What a horrible night to have a Castlevania thread

What a horrible night to have a Castlevania thread.

Favorite Game? Belmont? Track? Castle?
I'm replaying through HoD right now and forgot how relatively early on you fight Death.

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everyone who posts retarded sentence and spoilers "*game name* thread" should hang himself

where when you when netflix killed all castlevania discussion on Yas Forums

I was replaying The Witcher, trying to wash out the awful taste in my mouth after watching the Netflix Witcher series.

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Havent played too many of them but I fuckin love Aria. Something about the souls and pick up and swap weapons sort of gameplay really clicked with me. Trying to play through DoS now (With the definitive patch) but it just doesnt give me the same sort of feeling.

i mean it can be easily solved by reporting and ignoring but this is Yas Forums we're talking about

Even cringier the sentence is a Castlevania joke you no-fun-allowed faggot
Aria is a masterpiece, I like it better than Dawn as well. Love all the GBA games though.

I thought Haunted Castle was a neat playthrough as far as proto Castlevania went.

Netflix is good at ruining shit. Even their somewhat good adaptations like Dark Crystal still receive mandatory unnecessary pozzing.

Wasn't that released after the first one on NES though?

>I like it better than Dawn as well.
so did i but that romhack for dawn that fixes most of its issues bumped it the fuck up in my rankings

I played Symphony and liked the music, atmosphere, the gameplay was kind of fun. I hated the upside down bit and had no idea how the fuck you were meant to figure out how to even get there.
I didn't like the NES games, and I liked Rondo
Where should I go from here?
And for me, it's Wandering Ghosts

>Favorite Game?
Super Castlevania IV
Not sure to be honest.

What would a "Castlevania 5" look like?

A 16 bits remake of II?

Like Rondo of Blood

If you like Aria I recommend Symphony of Dawn. It's an excellent Aria romhack where you're Alucard using Soma's powers. It's got original soul powers, generous drops, and a new castle with decent challenge. One of the R button souls gives you a Star Platinum wannabe that yells Ora Ora!

thanks, ill check it out

If anyone even insinuate that there might be far-leftist propaganda in media or use the term SJW, a legion of shills come protect the product and brand. However, people could make up bullshit like "dogwhistling," doublespeak (which people pretend it is from 1984), "coded", or whatever bullshit which amounts to "pretend that I can read minds!".

Should I play Order of Ecclesia or Portrait of Ruin? I fucking love Symphony of the night and aria of sorrow so much god damn I gotta have more

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That soul was actually in the vanilla game, I believe it was from a caganozza or something like that.

This post is a lie, that hack is just shitty fanfic tier. It adds no new level design and no new souls, the Star Platinum soul is in the base game already.

I would say PoR because it is closer to those two games but also try out OoE.

Castlevania 1999 when?

Definitely Portrait. Ecclesia sorta does its own thing and it's a bit of a mixed bag at that.

Never ever ever

is the anniversary collection worth 20 bux

Depends on how much you like those games, it's one of the few ways to play Bloodlines legally though.

Ive only played two castlevania games.
One is aria of sorrow.
And the other i have no idea what it is. It was a character with white hair and you could move his whip around. It must have been a newer castlevania because it had RPG stats but older than aria (i think). Any help?

Harmony of Dissonance?

Harmony of Dissonance

>Favorite Game

5. DOS
7. Bloodlines
8. POR
9. HOD
10. Rondo of Blood

For my final Yas Forums thread, it goes a little something like this:

No matter what, this track would always stick with me forever. It will always remind me of the hardships and accomplishments I went through in my life and closing the book on Yas Forums (because of its current state) will be one of them.


None of us will be here forever.


Dracula's Castle. Always Dracula's Castle.

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Yeah of course it's Dracula's castle I meant WHICH Dracula's castle.
Also when did they start referring to it as Castlevania in-universe? Was it PoR?

I'll be damned it was. Always assumed it was the originator.

I bought it and you should only buy it if you're interested in the extra booklet detailing the development of each game. It has some nice concepts and early designs.


Aria is just so good. It builds on the Symphony formula with no jank or gimmicks. Dawn comes close but it needs a patch to make it better and grinding for souls to make better weapons kind of sucks.
Richter is cool. Maybe Julius.
Heart of Fire, Aria's opening track in the castle entrance, Symphony's library.
I enjoy Aria's progression but Symphony looks really fucking nice aesthetic wise.

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>Favorite Game?


Bloody Tears (Judgement)

Dawn of Sorrow

>Favorite Game?
Castlevania 1/chronicles I guess? It's the only one I've beaten. I want to like cv but I get way too frustrated with them to play them past the first few stages. Probably gonna try to beat 3 eventually though.
Simon, design wise
Although I really like Trevor's drunk no bullshit attitude in the netflix series
Lament of Innocence
Dracula's ?

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>dogwhistling is bullshit
Holy shit are right wingers this retarded?

this is the best track of the whole series


what a horrible night to have a dick in your ass

I only like Castlevania 1, 3, 4.
I don't like metroidvania because of having to figure out where to go and what to do.

If your a fan of the series yeah imo. The omission of Rondo is infuriating though

>Favorite Game?

Lament of innocence
I started with the nes ones. Last year I finally got to play the SNES one

just finally finished SotN last night. Played it so many times over the years only to drop it at Inverted Castle and never finish. Finally picked it back up a few days ago and powered thru. The 2nd castle isn’t bad and its kinda cool to go through again with all your skills from the start but the balance is awful. Had to wear worse equipment just to make it so that Dracula could do more than chip damage. 8/10 would castle again.
As for the OP, my favorite track is probably Awake from Circle of the Moon.

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>having to figure out where to go and what to do.

imagine being this fucking faggot

Did you get that sword in the inverted castle that summons a skeleton army? I'm pretty sure SotN is supposed to be easy. It's a powertrip.

he take dick in the ass

Why'd they do my boy Hector dirty like that?

I can't choose a favorite track. It's actually impossible.

that's the only thing in Netflix
wish if Konami ever revisiting Trevor era, they should adapting Netflix design for it

I got 2 crissagrims before the end and then barely used them because holy fuck its just too easy.

Bloody Tears (Judgement ver.)

what's with first posts being absolute shit lately?

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what rule would you report it for? also, you're a faggot

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Dumb nigger, you assume old fans are political when they just don't want their franchise being someone's mouthpiece at the expense of tone and quality.

I've found myself unable to enjoy any game without Simon as a protagonist, and even then, not all of them. It's not Simon himself that I like I don't think. I just found 3 too hard, the gameboy games too antiquated, and I just dislike MetroidVania's core concept.

I haven't got a chance to play Rondo yet, and I played Bloodlines, it was fine, but I lost interest.

