this game looks really soulful.
what are Yas Forums's thoughts on it?
This game looks really soulful
wide but shallow
it's fun but it's an incomplete game abandoned by the dev to make a sequel
I enjoyed it for about 80 hours.
Good game.
Its pretty good, but its one of those games where you need to make your own purpose. There's no story or over arching narrative, just you in the sandbox. Its also rather hard to get started, but getting over that challenge was part of the fun. My state issued a 2 week quarantine and my job shut down for two weeks also. May be the perfect quarantine game...
I hope Kenshi 2 would be the ultimate form of this game. It has great potential
You just mine iron ore in this game and it's really boring. I followed the top rated guide on steam and it was so boring I had to return the game.
I loved the exploration aspect of the game. It's jank, it's easy to break it, but the characters, the factions and dialogue/lore in it are immersive for me.
>leveling Labor even a single fucking time on anything but a Slave start
You played the game wrong.
>You played the game wrong.
>you didn't play it the right way!
I played safe so I didn't die but there wasn't enough difficulty to keep me interested for long.
Terrific world-building, fun gameplay, great (but minimal) writing, excellent exploration and base building, and an absolute fucking grind (mods fix this). Overall it's a superb game.
Mount and Blade, Starsector, and this game are basically the holy trinity of sandbox RPG. Would love to see more like this in the future, honestly.
Which is the wrong way to play the game. I'm sorry you had to find out this way.
>tfw no qt twitching autistic OCD gf
wholesome friendly people
Going through the Genesis mod. Here's my current squad. Keven, Dan, and Wilburn are all part of the Trio start, started a living by robbing Triangle Bandits that were left bleeding outside The Hub. Went to Ironside, snuck into the guard station to train weapons and eventually picked up Graham (who is the absolute weapon master) and Guillermina who I just use as a pack mule/aggro drawer. Currently gonna set up a base to research robotics so we can upkeep Graham.
They just need to borrow your skin, bro. Don't be lame.
the modding scene in this game is also pretty strong.
why is starsector so praised? looks and plays like a 15 year old flash game
the fuck is wrong with your character
you'll play it and nothing but it for about 2 weeks 12 hours a day and then stop. its 100% worth it tho
"Soulful" doesn't mean anything.
its great
not actually my characters, just a screen I saved. The issue is that your character model corresponds to your stats. Characters with high STR end up with beefier arms, legs, muscle definition overall, etc. Ridiculously high strength leads to ridiculously deformed models, but you can edit that stuff at a plastic surgeon.
Character in the pic probably had modded stats, plus cranked sliders.
it's great!
Looks Great
Narrow and shallow.
Its heavily overrated even for a indie game. I think it gets a lot of praise because its definitely got potential, but the developers made it abandonware so they could make more money from reselling the game under the name Kenshi 2.
Sure the first time you jump into the world its huge, expansive and seems mysterious, but once you understand that leveling your character means going AFK for hours, getting money means going AFK with a caravan or luring strong enemies into stronger enemies and the base building is utterly boring AIDs, you realize its neither deep or wide in design. Also you start seeing all the areas of the game they just ditched and never did anything with.
Really what more do you think could be added to kenshi? No really.
Yeah no. Warband and Starsector are real games with massive amounts of content. Kenshi is not.
You haven't played it.
do people not realize that game is still being patched? They're still fixing bugs in Kenshi 1 as they work on Kenshi 2.
And? Fixing bugs is not content. The fact is the game is incomplete and they left it rather than finish it.
caves, pits, tunnels and the like. It's a pipe dream and would almost certainly require loading screens, but I'd like to see buildable, usable structures of the scale we see in places like the Black Desert or the Ashlands. Bring out those Skyscrapers and let me make Kowloon Walled City.
I hope they finish it at some point.
Kek, that'll be $40 thanks
I think the genuine choice, between fixing Kenshi's many, many small problems and just starting anew with everything learned and a framework for a sequel, starting anew is the choice that'll see more progress in less time.
