Yakuza: Kiwimi or original?

Yakuza: Kiwimi or original?
What's the better version and why?

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kiwami because muh new models

Original has english dub, make of that what you will.

i'm not a graphics whore
wait, you're telling me it got cut in the remake?

Kiwami because it's the new one, it has a better gameplay
Fuck faggot that say kiwami is shit because they want to look cool saying the ps2 version look better
Yes i'm talking about (YOU) fucking faggot i know you're reading this

That might be true for Kiwami 2 though.

I wanna pick this up.
Do I start with Zero, or Kiwami?
I understand that Zero is a prequel and Kiwami is a remake, but do I lose much playing either of these first?

you can do kiwami then zero, you aren't missing anything by playing in either order. its the same characters but two different stories.

You're not going to want to play 1 after 0, core gameplay and main hub is the same (for Kiryu) and 0 is just straight up one of the better titles in this series.

Kiwami was made for people who started with Zero so start with Zero

Kiwami is a sequel to 0 despite being a remake of 1. Do not treat Kiwami as a simple remake of 1 because it doesn't intend for you to use it as an introduction compared to how 1 expected you to use it as an introduction.
Nishiki himself is fleshed out in 0 and the added cutscenes in K1 flesh him out even more. Several substories follow directly from 0 and continue stories from there. There's also tons of references to 0 in general.

pretty sure they did, yeah.

Kiwami is better than 1 but Kiwami 2 is worse than 2

which game did Majima become wacky and silly?

alright, thanks lads.
I'll probably do 0 first in this case.

Start with kiwami, it's inferior to 0 so you save the good game for last
Just don't do YK2 -> Y3R that hurts

make up your fucking minds, guys. what is wrong about playing the story in order. this isn't fucking star wars

Having played the first 3 (chronological) games, I definitely agree, with that, do YK1 and 2, then 0.

What's wrong to YK2 to Y3R though? Is it the same deal with 0 to 1 and 2?

this is really really shit bait saying that you'll play the prequel first
>it has a better gameplay
I wasn't aware there's gameplay changes, i thought it was just graphics

Why would you play the better game first then play the worse game after ? It's better to start with the worse game so you don't get disappointed after

Do 0 first
kiwami is the worst one and just treat it as DLC for 0
Kiwami's story is only good if you have built a relationship with the cast from 0

Going from YK2 with dragon engine to Y3r with shitty control and ps3 graphics was weird

1 is jank, but Kiwami also has a bunch of bullshit in it, and the cutscenes look really weird because they use the PS2 animations almost exactly

In 2, 3 is more balanced and from 4 on you get his sob story.

You may have misinterpreted my post, my post was the second of the four you linked. I recommended starting with 1, going to 2 and then finally playing 0. I only say that because after 0 you will certainly be disappointed by Kiwami 1 and 2 as I was, I had to take like a year break to make it even bearable.

yeah but the extra added cut scenes for the villain help flesh him out

i prefer the original even though most of the english voice acting is shit
kiwami was made after the franchise got clownified so it adds a bunch of extremely stupid shit, the combat is 'better' in a sense but the original's was more grounded and not a bunch of swirling rainbows

Played both and started with the original.

The big thing for me is the combat in 1 is pretty garbage and didn't really get decent until 2 and 3. Not to mention the load times can make encounters go way too long for what they are. However, there is a charm to the overall experience that is hard to replicate. I also find the cutscene quality to hold up very well for being a PS2 title. The dub though really holds it back and makes it hard to really take it seriously though.

Kiwami does some stuff right, but it literally feels like a DLC for Yakuza 0 and not its own thing. Too many things are recycled and a lot of the more unique things that the first game had are kind of lost or redesigned to fit within 0's engine. Majima everywhere also does not flow well with the story and should have been an extra for New Game + or had the option to turn off. The music also is not as great as it should be and doesn't give quite the same impact that it should.

Kiwami is fine if you want to experience the story of Yakuza 1, but the original I think is a better way to experience the franchise on your first run if you have the ability to snag a copy or emulate it.

