that. Thief isn't a shooter.
>Gothic, Baldur's Gate, or Morrowind a chance
Played all those games and loved them. You didn't mention Daggerfall either which means you're a fag.
My top ten from best to worst is
Halo 2
Quake 3
Doom 1+2
Fallout 1
Deus Ex
Castlevania NES
Halo 3
System Shock
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