Firstly you're wrong, and second they're burned their entire community so they can enjoy even fewer sales on their Kenshi 1.5.
>Following a guide
You may as well watch a lets play at that point. It's about the same experience considering you made no independent input on your play through and never had to take any risks.
Reminds me of people who watched walkthroughs on DS1 and complained it was too easy because they knew the entire map beforehand (which is basically just cheating) and abused shit the devs didn't intend like the early drake sword.
Burned? I got my 250 hours out of it.
Never been to the Northern parts of OH SHIT..
what's in there?
>"skin bandits"
>want to become human
>they do this by skinning humans and wearing their flesh
>not a single one of them is black
I can't tell if this is based or not.
ill give you a hint
they dont call it the Leviathan coast for no reason
They want to be greenlanders not ashlanders
Praise Okran
yes it had more wasted potential but it is really good for roleplaying in specific ways
I wish there was a total conversion mod that made it a green and verdant map, so that i could pretend to be a medieval king expanding his fiefdom into an empire
here is how my first playthrough went, i only heard about this game from a friend so didn't know exactly what to expect:
>spawn in some run-down little town with a few basic shops (do you start here every time?)
>after noticing my hunger bar i bought some food then set off into the wilderness
>ended-up at some other town that looked a little more prosperous, but still small
>couldn't afford anything decent
>noticed some campfire not too far from town so went to check it out
>turns out it was some kind of bandit camp, and when i got too close they all started chasing me, telling me they were going to rape me or some shit
>ran back towards the town
>suddenly, the town guards come running out and slaughter the bandits
>when the fight is done, i loot the field, and notice the guards haul the bodies away so i have to be quick when looting
>go back to the camp and pull more bandits over to town, the guards come again and chop them up
>this time i strip the bodies and drop everything on the floor, so the guards are hauling away lootless bandits this time, and they dont touch the items left on the ground
>i can now loot the field entirely and sell it for massive gains
>cherry-pick the best of the bandit armor for my own use
>buy myself a thief bag with my not-so-hard-earned cash
>skulk around and start stealing shit left, right, and center
im no stranger to sandbox games where i have to figure things out for myself, but the sandboxes im used to are space-based ones like x3: terran conflict, is this how things usually go for you guys in this game?
It was made primarily by one guy over 12 years so I guess it has a soul in it by that reason alone.
Still sucks.
Has been said before, but the entire game is one good concept... And that's it.
The engine is atrociously bad. No, really. This already hinders much of the game's potential, since it cannot be much bigger than it is since the engine cannot handle it.
Almost everything but the combat is extremely limited. I feel even the combat could be improved upon in a sequel. It's the only thing the game got going for itself.
there are other starts that place you at different locations with different gear, stats, and even additional characters right off the bat.
thanks man, thinking of starting another playthrough because i feel like ive cheesed this one a bit
you haven't. try getting in a fight. Your playthrough isn't over until your character is permadead.
yup, seems like a pretty standard start
Post your Donuts
So, what do you do in this game?
Is the world always the same or what?
I've played as a Hash smuggler, a thief going around stealing unique weapons from rulers, a martial artist training to take down the 100 stat bugman, etc etc
Whatever you want honestly. But I think the game would have improved a lot with actual quests and writing
Explore and survive mostly.
most people start out in the Hub, mine a shitton of ore, use some cheat mod to get recruits out of thin air and then set up a base in one of like three locations near the Hub or Squin because they're soulless drones. You can't see a single interesting plathrough of Kenshi on Youtube because people simply don't have the imagination to play it. No one even thought of building their base as a reconstruction of Balmora in a Morrowind ripoff!
There are some stuff in vanilla that change in the world depending on your actions, but there's a mod out there, LivingWorld, that greatly enhances this.
Stealth + Steal is completely bonkers
I can steal anything from shops