Been legit out of the loop Yas Forums, how come the new Animal Crossing being hated on?
Been legit out of the loop Yas Forums, how come the new Animal Crossing being hated on?
Because you can only have one island per console. They're just being shitheads.
Because animal crossing games are boring as fuck. Always been, always will be
trying to make every big switch game the next SWSH-level shitstorm is the new thing on Yas Forums
If I had to guess I would say that it's just becoming mainstream. The game has always had the same ideas, it just had a more obscure following. Now that everyone is trying it it's copping a lot of negative feedback for it's shallow gameplay and tedious repetition because it was never an amazing game to begin with
And on metacritic.
Because the game is a fucking wreck for more than one person to play.
You can only have one island per console, which doesn't seem like that big a deal, until you realize the person that plays the game first gets a substantially better experience than anyone else playing. And don't even think about two users playing at the same time, because there is no point; the leader gets all the fun, and everyone else is a glorified weed wacker.
is that john cena
It’s a falseflag by game publishers and journos to get sites like Metacritic to abolish the user score, the same way Disney got Rotten Tomatoes to remove the score of Captain Marvel and fudge the score for RoS. If it looks like every big game is downvoted by “bots,” maybe the sites will give up and remove the public scores and just leave the shill ones.
2K has hired a bunch of us to do just that.
If you've got a hacked switch, you can just swap out NANDs for different islands.
I'm sure that's good for people with hacked Switches, but honestly, customers shouldn't have to develop workarounds for this bullshit.
It's a vocal minority falseflagging because it doesn't have thing
>the same way Disney got Rotten Tomatoes to remove the score of Captain Marvel and fudge the score for RoS.
It's been years and you're still unable to cope with movies you don't like getting good reviews?
My issue is multiple players on a single console is poorly designed and everything falls to the first player whether or not you want it to.
Sony is desperately trying to curb the game’s popularity.
You can tell it’s Sony because PlayStation exclusive game that no one likes such as No Man’s Sky and Dreams get praised on here.
they should've just made it like they did with the previous Animal Crossings: One town per cartridge. Nintendo clearly wants people to buy more switches now, and that's the main reason for the hate.
It's not that great, that's why.
Maps look like a 8 year old made them in Warcraft Map Editor. Attention to detail is missing, instead of having icons that symbolize what you crafted it's all just a fucking leaf.
My time at portia is unironically better but dog fuckers will try to convince you otherwise.
Yeah it's pretty obvious. They really hamstring subsequent players out of not only fun and objectives, but the narrative of growing a society on island, as well as entire DIY recipes.
They removed content and are planning on selling it back to you as DLC in the future.
Why did AC even get this mainstream anyway? I don't recall this much hype when AC:NL was announced. Sure, people were excited for this whole "be the mayor and design your own town"-stuff, but just not to that extent. Same shit with these fanpages where they sperged out about some furniture item that had been in the game ever since Wild World.
one island per console is understood as Nintendo trying to get more people to buy another console
people would think they were joking, but this is brought to you by the same company that locked Crystal Chronicles multiplayer behind a stupid special cable dongle and needing a GBA handheld for every additional player
Honestly there are a few problems (mainly online and only the first player being able to be town delegate) with it as a result of Nintendo not wanting to update things for 2020. Fun game tho.
Colonial gameplay, not SJW friendly, finally seeing Nintendo SJW fanbase shitting on the things the love when there is nothing to shit on.
What I don’t get about the lead icon is that when you actually look up the items they have their own mini-icon, it just doesn’t show in your bag.
So basically the game is good if it is played on an emulator?
they even made a new console skin for it
Holy shit that dudes head is large, is it real?
Seeing as you should never give Nintendo money, yes.
It's just plain laziness. They knew they could get away with it. Which, for the most part, they did.
items being a leaf has been a staple of animal crossing since the very first animal crossing.
tanookis are said to drape their magic balls over leaves and make them appear to be things of great value. instead of just leaves.
its a real thing. dude is everyone on every board just a bot anymore?
Thought so, just weird how a lot of these new people are pretending to be AC veterans despite knowing absolutely nothing about the series.
>It used to be shit for years so it's ok to be shit now
Do you even listen to yourself? Imagine the new Doom still used 2D textures as enemies and people would defend it. That's almost as bad as what you're doing.
Yeah, he's /fitlit/
The game itself is pretty mediocre, if anything, emulate AC e+. There's also an English patch for that version out there.
this game is not a technical showcase, it's a charming niche experience
if you are interested in things like that please indulge in a different series, veterans of the series like it the way it is and for the charm it has
stop trying to force your way into my hobby
if every single game starts removing things that are a staple of the series and replaces those things with more modern convienences every single game will be the same.
you wont even have gamea anymore it will just be first person shooter the game. or match 3 the game. or press x a bunch to watch some lasers the game.
