He has a VR

>He has a VR
>He didn't play Kaiji VR
what an absolute faggot you are.


Attached: kaiji.png (1200x675, 528.32K)

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What's the point of this without feet tracking?

Too depressing

i think it does have it though? maybe i'm wrong

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>he doesnt have feet and hip trackers
are you poor or something?

Hey that rhymes almost a haiku

I feel like Kaiji would win against Akagi 1v1. Sure Akagi is a genius, but Kaiji tends absolutely destroy his betters, even if he only rises to the challenge at the last possible moment.

>Akagi hustles striaght to the window, opens it and gets blown off the edge
>Kaiji hesitates just before the window, sees the secret exit and wins

No he wouldn't
Akagi is on a very different league
Also Kaiji relies on losing several times to win eventually, meanwhile Akagi capitalizes on increasing the stakes exponentially to punish his opponents for wanting to play again

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I highly doubt that, as much as i love Kaiji, Akagi always sees the shit that the opponent throws at him, the dude was born to be a fucking legend

So akagi shits on Kaiji the first few rounds and keeps raising the stakes. In that final round/final few rounds Kaiji suddenly becomes significantly more skilled, isn't it possible for him to pull out a victory?

I see where you're coming from, because in Akagi he is never taken by surprise by anything and basically can't lose.

>Akagi uses parachute

Kaiji can never win. Akagi has the stronger plot armor, with him being a "demon" and all that shit.

Realistically, in most cases Kaiji would die before getting enough attempts to beat Akagi. It already takes several tries for him to beat a bunch of low IQ idiots, like in the rock paper scissors game. You need to be borderline the world's greatest at something to compete with Akagi, either that or go for something that is 100% luck such as a coin toss (but Akagi has demon luck so good luck with that)

akagi is always under control, always sees through any trick instantly and can break the laws of causality with magical sand from hell and flow manipulation
Kaiji can't compete

Kaiji also tends to gain his victories from figuring out how his opponents are rigging the game, and figuring out a way to exploit that. In contrast, Akagi is just godly.

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>he doesn't main Tonegawa

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>Not Hyodo

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Akagi is a master of the flow. When challenged by one of his friends when he wanted to die, they took turns drawing 1-9 tiles. If Akagi, who went second every round, got a higher number, his friend would kill himself. If Akagi pulled lower, he'd give up his suicide. Akagi managed to pull the same number tile as his friend 9 times in a row, which is 1/362880, without cheating.


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akagi would predict anything kaiji has planned. it's like comparing a human to a god, there's no chance.

reminder that buraiden gai is underrated as fuck

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I fucking get it people. Kaiji has no chance. I remember how deific he was in Akagi as well.
Stop replying to my 2 retarded posts

>Akagi S2
>Kaiji S2 Never
>Tonegawa/Ootsuki S2 Never


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>Kaiji S2
What did you mean by this. Also didn't you like the scuffed Season 3 via pachinko clips?


I'm being sarcastic, FKMT needs way more anime adaptations, such as Zero, Kurosawa, or Buraiden Gai

Kaiji is a pretty clever dude but Akagi has plot armor. Kind of the whole appeal of Kaiji is that he doesn't have any sort of expediency for being the main character and gets fucked just like everyone else

Reminder that Strongest Man Kurosawa is fucking great. The first few chapters read like a slice-of-life manga but dont worry it stops being slice-of-life and gets really good soon

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S3*, my bad. Honestly, I was so disappointed when I heard they were making an anime for fucking Tonegawa - the guy who loses at E-Card and is never seen again. But then it turned out to be not only my anime of the year, but is probably in my top 5. I fucking love this man and I would die for a season 2.

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>that part where kurosawa accidentally kidnaps a baby
that was painful to read. It really deserves an anime

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>that image

Akagi would never use a safety net like that. Advantages are very dangerous, you know.

To be fair Kaiji would have a bit of a chance against old Akagi, considering Ten beat him because he had better intuiton or something like that.

I forgot akagi lost to fucking ten. Scratch that, you're all retarded, Kaiji definitely wins

>done in 5 Minutes

That will be 30 Dollars plus Steam Tax.

Kaiji-kun! Let's gamble!

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Akagi is supposed to be a god-like genius with unlimited luck. You can't really win against that.

>Tonegawa anime
holy fuck. I didn't know this was a thing. Thanks, user

Ten is really fucking smart despite not seeming so, has great instincts (most of the time Kaiji wouldn't trust them unless he's extremely desperate) and believes in heart of the tiles.
I don't think Kaiji could ever beat him, at least in Mahjong.

thats the lamest arc. They should have just made a video game where it animates the next mahjong arc.

Unsure if you've read the manga, but it's really great. It's Slice of Life but in a much more interesting setting. It's got some of Ootsuki in there too on his 1-day excursions. I was lukewarm on him at first but ended up enjoying him as much as Tony. It's maximum comfy and genuinely helped me with my attitude to work.

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Kaiji would destroy this dumb bitch

Kaiji has been steadily building his power level beyond the anime arcs

I agree that prime Akagi would win decisively thanks to his superhuman luck and intuition, but it wouldn't be a stomp as Kaiji is improving and always seems to pull a turnabout when things are at their worst

He's like a cockroach, you can't get rid of him

Honestly the slice of life chapters are some of my favorites, mainly because i relate so hard to many of Kurosawa's struggles. It feels like Watamote except it's lead by a middle aged construction worker instead of a cute anime girl, which makes it automatically better and more realistic.

it's on psvr though
I'm not buying a ps4pro and the headset for a 5 minute game

How would this work with the beam being at best the length of your bedroom?

Akagi is born to be OP. He has no weaknesses. The only time he was pushed to the limit was because he ran into another demon, one who had even better luck than he did. Akagi was so OP it made me retroactively mad about old Akagi losing in Ten.

I'd be interested in how some of these gamble manga protagonists would compare to each other. I feel like Kaiji would lose to Usogui as well. He'd shit on though

Kaiji wins but only if his homies Chang and Mario are there with him.

Is Akagi the Goku of gambling? The appeal isn't whether he'll win, it's seeing how he beats impossible odds.

kaiji is a master at grabbing victory from the jaws of defeat. he'd lose early, figure out some critical shit and then body akagi

to be fair this is the appeal of most gamble mangas. in a lot of them the protag is an ubergenius so its more about seeing how they plan around the danger and how the gamble is explained rather than if they win or lose.

i think thats one reason why Kaiji is so popular, he actually can lose, and had to start from the absolute bottom

should i watch Kaiji if i really enjoyed the dark/grungy aesthetic of Akagi

Madhouse did Kaiji as well and the first two seasons are very dark and grungy, so yes

kaiji is one of the few manga protags who still loses semi-frequently, so seeing if he wins IS part of the appeal

very nice
akagi was super fucking comfy because almost the whole thing was set at night in grimy gambling dens or something similar, watched it like three times over the course of a summer

you should READ kaiji yea

music is key to my enjoyment of anything

I enjoyed the adaptation of Kaiji like 50 times more than simply reading it. The voice acting and score are incredibly good at setting the mood.


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It's Japanese Calvinball.