I'm gonna leave my friend Xiao Pai here for a bit Yas Forums, Please keep tomatoes away from her.
I'm gonna leave my friend Xiao Pai here for a bit Yas Forums, Please keep tomatoes away from her
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more like CREAM PAI
I want her to sit on my face like in her introduction scene
more like No Pai
Umm, you do know Animal Crossing is out yeah?
Animal crossing doesn't let you impregnate waifus
can I explore dungeons, fight monsters with weapons and magic, level up stats and skills and craft gear in animal crossing?
>Does Animal Crossing have the worst bits of Rune Factory in it
No and that's a good thing
why is it a good thing
>worst bits
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, reddit is two blocks down.
There's a reason why Animal Crossing is outselling Pokémon while Rune Factory is dead. No one wants a shitty Zelda clone in their farming game.
Good thing rune factory 5 is coming out soon. Animal crossing is only popular with women.
>niche series developed by small ass Neverland and published by eternal poorfag marvelous sells less than bigass stablished franchise with multi million marketing campaign by nintendo
Ultracope. Stardew Valley also destroyed sales thanks to being an established franchise with a multi-million dollar marketing budget LOL
stardew valley isn't a niche genre you astro mong
Fuck off furfag.
all chinks must die
>marketing towards the 1%
but why though?
Why not?
Actually, honest question, seriously? I haven't got the smallet clue of what the fuck do you pretend or imply with that
in case anyone is curious
"farming sim" doesn't necessarily mean literal farming btw
>search "harvest moon" because I'm curious what came of it
what the fuck is this?
why does it look like shit?
>why does it look like shit?
it IS shit, Austin
I am going to marry your friend.
Because it is shit.
Also technically not Harvest Moon.
This but unironically
oh my fucking lord, the fuck is this
you forgot to mention that all that shit is in a JRPG format.
I need to breed your mom
>farm sims aren't niche
Now tell me about the multiple franchises that release year after year about having a small farm, socializing with the locals and animals to fondle.
No, FaceBook/mobileshit "farm sims" are not.
The name "Harvest Moon" is owned by Natsume who localized the old games. When Marvelous decided to publish it themselves in the west they had to change the name to Story of Seasons and Natsume started making their own farming sims named Harvest Moon hoping that people wouldn't notice the developers changed.
>animal crossing farming sim
>stardew valley JRPG
>harvest moon anime
What are the pros and cons between the different farming games out there? Also, which has best girls?
God, Animal Crossing fans are so fucking obnoxious.
we all do
but I rather marry Forte
>last story of... game published was a doraemon one
jesus christ, I see marvelous will never stop being so fucking poor
I mean, I bet its not a bad game, but having to appeal to the widest audience ever in japan: doraemon fans, doesn't screech much confidence in previous sale numbers
Everytime I feel like going back and beating the maze I remember you have to spend hours farming rare material and minmaxing your weapons and armor just to get past the first couple bosses. Post game isn't for me.
There's a new one coming out soo...
Never mind.
My sister got me this game for my birthday. Going from RF4 and AC to that really hurt me.
I haven't played many, but I really recommend Rune factory 4. Not only it has great girls (to answer your question) but it has a very satisfying progression due to how the farming has a purpose
1-you farm crops
2-you sell these crops for money or use them to craft medicine or dishes
3-with all of this you venture into dungeons
4-you find new materials to enhance your farm
I find all of this much more rewarding and purpuseful than farming for the sake of it. Consider that when I got into it i only wanted to play another JRPG and ended up loving the farm aspect.
Only complain I would have is that some of late game drops from monsters can get tedious, but its overall very solid. I'm surprised by the huge amount of dialogues and interactions included in the game to make all the characters feel alive and unique
Saber best girl
come on, xseed are decent guys. Sure, they don't have budget for shit or the godly skills of Capcom,l but don't speak of them like if they were team sonic or something, they still deliver decent games
I'm still crying ablout Sony killing senran kagura
tell me all about it
They really should add more save slots in RF. I've never gotten past the first month in any game because I wanna marry them all.
Just slap on crit chance on the highest level spear and go to town user. Shits broken.
>play entire game as a mage
>hit wall HARD with the fucking sharenze maze
>get biggest blackest dick great sword
>get magic charm
>mfw destroying universes
>they still deliver decent games
At a painfully slow pace, it took them 8 months to release RF4S and most of the translation work was already done.
eh, could be worse
>beginning of act 3
>grow a level 10 giant dungeon in max quality soil
>let it sit a week
>equip a rosary and enter/exit until Red is the first boss
>throw 200 turnip seeds at her to tame her
>get a super cute level 1005 fairy as a pet who instakills every single rune prana boss
I love the sheer bullshit you can do in this game, it's absolutely wonderful.
>download runefactory 4 yesterday so I can play it after playing Animal crossing
>Haven't played Animal Crossing since then.
how the fuck do I grow dungeons
also, how the fuck do I make the giant crops? I spens absolutely fucking everything on maximizing all 4 crops in the same space but they never fucking join or anything (they are huge, but that doesn't count?)
Yeah, but this is a Rune Factory thread
you're okay if you first chose xiao pai but moved to the actual perfect wife, clorica
she was my 1st
leave my new wife alone
Get a dungeon seed by beating the Racoon boss thats available in the first 5 days of each month. For giant crops, remember that Giantizer affects the soil, not the crops themselves, and the threshold needed for crops to become giant isn't uniform across the board. When in doubt, keep dumping Giantizer on the soil patch.
Neither does RF4 because of RNG
>meet her
>first thing she does is sit on your face
Best girl
What raccoon boss?
I'm so desperate for RF5 and SMT5 news. I want to finally see a mainline RF in full 3D and I want to see the new character designs
That's a weird way to say Dolce
play rf oceans undub on ps3 emu senpai it works good
holy shit she's the worst girl by far
holy FUCK user what's wrong with you
SMT5 is vaporware user. Here's hoping RF5 doesn't end up the same.
harem rf4 hack when
Worst girl is Amber
at least amber is fuckable