You replied to me shitface, you let me into your hobby if anything. If you don't like what I'm saying just ignore it, but obviously there is some truth to it cause else you wouldn't even bother to reply.
Fact is, there is no excuse to not have icons for craftables at this day and age, especially if there are 40 spaces in your bag.
We are talking about icons for craftables, not changing the whole game concept.
Zoomers blindly followed the hype and expected an entirely different game
that was my first post in this thread, please don't voice your opinion if you are not a fan, just stop playing
>please stop voicing your opinion
im just saying the icons for craftables have always been leaves. i expect them to be leaves. i would be disappointed if they werent leaves.
which is the objectively correct opinion to have.
Crystal chronicles was shit anyway
>selling for free
What did they mean by this?
Women hopped on the “quirky” girl that owns a switch to only play mind numbing games with their 20 tinder dates and 50 “friends”
It's A opinion you CAN have.
>only one song for the entire first week assuming you do the daily quests each day to progress otherwise longer
>building the shop REDUCES the hours you can buy things and night time sales incur a 20% fee
>can’t craft multiples of the same thing
That’s why I’m hating on it. So many other odd design choices almost make it feel like the game just does not want you playing it.
Bandwagoners wanting to share the game when AC has always been a 1-person game.
It’s tradition. Same with Double Kick in mainline Pokemon games always being a shitty hop since the 2d days even though there’s already perfectly good attack animations that could be used for it.
>Why did AC even get this mainstream anyway?
Nearly 20 decades of slowly gaining a following. It only feels like a sudden huge jump in popularity because you weren’t playing attention to the gradual growth of the fan base
I mean, that was basically Smash season in a nutshell with the "supposed" Isabelle fans that knew nothing about the game. I wouldn't be surprised of a bunch of new players complaining now are Smashfags and Isabelle waifufags.
Another succesfull game being review bombed, nothing new? The people latching in the whole one island thing probably don't have anybody to play the game with or don't even have the game either.
>they should've just made it like they did with the previous Animal Crossings: One town per cartridge
switch games don't save to the cartridge, ever. just the switch.
my wife has 2500 hours on Mario kart online so i was happy she might have another game to get into because MK is only game she plays
the second player doesnt get prompts of what to do so she doesnt really understand the game. the problem is basically ultracasuals not understanding this ultracasual game
the reason they never changed it is because animal crossing had always had a rather niche community who didn't really care about that. Seeing how it never had been a problem for players, they never bothered to change it; it's as simple as that. Now that new horizons introduced a large number of new players, maybe they will casualize the next game even more, so newcomers like yourself will have fewer problems playing it.
That's a bad comparision. If they change the animatio for double kick nothing happens to the gameplay experience.
If you have good icons instead of leaves you don't have to hover over them to know what the fuck you're selecting.
You're the most passive aggressive bitch I've ever seen on this board.
It's not like there's many other options if you own a Switch. So any new game release is a huge deal on it and get hyped out of proportion.
>holding back content for patches
>leftist bullshit in the English localisation, namely the removal of any mention of gender from the character creation screen
>salty sonyfags
I wouldn't say gradually. Sure, I wasn't paying that much attention to it ever since I finished NL in 2014ish. I just doubt Pocket Camp did a lot for its popularity, same thing goes for that obscure Wii U game. I believe what is right: Smash is probably the reason why the game suddenly became this popular.
People are zero bombing the user score to boycott the one island limit, that’s the only reason why it’s so low.
Other than that, people have unanimously agreed that the game is amazing, it’s just that one restriction that tips people off.
Because like every other AC since GC, you can do one town per console. Somehow people didn't know a single thing about what they were buying, and now they are salty.
The only real complaint is the first few days are painfully slow.
Because tendies are stuck in this perpetual cycle of half assed garbage new release > disappointment and outrage on social media > nintendo direct announcement > söying out "OMG NEW GAME IN THE x SERIES :OOO!!!!!!" > repeat
I can believe 2k would do that but it doesn't sound even remotely like something Nintendo would do, fuck off.
>like every other AC since GC, you can do one town per console
WW and NL were one town per cartridge, so people simply expected, as it's another AC game on a portable console, it to be the same.
Nintendo fans considering BOTW:
>change is good
Nintendo fans considering AC:
>change is bad
Sonnigers desperately doing what they can after the failed PS5 reveal.
Nintendo players in a nutshell, ladies and gentlemen!
Oh my bad, I knew it was 1 per x but just wasn't sure. Either way, with it being how it always was, I just don't see the outrage. Not saying I agree with the design choice, but at this point it is clearly a choice they are making and its how they want the game played. They were also very clear on it being that way since the first real showing of the game last e3.
Amerimutt doesn't understand that there is a world beyond the land of the penile removers