>i thought it was just graphics
It's a remake, not a remaster. You're thinking of 1 & 2 HD. Kiwami games bring the gameplay to the modern way they do combat and exploration at they time they came out compared to how the original handled it. There's also more content and new content.

Attached: PCSX2 Screenshot 2019.05.28 - (1920x1080, 493.02K)

Emulation makes early 3D games much more bearable since you can just quicksave and turbo through the load times.

>Kiwami games bring the gameplay to the modern way they do combat and exploration at they time they came out compared to how the original handled it.
well, is the new way substancially different? I haven't played either so this isn't saying much
>There's also more content and new content.
how is it?

let me put it this way: if it's the same story and changes between the two aren't very heavy, I probably won't bother playing both: which one should I play if I want to experience the story and sidequests in the best possible way?

>villain gets extra cutscenes that actually make him a compelling villain.
best part
New sub stories .
pretty good,90% of the ones in original really simple and you will forget about them
>More mini games like karaoke, pocket circuit, bowling, darts, billiards and MesuKing.
karaoke and pocket circuit (with its substories) is great
>The Majima Everywhere system.
Fun at the start but you will hate it by the end of the game

>start playing yakuza 3 a few days ago
>flatmate walks in
>in the middle of the nightclub section

I love the yakuza series (and shenmue), but goddamn is it hard explaining to other people what makes the series so great.

I always heard that the localized versions of these games were trash since they cut content to save costs for translations, which title stops that trend?

>The Majima Everywhere system.

>well, is the new way substancially different?
The original didn't even let you target a second enemy while holding the lock-on button unless they walked directly in front of you or unless you let go of lock-on and pressed it again. The original didn't have even close to as many special attacks as the new one. The original was very stiff and your combo strings were shorter. Enemies also had shorter and slower combos and moved stiffer. You also had to load into battles.
Kiwami has styles which you can switch to on the fly which change your attack combos, your defenses, you special attacks, and so on. Combat is much faster, enemies are faster, more active, and have better AI. Fights start where you are with no loading screen but there's a very short loading screen to get out of it.

>how is it?
Majima Everywhere adds tons of encounters with Majima to buff up Dragon of Dojima (Kiryu's original and only style in 1) but because of this and the frequency of it it makes his moments in the story matter far less and he's very obnoxious if it's not a unique encounter you haven't seen.
There's several substories up to the standards of modern games. The older games had substories mainly about scamming Kiryu or very basic ones whereas modern ones are more involved and comedic/serious while the earlier ones were pretty throwaway. The older ones are still present in Kiwami though, they just consolidated the multiple ones into a single one and made new ones to take their place.
The original only had baseball, UFO catcher, watching the strippers at Asia, and some gambling games. Kiwami has all those in addition to karaoke, Pocket Circuit (Minicar racing), Mesuking (RPS card game), arcade games, mahjong, shogi, and some more.

In Kiwami the main villain gets many more scenes to make him an actual character you care about instead of a complete joke who is barely in the game.

something like this probably

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-26 Yakuza 0 (Zero Punctuation) - YouTube.png (1352x296, 44.08K)

So here is the thing: The english dub is pretty bad and there is no way to switch unless you find a undubbed version or play in Japanese. On the flip side, Kiwami bastardizes a lot of areas in the story to where you get a very watered down experience compared to the original.

However, Kiwami cut a lot of missions from the game or re-purposed them to be more like 0. Admittedly many of the cut ones were not too special, but there is a decent amount lost. Kiwami also changes or add some stuff that is meant more for people who played 0 or even other titles in the franchise. Downside is a lot of the side activities are literally lifted exactly from 0 or are repurposed versions, so it feels kind of cheap in a way.

Personal opinion? If you had to chose, get the original and play Yakuza 2 on PS2 as well. Kiwami 2 did some stuff to that game as well that isn't the best.

One of the two main characters from Yakuza 0 starts ambushing the main character throughout YK1 and it's mildly irritating.

That was only for Yakuza 3. No other title had any sort of cuts or censorship. But they still have the tranny substories cut in the remastered version of Y3 but that was cut everywhere along with a Japanese quiz game.

Does Y3R fix this or does it still have the cut content?

Majima, a somewhat minor antagonist in the first game and supporting character throughout essentially the rest of the series, became really popular as the series went on.
Yakuza 0 had a mechanic called Mister Shakedown, where a big tough guy would occasionally roam the streets to beat you up and take your money
Majima Everywhere in Kiwami is essentially that, instead of fighting a big guy that will one shot you, you fight a boss that's still used at least 2 times in the game normally. Beating Majima in the Majima Everywhere system is required in order to unlock your Dragon Style moves, which is Kiryu's default moveset in the first 5 games, and a secret style you unlocked in 0.

The graphics really aren't that bad and the combat in YK2 is actually worse than Y3R.

The only game that had major cuts was 3. 4 cut a single minigame (Answer x Answer) which relied on Japanese historical knowledge and pop culture to answer quizzes on the fly (The same one was cut in 3).
The HD remasters have some changes. 3 for example cuts a couple substories and Answer x Answer, but considering the state of the original 3 and how much got added back by comparison this is completely negligible and a direct upgrade for us. 4 changes a couple lines and replaces some models for other models. 5 changes a couple models for hostesses.

There's no undub for 1, the one person attempting one had massive issues with it because it causes multiple Dates and Reinas to spawn in Serena breaking the game. The only fix he could think of was throwing the scripts onto 1&2 HD but that would take a ridiculous amount of time and the translation for 1 wasn't exactly good considering Fuma-oyabun and Kage.

3 HD's only cuts are Answer x Answer and Michiru's substories. Everything else that was cut or made pre-order for the western release is brought back. They did change some hostesses because they lost the licensing rights but the stories are still the same so really, the only change is a model, the voice, and their karaoke song.


Majima is the other protagonist of 0 and the most popular character (and most peoples fav part of 0)
So to keep new fans coming back since he only has like 10 minutes of screen time in the original (he's just a chaotic guy who turns up to fuck with you and the villains) he now ambushes you to fight/get into wacky adventurers
the intent in the story is to make Kiryu stronger (as well as Majima himself, by extension), and is the main way that Kiryu is able to re-learn all of the Dragon Style abilities from 0

>Currently replaying 0
How is it no matter what game I happen to be playing currently if I go to Yas Forums there is guaranteed to be a thread someone else already started about it?
This always happens it's like you fuckers are in my head or something.

Yes but let me explain a bit further,

The Yakuza 3 we got on the PS3 in America had over 18 cut substories and the hostess minigame cut as well as a few other things I can't think of off the top of my head.

The remastered version we have now only has 3 cut substories involving the cross dressing tranny as well as the cut Japanese quiz game mini game. But the new remastered game has that cut content cut everywhere. And honestly I looked up a YouTube video on the cut substories and it's honestly not that big of a deal I feel as it only involves like chase sequences and shit. I would say look them up if you're interested but you're not missing much.

Up to around 4, the entire series had names changed for certain characters, and 1 had a very liberal use of the word FUCK.
The OG release of 3 cut out a lot, for some reason, but the PS4 version that came out recently put the stuff we missed back in

ps2 games are so aesthetic

Just play 0 and fuck off from the series
It only get worst as soon you start kiwami

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sounds badass


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Shenmue for retards.

It cut out substories, Hostess Maker, Answer x Answer, the actual hostess club where you date the hostesses (Instead they just have the hostesses sitting at Smile Burger waiting for Kiryu to date them which is hilarious), some DLC, several bits of content it did have were made into pre-order only DLC and never got released for free after the fact, several other minigames, some special modes like Haruka vs. Kiryu, readable manga, and there's definitely more.

I found a list that's still up:
But he's wrong on the Kenzan front. You do get Ukiyo's Bell from having Kenzan save data in the English version, I can personally confirm this.

There is absolutely no reason to play PS3 3 at all anymore if you have a PS4. You lose 3 substories in exchange for basically everything back and a proper retranslation. Unless you know Japanese and can play JP 3 on PS3 there's no better version west.

How can you even claim this when Shenmue 3 exists.


Better than any Yakuza game.

I'm so sorry about the brain damage user.